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Everything posted by s2sailor

  1. As @PinkElephant said, open a note on two devices and start typing. As you start typing on one, the letters almost instantaneously appear on the other, plus you will see the avatar of the other device. It is designed for real-time editing and should hopefully be the fix for anyone that has sync issues. I just received it yesterday and I think they are expecting the rollout to be complete tomorrow.
  2. Has the new sync been enabled for you yet? If not, you will have it soon. It is pretty instantaneous now.
  3. Ok. By any chance, when you uninstall on Android is there an option to delete data or not? If there is, and you didn't previously, select delete the data so that you get a fresh install of your data. Other than that, I'm out of thoughts on this one. Hopefully a fellow Android user can chime in and help out.
  4. Oh, I see. Sorry, I haven't run into that specific problem before and I don't think I've seen it mentioned on the forum. Was this working for you at one time, or is this a new installation for you?
  5. Under the ellipsis (three dot) menu -> View options - there is "Show body text" options of Small, Large and Card. Small shows 1 line of text and Large shows three. Is yours maybe set to small? At least that is how it is on iOS.
  6. Slightly off topic, but I suspect this is why local notebooks were never included in the v10 roadmap and why we won’t see them come back. It must have been a support nightmare. Much simpler to manage if all data is server side. I would have liked to have seen encrypted notebooks added, but the focus appears to be ai, so I’m not holding out any hope for that.
  7. Now that I think about it more, I believe the nag messages I was thinking of were for plan upgrades, not a software version upgrade. Ok, makes more sense now.
  8. Increasing communication with users is always a great and welcome idea. To be honest though, I have to believe that anyone that uses the app even a little must know there is a new version out there. There have been plenty of forum posts complaining about upgrade nags. Also plenty of posts stating they have upgraded and then reverted back to Legacy or left EN entirely and have given their reasons why. There is a lot of information to be found here already in the forums as well.
  9. One remaining pain point for me is moving a large number of notes from one notebook to another. It was pretty much instantaneous on Legacy. On V10 I start it and then go out for dinner. Fortunately, I don't need to do that often. Maybe the new sync will improve/fix that. It hasn't been rolled out to me yet. Maybe it is time to just rip off the bandaid and be done with it? Put an end date out there ... 3 months ... 6 months ... 1 year, or whatever and just get it over.
  10. I use to scan directly into Evernote and recently (on a Mac) set up an import folder Instead. Evernote “was” deleting the files after import. I actually wanted the files to stay around as backup so went looking in the settings for a switch. I only found the coming soon message indicating that it should be saving the files. I ended up reloading the database due to a different problem (stuck task syncing - discussed elsewhere) and the next time I scanned, the file was now saved (as I wanted) and not being deleted. Strange …
  11. I had this exact problem on a Mac. Notes were syncing but not tasks. The fix for me was to sign out and then when it asks if you want to save the local database, say no so that it forces a new database download when you sign back in again.
  12. This. At least charge some minimal amount to cover costs.
  13. Same here. Early V10 was painful to say the least and I ran legacy in parallel for a long time, but I’m now fully on board V10. Speed was never that much of an issue for me but I do miss local notebooks. I would like to see encrypted notebooks come, but I’m not holding my breath. I’m happy, in general, with the new development. Tasks has allowed me to drop my subscription to Todoist. I’m curious to see what BS has planned and here’s hoping they don’t ***** it up or price me out. Edit - interesting that the word s*c*r*e*w was blocked, but the other imagined word is fitting as well.
  14. Checkboxes are still there, in addition to checklists. Click on the blue + (insert) icon. There is a list of several items that can be inserted, including checkboxes.
  15. Strange, but this works for me as well. I've used templates in the past without trouble. I'm not sure when this issue crept in. Thanks.
  16. You were lucky. I tried 50 notes recently and it took 15-20 secs per note. After watching it for a few minutes, I left the house and ran an errand. V10 has been, more or less, ok for me. Slower overall but manageable. This was the first time that I tried moving more than one or two notes ... wow, this was unbelievably slow. I really hope improving this is somewhere on their task list.
  17. The notes are your property and can be exported to html or pdf. The problem is with the OneNote importer. I run into a similar problem when I was investigating OneNote earlier. Many competitors can import the native enex files, and as I recall, Devonthink just sucks in the EN database without going through an export/import process. The burden is on the competitor to decide how they want to enable those leaving Evernote for their product.
  18. The open in Spark link still exists and works for me in Evernote 10.21.5 Mac. Maybe remove and then add back the connection in Spark.
  19. s2sailor

    Date format

    That is a valid request and makes sense. The standard OS date config never worked for me and I’ve always used autohotkey, that’s why I mentioned it. As I understand it, v10 was a complete rewrite, so it might be they just haven’t added it back in yet.
  20. s2sailor

    Date format

    Evernote has never been very configurable in the date formatting department. No matter what they add, someone will always want something else or something different. It is best to use something like autohotkey to configure exactly what you want.
  21. A task is an attribute of the note. That is how it has been architected, so a note is first needed as a container for the task. If you create a task without assigning it to a note, it will be assigned automatically to a note called "Things to do". I see your point and would also like to assign a tag to the note when creating a task. When you create a new task, they show you the note that it is assigned to and give you the ability to move it. It would be nice if below that was a note tags item showing any current tags assigned to that note, and the ability to add or delete note tags from there. I think that would accomplish what you are asking for. Also, I would like to see a task view grouped by tag.
  22. In case you were not aware, note pinning is available today on the dashboard view. You can pin one note in the personal plan and multiple ones with the professional plan. There are requests to have the pinned note show in the note list pane as well. Alternatively, you can make a shortcut to a note and it will show up in the shortcut list in the left hand pane. The entries in the shortcut list can be manually reordered.
  23. Shortcuts are very useful. I use them as well. Depending on the device I’m using I will minimize the left hand pane. That is when I would find having pinned notes in the secondary, note list pane, to be very useful. The email app I use has a pin feature and I use that all the time.
  24. Yes, that request has been out there for a while, but now that pinned notes has been implemented in the dashboard I created a new topic to hopefully encourage them to not stop there. The situation you describe could be problematic, and it would be a problem with searching, now that I think about it. Those details would need to be worked through. I suppose making pinned notes scrollable to be an option would work but it does complicate the coding. I would be happy if they would just pin the note(s) to the top of the list in the all notes view.
  25. Now that we can have pinned notes displayed in the dashboard, it would be nice if that note (or notes if you have professional) could be pinned to the top of the note list pane. Also keep them pinned (always displayed) when scrolling the note list.
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