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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. Same on the Mac, desktop client, 10.40.1. Completely smooth. I think you should rebuild your local database from the server. When updating the data stays on the PC, and if it is corrupted, you carry the corruption over into the new release.
  2. It should refresh itself automatically. If not: Hold down the alt/opt key before clicking on the Help menu. Select Troubleshooting. Select "Reload" or "Force Reload". Keyboard shortcuts are ctrl/strg-R and shift-ctrl/strg-R.
  3. This thread is about the Windows legacy version. If you run it: Fine. If not, please post in the correct subforum.
  4. No scripting will work with v10 - currently. I think the reason is the framework into which the app is embedded. It handles all traffic with the OS, and scripting is not among it. Apple script will not work, and Apple Shortcuts have stopped as well. If this will change one day: No idea. When I made a web search, no app based on the Electron framework advertised scripting as a feature.
  5. Yes, against some believes the AppStore version is somehow creating new ways of causing trouble again and again. Thanks for posting !
  6. EN has not build the editor to support real code editing. It is a text box automatically formatted to show monospaced, grey background, that‘s it. It is made to save code, not to generate it. Personally I doubt they will take the editor apart just to accommodate code editing. Use a specialized code editor if this is you use case.
  7. There are sites that block the use of reader mode - this is the mode the simplified clipping relies on. An alternative can be to clip the websites using the standard clipper - and then use the simplify function build into the EN app. It will look pretty much like clipping simplified directly. But the simplifying takes place inside of EN, and out of reach of the website that may try to prevent it.
  8. To avoid trouble, I would do the unsyncing always while still on the subscription. On a subscription you have no cap on devices, and you specifically have to cap on unsyncs either. So do the unsyncing of the devices you will ditch on Free while still on the subscription. Once you are back on Free, you can only unsync 2 devices per 30 days - and as long as there are more than the 2 allowed devices registered, you will have trouble on Free because it will always remind you to unsync. So set yourself a reminder, and do some home cleaning on the last days when you are still on the subscription.
  9. The new feature introduced with v10.40 are „recurring tasks“. This means a task will repeat itself automatically, based on when the users wants to see it again. This is the concept behind the new text you see. If it does not work, probably your install is not yet functional. Often it helps after updating to log out once, close the app, restart it and log in again. This has in the past been enough to make new functions come alive.
  10. From where do you try to load the pictures, and what process do you use to load them ? There is more than one possibility.
  11. You say it is not syncing if you force close it. No surprise here. You can pull the LAN cable, turn off the router, enable flight mode, drop a stone on the device, whatever. We are not talking users here killing the syncing intentionally. When you kill, you don‘t need a syncing indicator to tell the syncing has stopped. If you are using it regularly, it syncs right away, and it does not stop to do so until the syncing is finished. Contrary to legacy it will not accumulate changes in the local database. You edit, it syncs directly. Just gave it a try: Added a photo with several MB to a note. Without doing anything else, network traffic picked up within a second, and did not stop until a figure corresponding to the MB-size of the photo has been passed through, after a few seconds. If you want to know exactly when this happens, there are network supervisors that will show you the internet traffic. If on any reasonably fast network (mine was through a personal hotspot, which usually is not among the fastest), it will be done within a few seconds.
  12. This subforum is all about the old legacy client. Asking for an update is hopeless - there will be no more changes at all on these clients. Even if they fail completely, they are deprecated and the only hand that will raise will just do so to drive the last nail into the coffin. If you want to know about the v10 client, post your question in the subforum for Windows version 10.
  13. The note title is similar to a file name (well, not exactly, because the real denominator of a note is a long unique code). When I create a file from a template in Word, Pages, whatsoever, and save it, it has an automatic title: „Untitled.xxx“. This is more or less what EN does when you create a note from a template. What exactly do you want ?
  14. As you can see from my screenshot, it was taken on the iOS client. So I assume it works the same on Android, but I have personally no chance for a positive check. I avoid everything coming from Google (if possible) …
  15. You posted the same stuff in several threads. It is against forum rules, and we will not answer every post you dropped.
  16. Since you posted basically the same stuff in different threads, this one will not be answered. Check in the other thread.
  17. The last postings with similar content were resolved by uninstalling the app, dumping the data (empty cache), restart the device, reinstall and log in. After logging in an initial download happens. It does no harm to wait with the app open until the initial data was received.
  18. Your issue is you don‘t understand syncing. If you understood, you would post differently. It may be you still think it takes too long, but for different reasons. Some reading stuff: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005237 More reading stuff: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313378 You can come back after you digested the input.
  19. PC: Look at the bottom right of the frame of the EN window. What do you read ? Usually: All changes saved, unless it is in that moment syncing, then the text will say something else. When it says „All changes saved“ sync has executed. Because - EN syncs instantly … Check, set, done, solved. Since you posted x times, I will not answer the Android question here. A little cliffhanger must be.
  20. The change from the old „one account 2 views“ data structure to the „2 account structure“ was done years ago. If I am not mistaken this was changed way before the new clients were released in autumn 2020. The key documents were available from the beginning. Sure EN edited some of them later, to reflect the new plans. But Business just got a new name - the underlying data structure had been changed long before. As I already pointed out, for a long time EN did not force account holders to make the switch. You had to switch when you wanted the new features, however.
  21. EN AFAIK has no local AI processing on the clients. All advanced functions run on the server. The clients are probably too diverse in their abilities to rely on local AI. You can contact support, or use an external scanner and import the result into EN. Some like ScannerPro by readdle even have very nice collaborative features: You create the scan, then share and select a predefined workflow. It has a notebook plus a set of standard tags. For me about 80% of the scans don’t need to be touched again after the note was automatically created.
  22. +1 for a complete reinstall, if for whatever reason it must be the AppStore version. I am not sure if everything is removed when uninstalling the AppStore version with MacOS tools. With the direct download it is not. To run a really complete uninstall I use the app AppCleaner, and make sure all elements are ticked. Then a restart, and the reinstall. After installing go through system settings, Security, tab Privacy. Go through every step and make sure any EN position is selected. Important for the function is full disk access and screen recording, among others.
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