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Everything posted by s2sailor

  1. Wise move my friend. During the V10 journey, I eagerly awaited the new versions and upgraded as soon as they became available. I looked forward to the bug fixes, occasional new stuff, and the hope that some legacy functions were being added back. This is the first time I felt the need to regress on V10...
  2. I still had the installer file and just installed and copied over the version I had.
  3. Don't, the conversation above is unique to Synology NAS. If you are just backing up to an external HDD or SSD, the instructions are fairly clear. There are a few steps, but it is not too bad. Give it a whirl.
  4. I'm on a Mac and am experiencing these problems as well, in addition to others. I've rolled back to 10.58.8.
  5. Could be, but have you tried the specific problem areas to confirm whether you are affected? Maybe you just haven't tried that part of the app yet with the new version. In particular, are import folders working ok? No multiple notes? Any search "weirdness?" There are numerous incorrect behaviors noted with searching.
  6. The release notes mentioned real-time editing fixes. I was hopeful that included tasks. I agree they weren't fixed, but the behavior in 10.59.5 is different so some change(s) were made.
  7. I've rolled back as well. V10.59.5 didn't fix the task syncing issues and introduced new bugs in both searching and import folders. I think they may have let the original team go a bit too soon. I'm going to upgrade more cautiously moving forward.
  8. Depending on your wants and needs: Obsidian, Bear, Apple Notes, and Devonthink, to name a few. Devonthink was my original plan B, but the new version of Bear would probably cover my needs. Obsidian looks interesting but I need to test that one out some more.
  9. Agreed. It seems like they may not have paid much attention to how RTE affects tasks.
  10. I was trying this with single files and I saw the same behavior with the "open with Evernote" option which suggests this isn't limited to an import folder timing issue. If I close the application and reopen, it doesn't happen. If I wait some period of time (just checked now) and try again, it will occur. Time for a support ticket.
  11. The software was completely rewritten in v10, hence the jump from version 6.x to 10.x.
  12. No, filehippo is a site where you can download prior Evernote versions.
  13. It is clear they are working on this, but they are not there yet. A couple of times while typing in a task the screen will quickly flash like it is restarting Evernote. It happens fast so it doesn't seem like a full restart. One time it deleted several characters that I typed, so I typed them again. Just as I finished typing them again, the missing characters were then added to what I just typed, resulting in redundant text that had to be deleted. This behavior is new in 10.59.5. I've had missing task text in prior versions, but this is the first time that it tried to add the missing text back in.
  14. This problem is new with this version. Using either an open with or an import folder, I will sometimes get multiple copies in Evernote. Usually 3 or 4 copies of the same note. Closing the app and restarting will fix this, but I've seen it return. I haven't figured out yet what triggers it. I've noticed it twice so far.
  15. Evernote is not alone here. I wish I had a dollar for every time I've experienced that in general. It seems like I hit that most frequently when I'm trying to pay a bill online. I rarely see it on Evernote.
  16. Ok. I thought you were referring to the in-app release notes. I've seen that other thread, thanks.
  17. Where? I don't see it in the Mac release notes. Here is what we have in the Mac: New Added option to disable Low Hard Drive Space warning Added option to disable Open Local File warning (handling file:// links) Added option to disable Open External Application warning (handling file:// links) Fixed Set Low Hard Drive Space limit to 5GB before showing warning Performance improvements and miscellaneous bug fixes
  18. You have it today. Use Nebo and at the end of each day just export that note in pdf, sharing to Evernote. Just a couple of taps.
  19. Sure, 3704123 and 3704697, though I'm not looking for special attention. Only pointing out that support service for myself, and others isn't as good as you defend it to be.
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