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  1. For those who are having this issue, please open a ticket with support if you can. The more they have reports of this issue, the more likely it is that they will prioritize this problem higher.
  2. It's definitely still happening. Just tried it. It does not happen with every note with an image, but with some, just clicking on the note in the list of notes, immediately updates date/time and moves it to the top of the notebook (since it's sorted by updated date/time). My wild guess is that they have changed path/server/data center of where some of the images are stored, and when you look at a note with an image URL pointing to old path/server/data center, it updates it automatically. But that should absolutely NOT update the date/time of the last update of the note since the content did not change (i.e. user data did not change). This may be why it's happening to notes with certain attachments only - only certain URLs are affected, or maybe there is some edge case in the piece of code that updates the URL.
  3. I had been away for a few days, but I finally found a way to open a ticket (there is an option to select "technical issue", and not just billing, just the list of them is non-standard browser control that looks like there is no more than the three options related to billing). Ticket #3794053.
  4. Thanks for the updates everyone. It's still happening to me with version: 10.67.4-mac-ddl-public (20231204112355) Editor: v176.32.0 Service: v1.80.3 But not on all notes. From the ones that had updated in error the other day, only two, when I clicked on them now, updated again to the current date/time. Strangely enough when I look at their version history, they are showing a version from 2022 (when they were created), then as of few moments ago, but no version from 2 days ago when this first occured. When I look at some that changed 2 days ago, but not changing today, it's a mix of history of either only version from Dec 2, or Dec plus some older versions. I tried few old notes where I would not care if updated date changed, and sure it did on one of them. Its version history has nothing other than "few seconds ago" and "current version". The note is from 2012, and it does not have any images (although it has a URL link in the text, and URL in the note properties).
  5. Paid account since... probably around 2009. Ended up sending email via Help / Share Feedback.
  6. Thank you... I took a look and there is no option for support there other than billing/login issues. This is very worrisome. 😞
  7. Hmm... I am having a similar issue, but my notes are not changing back. I looked at few yesterday (some last edited many years ago), and looking at them now, they still show up as updated yesterday. For me, it seems to be happening only to notes that have images embedded in them.
  8. Hmm... That's what I was planning to do, but it does not seem there is an option to do so other than a chatbot. The only other things I am seeing on the Help/Support page is articles.
  9. Oh, I really hope this is not a "feature". I cannot imagine any cirumstances under anyone would consider looking at a note an update of said note.
  10. I am using current version of Evernote on an up to date MacOS. Simply looking at some notes, changes their updated date to the current moment in time. Haven't tested extensively, because updated date is an important meta data for my notes, so I don't want to mess up more of my notes, but it appears it may have something to do with images being embedded into a note. All notes with issue that I have noticed have an image. Using the restore function is kind of useless for this issue, since it changes the name and location of the note, so if I correct it, it will be updated "now" again (not to mention that the bug itself happens too as soon as I look at the restored note, it's updated to "now" anyway). Wondering if anyone else is running into this issue?
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