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BurgersNFries last won the day on November 11 2017

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  1. Hello there, I want to change my email from business back to my personal email. It can;t be done, because the system tells me, the email address already exits..... Can you help me?

  2. At 61, I'm still a novice at organizing notebooks but you and Evernote have helped me a lot. Thank you.

  3. Regardless of your opinion on Gaz's replies, right there is your answer. It's Evernote's product and if they choose to not implement any stronger/better encryption, it's certainly their choice, If it's a deal breaker for anyone, then it's the user's choice to use an app that better suits their needs.
  4. @ab1kenobee, thank you for the congratulations! Yes, I've become jaded wrt Evernote and realize this is just a part of life. But I'm not a negative person in general. I've been coding for the past 40 years. I've been very "computer bound" in the past 20 years due to work and doing more things on a computer (like most of us) such as bill paying, meal planning, grocery lists, photos, social networking, budgeting, etc. But I'm looking forward to being less computer bound, now that I am retired. And the time required to migrate back to Evernote (should I ever want to) is not something I envision wanting to do because I'm enjoying life beyond sitting in front of a computer. ;-) Thanks again!
  5. That may be an indication of how apathetic many of us have become wrt to Evernote. I'm not going to get my hopes up. I do keep haunting the board to kind of monitor what's going on at EN. I suspect for me, it is too little, too late. Because if they were to address my main point of contention (scalability on all platforms), it would take a major overhaul and at least a year or more. Since I am newly retired, I will be spending less time on my computer and less willing to migrate back to Evernote. When I started my first migration to Evernote (June 2009), I really thought that would be the last time I'd have to do this (after years migrating from various PDAs and their associated desktop apps to another). Onenote is not nearly as useful to me as Evernote (before EN became totally useless due to the scalability issue). But...Onenote WORKS and 60-70% useful is better than zero percent useful.
  6. First, I did not call you silly. I did say leaving an unattended computer running w/o locking it down...is silly, if you have concerns about someone getting into the data on it. And it is. Second, I did not say I could not imagine why an app locker was silly. My statement above clarifies this. Third, if you could set your emotions aside for a moment, you might be able to see that I am not insulting you. I am offering suggestions. And since you seem to be confusing so many issues in this very short thread, it would seem to be even more probable that you are misremembering the password. I don't make this stuff up. Once again...good luck.
  7. We are not talking about shutting down your computer. Locking it does not turn it off. It simply requires a password. This prevents any guests in your home from being able to access the apps and it's silly to not do this, if you leave a computer running. FWIW, it's more probable that you are misremembering the password rather than the software has decided the correct one is incorrect. Good luck.
  8. Please search I can't imagine why it's impractical to lock down your computer. Mine shuts down after so many minutes of inactivity. It takes about three seconds to sign back in & IMO, it's ridiculous to leave a computer running in your home and not have it lock after a while or not lock it when you walk away. Authorized family members can easily & quickly unlock it in a matter of seconds. Another option is Gameprotector. It's free. Please Google it or search the board on it. I have posted about it in the past. As you can see, when using a password/PIN, it's important to make sure you know & remember the password/PIN. Good luck.
  9. I have been using Amazon S3 servers via Jungledisk UI for many years now (at least 7). IDK offhand how much space I use, but I think it's safe to say I use more than most of the average Joes b/c I tend to be a "virtual hoarder" and have documents, files, photos and even home movies I've been collecting for about 25 years now. What used to cost me ~$90/month is now down to $40.
  10. FWIW, you *can* put an encrypted container in Dropbox & open it as a virtual drive. I've done this in the past with a Truecrypted container.
  11. I switched from Evernote to Onenote last year. I got Office 365 (annual subscription) which includes free updates of the Office suite software and one terabyte of cloud storage. Onenote doesn't work as well for me as Evernote USED to. But Evernote does not scale well. They are aware of this and have continued to not address the problem. It got to the point where EN simply would not work on my PC, iPhone or iPad due to the large number of notes I had (66,000+) I had. So for me, the $100/year for the version of Office 365 I signed up for was worth it, since I had two EN premium accounts. But as you say, that's a different discussion.
  12. It's an ad-hoc thing. Fiddling about sharing with myself from an additional account sounds a right PITA. I just want to click a button "Make Read Only", "Protect from Changes" or whatever. KD Since there is not a way to do what you want & there is no way to know if Evernote will add this or not (since they do not discuss their roadmap), Jeff is simply offering you an alternate way to do what you are wanting to do (write protect notes). Hence the term "workaround".
  13. Other ways are discussed in order to inform users of, well, other viable ways that are currently available to protect sensitive information. We are users, just like yourself. So unless & until Evernote decides to add a password to their desktop apps, other methods are all that are available to users.
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