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  1. Evernote is no longer a reliable and predicatble database for mission-critical and time sensitive wotrk. Evernote has now become an adventure game. Is Evernote a safe place for notes we to be sure to keep and need to have available on demand? After switching to the curent versions from the long time stable and completely reliable Legacy version I am finding Evernote is full of surprises: crashes, unavailable notes, constant changes... Who needs uncertainty in mission-critical software?
  2. I have various links in my notebooks to other notes and when I click on them, I get a strange message: "you don't have access to this note". That makes no sense. I am the owner of all the notes and do not share with others, so who does have acess to my note and where is it now? It also does not show up in searches. I know I did not delete it.
  3. The latest mutation to pop up on my Android phone is actually quite good in spite of almost half the screen being wasted space that could contain something useful. Why the screen has to announce "Your Evernote" is entirely beyond me. Of course it is Evernote. Is it mine? Not nearly, since gremlins keep changing it, but the notes are mine.
  4. > Your Evernote" takes up 4mm out of 15.5cm total screen height Lucky you. On my phone it uses 2-1/2 CM out of 12, That is 20% for a totally useless function. Not only that, there is a lot of empty real estate that could have an obvious link to useful functions, like -- dare I say it -- where I was whan I last closed the app? This is not stable software, if, by definition, we mean stable software works reliably and does not change every week or two. Evernote -- desktop and phone -- is now is clearly beta by all normal measures. Legacy never crashed in five? years?. The current version does strange things sometimes and has to be killed and re-started occasionally. AFAIK it does not lose data, but, then how would I know? This phone app is different at unexpected times without so much as a "Do you mind?" when I open it, usually at a time when I need it. I used to be able to count on it opening predicatably but lately I find it changed, bragging about how much better it is than what I was expecting to see, and wanting to discuss how much it has "improved". (Is it just me, or is there really an annoying hallucination 'bot haunting this forum, magically seeking out any post that expresses confusion and displeaure with the random aspects of an increasingly costly formerly stable and predictable product that users invested time and precious data to?)
  5. Another surprise today. Still opens at a home screen instead of where I left off and has replaced the greeting with an equally uselss waste of space saying "Your Evernote". Do they think I am stupid? Of course I know it is my Evernote. After all, I just opened it, right? Do I want 20% of my screen wasted telling me that? (No). On opening, I was offered a video to explain the wonders of this new mutation, and when I touch the link, I was greeted by a noisy, irrelevant ad, so, of course I killed it. Are they using YouTube instead streaming na clean video from their own server? Anyhow, at least on that mostly wasted page there are links to places I might want to go -- but anything except where I really expect to be -- where left off last and that is all I expect. And, of course that is not an option, one I can find, anyhow. Every time is the first time.
  6. I don't know what you are seeing, but I am seeing this on a Pixel 7XL and it is entirely uselss to me. I want to find myself exactly where I was when I last closed the app.
  7. OK. This works. WIN + SHIFT + S ALT + CTRL + V Clips and selection and puts the clip into a new note without even opening Evernote.
  8. > I made the Windows directory that captures screen clips into an import folder. So, for me, Win+Shift+S creates a new note containing the clipped areas. I assume that after Win Shift S, that one must save the clip into that directory? > Alt+Ctrl+N is the global command for 'new note' That only works with Evernote in the frergound, for me, anyhow.
  9. I don't use the Android app often, but whenever I open it, I need it without delay. and there seems to be a surprise waiting on the way to what I intended to do. The latest surprise is that instead of opening where I left off, it opens on an irrelevant screen, and I have to hunt for where I was last. I managed to find the preferences and I cannot figire how to change the start page. Was that not an option at one time? And frankly, speaking of annoyances, I do not want my software to wish me Good Morning! I find it condescending and stupid coming from a machine. I have actual humans around me for that. At least the thing has stopped trying to address me by the name I am registered with, but no human I know calls me. Small mercies.
  10. Thanks. All this requires complex keyboard moves and is a bother for those of us who prefer to slouch rather than sit erect in typing position and to use the mouse and voice as much as possible. I guess it is what it is, though.
  11. One of the most useful functions for me in Legacy has been the clipper. Not the web clipper, which is useful and remains, but the clipper that could select any screen area in any window and would instantly put that clip into Evernote as a note, or, if control was held, into the clipboard, or if shift was held, into a file on the desktop. I used that feature multiple times a day and have not found anything that comes close to replacing that one-step convenience in the current versions. Is there any way to duplicate that simple two-step function without going through multiple steps?
  12. Evernote is full of surprises, and few of them pleasant -- for my purposes at least. It seems the developers give us what they like, not what we like. Instead of the handy multi-purpose shortcut bar along the top, they give us graphics or empty space. There is a whole inch at the top of my screen that is basically empty! Legacy fills the entire screen to the top with content. And where is the status bar? Why are tags at the bottom? I, for one do NOT want a 'clean' interface. I want things where I can see them and I don't want keyboard shortcuts or long distances between common mouse functions. At least they got rid of that smarmy greeting line.
  13. I use the Legacy version on my laptops but keep the latest version running as well. I prefer the legacy version due to the quick and easy clipper, the general layout, and easy access to features. I do not use shortcut keys much. Too much conflict with other apps. However, I do update the current version and look at it occasionally to see if it is converging on the classic version and meets my expectations. It was getting close for a while but seems to have regressed. I decided to give it another shot today and immediately was struck by how little content is now on the screen and how things are widely spaced to no apparent benefit compared to the classic version. I seemed to recall a zoom feature some time back that allowed reducing the wasted space and getting more on screen but could not find it, and "help' was no help. Below is a comparison of the same page at the sametime on boith versions. The old one is very obviously far superior. Note how much more data is in both left columns and the note window --- and the extremely handy shortcut band across the top. I did not expand the colour coded tags in Legacy for privacy reasons but it definitely is far superior. Is there any way to simulate the Lagacy version, activate a compact view to reduce the wasted spaces, or zoom the pages to get more content on a screen?
  14. I see that we are not the only people wondering where Evernote is going. 5 Best Evernote Alternatives (howtogeek.com)
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