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Everything posted by s2sailor

  1. My recent experience is unfortunately different. Two tickets opened 3 weeks ago. Other than the initial email response, no further contact human or otherwise. When checking status online, one is closed. It would have been nice if I was told. The other is still open. I’m not as charitable as you Gaz. Their support performance, never particularly good is, in my experience, shoddy now.
  2. If it is not worth reporting to support, why even bring it up here? Evernote rarely visits the forum, unfortunately. This has been set up for users.
  3. My recent Bear test was with a notebook of about 600 notes. Notes and attachments moved over fine. Checkboxes changed over to bullets, and of course note links point back to Evernotes. No folders/notebooks so all organization is via tags. If I wanted to tidy up it would take some work. My approach, with any app change, would likely be to dump the data into the new app and then only tidy up what is still currently used as I come across it. The clipper seems to work ok, though I had some problems sharing PDFs from the iPad. Even with the current data loss issue in Evernote, I'm taking a wait and see approach, but it is nice to know that I have a few options that will work for me if needed.
  4. I don't believe Apple notes allow for nested tagging. But, after just checking, it does allow for many levels of nested folders.
  5. Surprisingly, not available on direct download yet, so maybe the roll out hasn't started ..
  6. If you check for updates within the software you should see something within a week, or you can go to the Evernote download page. The new version may be there now. I haven’t checked today. I’m still using tasks but putting one each in its own note for the time being (for the most part). I seemed to have the most trouble with multiple tasks in a single note. I also double check them after they are entered.
  7. They are working through bugs with the real time editor - new sync, which seems to be particularly bad with notes that have tasks. I’ve also lost data, but not to the extent that you have. 10.59 is in the process of rolling out. Hopefully that will provide a fix or at least a step in the right direction.
  8. I suspect this is a big part of the problem. Also there are some truly terrible websites out there. Evernote doesn’t always get it right, but when comparing to other apps, I haven’t found another that does it consistently better.
  9. Their support access is only Twitter. Support is backlogged but I don’t think it is from free users. I’m on board with this idea. The freemium model never made sense to me. The “WAS great” part is definitely debatable. Depends on your use case. What’s not debatable is that Evernote was dying on the vine and as a business was not sustainable. If you haven’t yet, check out the new version of Bear. I was pleasantly surprised. There is more and more competition out there and it’s getting better.
  10. Isn’t that usually the case? He was CEO, I would be shocked if he didn’t.
  11. Sure, options are always good. Suggest it and maybe it will get added but we are talking about a single click in this case. I have a fairly long list of irritations with v10. It is too click intensive in many ways but I've decided to just adapt. Life is too short.
  12. You might want to try some test exports to see how it handles things like notebooks, tags and attachments. I'm not trying to change your mind, just make sure you don't get locked into something you may have trouble moving from in the future.
  13. Why not? Personally, I prefer the block style. It makes it easy to select the block and move it around other items that may be in the note. I frequently will add things to notes with web clips. I almost never edit web clips, and as you discovered, editing is a click away if that is what you need. Different approaches I guess.
  14. Does Samsung Notes allow for reasonable export options in case you decide to change in the future?
  15. Ok, only on device. Any chance the note was open on both desktop and web on the same device, or open in a second window?
  16. I understand. A lot of people have issues with V10. Evernote is currently supporting two different sync architectures and they don’t play well together. I would not recommend having both legacy and V10 open at the same time. Supporting legacy is causing some problems with RTE so I think Legacy has a short life span. I’d suggest either making peace with V10 or work on finding another solution better suited for your use case.
  17. Was the same note open on another device? I think that would be the only way you would see another “me.” It’s interesting that you are seeing the web version perform better than the desktop version. I thought the fixes were mainly on the server side, so I didn’t think it would matter much between clients but, maybe not.
  18. Hard to be a software business without a marketing arm. They are supporting charities, not one themselves, and yea them for their support.
  19. Look for posts on RTE, real time editing. That is the new sync that is being mentioned. It was rolled out about a month or so ago and is available only on V10, not legacy. Legacy syncs full notes, and at times could result in note conflicts. RTE syncs only changes as they are happening. Note conflicts should be a thing of the past. If you open a note on two devices, as you type in one you will see the changes almost immediately on the other. They still have some bugs to work out, but it is quite cool to see.
  20. and that is acceptable??? Data loss of any degree is inexcusable. It is infrequent on 10.58.8. More common, for me, on earlier versions, or before the backend changes, not sure which, so they do seem to be making progress.
  21. Mac, latest version, 10.58.8. Support has all the details, and has occurred since the recent backend changes, though infrequent.
  22. Which doesn’t help when you lose data right after entry which is the problem that I’ve experienced.
  23. Read further up. It was just a speculated amount by @Wanderling Reborn.
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