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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Nope - Ctrl+C & V work fine for me. (Win 11 / EN 10.62.5) - Are you using the web or the installed app? Restarted your device recently?
  2. Hi. Please explain. What device / OS and Evernote version do you now have, and what version were you using previously. Do you still have a large EXB file on your computer? If so, any work you did in the previous version may have been stored there - but if a note was open when the install happened, it's unknown what happened to the content. All notes should have been moved to the server and be visible in v10. Earlier versions of Evernote will be available on internet archive sites like Filehippo, but there are no known 'official' sources. EXB files are an Evernote proprietory format based on SQlite which might be able to open the database if you can't find the right Evernote version.
  3. Hi. Please check these two locations - https://www.evernote.com/Settings.action and https://www.evernote.com/PersonalSettings.action ...and in each case choose "new version" That should resolve the problem.
  4. Hmmn. Not for me - just downloaded "Evernote-latest" from your link and wound up re-installing 10.62.5. Odd.
  5. Hi. Power your system off and back on / use Revo to uninstall and reinstall...? Startup these days seems pretty instantaneous, though the web app takes maybe 30 seconds to load, and I see the "paused" message very occasionally... if you're a subscriber, have you contacted Support?
  6. Just a reminder - the use of any AI service is entirely optional, and if you have any concerns about what data may be submitted, or the overall security of the system, all you need do is decide not to use it.
  7. Please don't post twice on the same subject. I deleted your other post.
  8. Please check your facts before posting. AI search is an opt-IN feature. If you prefer not to use it, don't. And the data supplied to a third party system to complete the search is not retained for any purpose and is purged within 30 days. There is a possibility that third party staff might see the content if there is some issue with the results but the answer is: don't supply anything you are concerned about. Simples.
  9. Hmmn. I think what you may have here (as they say) is a failure to communicate - if you search help for 'checklists' you get this - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313618 which has the right heading, but actually refers to checkboxes throughout. It may be that when the 'old' Evernote team introduced the new checkboxes they intended to deprecate 'lists' but never got around to it. If you check an exported ENEX file, the good old-fashioned checklists come up as en-checked:true/false, where a checkbox is en-todo checked="true/false". The new guys may not even appreciate that there is a difference unless it's explained to them - A 'todo:<x>' search will find checkboxes, but no longer finds 'lists - so everyone using 'to do' systems that depend on 'lists is a little stuffed for the present - there's no way (AFAICS) to even find notes containing checked or unchecked lists. There are some options with contains:list / contains:task etc, but I don't see (on my current version 10.62.5) anything that will show me notes containing checklists. I'd recommend using 'boxes rather than 'lists in the future - and using Tasks where you can. EDIT #1 I dumped this onto Support too - my ticket is #3759760 if you want to tag it onto your own reports. Reading through this thread again I lost track of whether we're talking about 'lists or 'boxes, so just for the record - my Windows desktop 10.62.5 finds checkBOXes just fine with a 'todo:true/false' search. I can't find a way to find checkLIST notes using any normal or AI searches - the only apparent difference is in the ENEX file. EDIT #2 Writing my own explanation of the difference between these two objects I found that if you create a checkbox item and hit 'return' at the end to add another line, the checkbox turns into an unfindable checklist, as do any other checkboxes in the same group. Outstanding!
  10. Hmmn. Not having issues here - have you tried recreating the database? Maybe nuke the whole thing with Revo and start over?
  11. Agreed - but I'd bet that a more important question for Evernote in the next few years would be - is that a priority? They're doing a pretty good job at the moment of making sure that the basics are working, and I'm sure there are many areas where things could work better. As that nice Mr Jobs used to put it - "Done is better than perfect" so I'd expect the company to be doing a broad sweep across the product making sure everything is working, and then later, another sweep to see what can be improved.
  12. I "timeline" my notes with dated titles prefixed with yyyymmdd so sorting by title also gives me date order. I don't do daily notes, but it would be easy to set up a template that included 2023 in the first line* (or even 202310) and just fill in the day number as necessary. The content is easily overwritten with any year and month so a note for 20251225 would still sort into the right order with a couple of taps. If you prefer a different date style, Alt+Shift+D (Windows) will insert a system-format date. * Templates don't automatically have titles, but whatever is in the first line will autofill the title when you click in the blank title area.
  13. As to 'alternatives', Internet searches also work... https://noteapps.info
  14. Yeah - approximately zero. If you don't want to subscribe, that's up to you. If you're worried your free ride will go away - find something else to use. There are lots of options...
