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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Agreed - apart from some NDA titbits about upcoming features, no-one knows Evernote's long term plans, and on a purely business basis I would think that they'd wait for another 6 months or so before considering further major changes. The results from feature and subscription changes will have begun to shake out by then. There's also probably still a lot to do in terms of speed and reliability meantime. Also IMHO it's not worth worrying about what 'may' happen. Far better to get on with your life on the basis of current conditions and leave dealing with any new developments to if - and when - they are actually announced. -Something about crossing your bridges when you come to them...?
  2. - and please don't post twice. I deleted your other post.
  3. Huh. I got an actual page asking for email details of the person to be gifted (I think...) Odd.
  4. Re my External-Edits folder - Support confirmed that this is where Evernote places a file when it is being edited by an external application, and from where any changes are imported back into the database on completion. Once any edits have been completed, and the note updated, this 'temporary' copy can be deleted. (I think the caveats mean: "delete files at your own risk"). So I did. If anything bad happens I'll let you know. On a vaguely related topic, I got updated to 10.62.3 and Support's reply made me check my Import Folders. It seems that one or more of the recent 10.62 updates broke that connection for me - I have to set up my folders again.
  5. Still seems to be possible - https://www.evernote.com/BillyGift.action
  6. Very temporary work-around - save your attachments to a cloud drive and add their cloud links to your note.
  7. Someone experiencing this issue is going to have to report it to Support to get Evernote looking into it - we're mostly other users here and this only seems to be happening with a small number of users. There are already new desktop and mobile updates, so make sure you're on the latest versions (10.62.3 and 10.55) and if this persists - contact Support.
  8. Sorry - I actually gave this post the benefit of the doubt, hence the reply - but another one, which I guess is what this was all leading up to, had a sneaky double URL in it, one of which lead back to Evernote and the other went off to a spam link - both together looking superficially like one legit link So lost patience with the joke and nuked the whole account, which deleted all the posts related to it, including this one. The power of the Moderators is exceeded only by their mystery...
  9. Just for completeness, though it may not be relevant here, it is possible to link notes by dragging and dropping one on top of the other. I tend to keep an intended 'parent' note open in its own window, and select and drop notes into it from the main app.
  10. Hi. I have had two Support queries handled in the last few weeks - the responses were helpful and fairly quick.
  11. Hi. No clue - we're mainly other users here: are you a subscriber? If not, it's possible to get locked out of your account if you exceed the device limit...
  12. The Forums are mainly user-supported, so we can't help much with passwords or payments and refunds apart from suggesting you contact Support. Both subscribers and non-subscribers can contact Support through https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?guest=true - use the issue type "Account"
  13. My understanding is that AI search (which is already here) and 'other new things' are included in this new subscription. Further increases may follow, but unless Evernote got its sums very wrong, they will be more in line with inflation levels than this major reset.
  14. How is the AI bot project going? This seems like a late and very general response to the original query, and it rather ignores the fact that since the OP in June there have been several new versions of the Android app, one of which - since there were no follow-up posts here - presumably fixed the issue. (I got 10.55 yesterday.) I do like the kitchen sink approach of throwing in every possible fix option - including 'use a different app' - but this post doesn't really seem helpful to me. 3/10 for effort
  15. You're able to revert to the free Basic plan for the time being - all your current notes will be maintained for as long as you need it. You can also use the Basic plan for er... "basic" note taking from two devices, one of which should be the web client. If and when you find an alternative service you will be able to export important notes over to it. The price increase is not good news, but the new owners are not unreasonable - they're just being realistic about the finances they need to run the business.
  16. The web client is working for me - what's your device OS and which browser are you using?
  17. Just for confirmation, what versions of Windows and Evernote are you running?
  18. Hi. You need to contact Evernote Support. https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  19. Hi. You need to contact Evernote Support. https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  20. Click on Help and About Please confirm your Evernote version.
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