  15. ...But also be aware that the older versions of Evernote will stop working at some unspecified time in the near-ish future. You'll still have access to your notes - via the web app, and/ or v10 - but your current version will finally stop. You really need to decide whether to upgrade your tech, or to move on to another app. I appreciate that's a very personal and a budget issue, but it is a cold, hard fact. What will you do when Evernote Legacy's lights go out?
  16. Not sure what you're asking here - I imported the enex file into v10 and got a note with perfectly legible content as picture 1. No updating was required. You can display that as is without any problems. If you were to edit it though, there are those format changes when it is 'updated'. It does occur to me (and I may try later) that you could export the content to a PDF file and then re-import that file and annotate it from there - but since I don't know what you might want to do with it from there, I think it's best if you do any further investigations!
  17. Yep - you're otherwise just wasting storage space; the imported file is part of Evernote's database as well as being present in that folder.
  18. I do think that one difference is that senior people at Bending Spoons are active users of the app, and this is now 'their' money. Previously as a startup with lots of backers I'd imagine big decisions were taken in a big room with lots of conflicting inputs. Now I get the impression that there are a lot of business-oriented people trying their best to make this whole thing work. There's a concentration and a drive behind what they're doing that I haven't seen before. I rather like it. Plus as new owners, BS have brought in a new 'eye' - after years of operation there must have been techs who did things in a particular way because they'd 'always' done ot that way. The new guys will have asked a lot of 'why' questions and probably changed a lot of processes - hopefully for the good. We'll find out...
  19. I use the taskbar method and never shut Evernote down anyway. It gets lost behind other windows or minimised from time to time, but the app is an integral part of my routine. While you are free to use it as you wish, wanting to change the way it works when there are viable alternatives seems academic. I doubt this is something that Evernote would even consider, but your request is raised; let's see what happens.
  20. And here's the end of the imported note - the format change if you wish to edit is a little extreme - I think you'd want to find a new note taking option for the future... Imported If you want to edit - If you update... -You may be able to use the sketch app, but it doesn't look too hopeful. I'm sure it will be improved - But not this year!
  21. Caps lock failure too, huh... you might want to read my helpful post here... https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/148039-are-you-new-here/ The new owners took over a bare 10 months ago, so grudges going back 10 years are pointless. If you have an issue I'd recommend reporting it (as you have), and finding a way around it, since the team have some sensible priorities in getting basic security and reliability issues fixed before they get into anything else. If you wish to remind Support - after a reasonable interval - that you've still not had a result, that's fine; but I used to run one of those teams and one of our biggest frustrations was the yahoo users who peppered us with constant reminders - it's like a kid's "are we there yet?" query every mile or so down the road and just about as helpful. Please believe that these people are professionals (and people) who are doing their best and don't need more aggravation than they already have...
  22. You'll certainly be able to see them - I don't know whether you would be able to make any changes though. If you don't have a working v10 yet and are willing to share* one of those notes with me by DM, I can open it in v10 and see what happens...? EDIT - sorry, *meant: copy the share link into DM or export to ENEX and send me the file (!)
  23. V10 does not really support handwriting. You'd have to try out the 'Sketch' feature to see if it measures up, but most folks (I believe) prefer a specialist handwriting app. These have been mentioned here before... Goodnotes - https://www.goodnotes.com (save OCR'd PDF to Evernote) Livescribe - https://uk.livescribe.com/ Nebo - https://www.nebo.app Rocketbook - https://getrocketbook.co.uk Wacom - https://www.wacom.com/en-gb
  24. Hmmn. There's a lot that can go wrong with both old and new versions around backups, including the fact that if you replace a current database with an old one, the server will detect that your replacement note is older than its own copy and will promptly overwrite your correction with the previous version again. General best practice would be: only ever export single notebooks to ENEX. The file format doesn't hold notebook information, so your restore from an account-level export it would be into one big notebook. if you have to replace note content, restore the whole notebook to a temporary notebook, copy the individual content and paste it into the current version of that note, overwriting the current content. Delete your temporary notebook. in v10 don't mess with Evernote's local files - they're not user-friendly! As for copy/ pasting - I use ShiftWinS to grab an area (in windows 11 watch out fo rthe little menu at the top of your screen with options) and once grabbed I can paste the result immediately into a note. No processing required. The screengrab goes straight to the Windows Clipboard.
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