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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. Maybe the initial download is still running on your Mac. Have you tried to click the syncing button beside the template search field yet ? BTW, find the mistake:
  2. Features lost, features added. Some are happy about it, some don't like it. Nothing sucks for everybody - it may suck for you, but that is subjective. If you believe things have to stay as they have ever been, you will have a hard time to find something usable to install on your Windows XP Pentium PC. Personally I think they are doing the right thing, moving ahead. If you do not want to follow, just drop it and go elsewhere. It is a free world, and the data export is first class.
  3. It is by no means a bug - it is how the audio recording works. Just because you exceed your note limit is no reason to start recoding the app. Read the documentation available, and you know what limits exist, and what to observe when recording audio. If you want to do "unlimited" audio recording, use a tool that saves to device memory instead to saving the recording to a limited cloud space.
  4. "Clipper has encountered an error" is one of these things that can have a million of reasons. Does it work on other pages ? Maybe ask support.
  5. You see the time stamp ? Those with a symbol are fresh notes. I think the thumb nailing (which is a server side service) just has not executed for these notes. Eventually the symbol will be replaced by a thumbnail. This is my best bet. Maybe set a tag or reminder, and check in a couple of days if the symbol still shows.
  6. If anything sucks for you - ever thought that it may be your problem ? Maybe stop making out of minor nuisance a drama. Send some feedback to EN, enjoy life.
  7. Why does anything need to be „intuitive“ ? The encryption option is an add on, not a key function. I always wonder against whom you are encrypting anyhow. Basically against yourself, if you think it through …
  8. It is pretty clear why Teams is mentioned: In a Teams account, the Admin is the maintainer of the tagging system. All the rest Leads to the conclusion I already had: The upgrade page is a bug. There is no mentioning (nowhere) that nesting would require a Professional subscription. Just to remember: It was always there, for All Account types. It just was not supported on the mobile clients.
  9. …. which is not a welcome information (of course), and not documented in the usual overviews. Will wait for the answer to my ticket, and see where a little discussion will take us. Thanks for posting !
  10. Just tried it with my second Free account. Send the share from my Personal account by email. The share was received, I clicked on it, got the page above, clicked on open in browser. The browser opened, I was asked to log in, did so, and the account opened. It took me directly to the tab „Shared with me“, with the newly shared note on top. Conclusion: Works for me as expected. If it doesn’t work for you, contact support.
  11. You can AFAIK remove the work chat - account settings, personal settings, remove the check box at work chat.
  12. Currently traveling and iOS only. Can’t check on the Mac right now. But to me it seems the search when tags are selected individually is no problem - it is selecting a high level tag and then include the lower levels invisibly that makes the message pop up. It is visible by a little down arrow on the blue tag button in the filters box.
  13. Yeah, SVG support, start the coding now, invest a lot of time and effort into it … Just because you drop 2 1/2 words here ? What do you want supported ? What is your use case ? Is it clipped content, LaTex, own files ? A few more words why it may benefit your use of EN would help to understand. Or it is just that - worth 2 1/2 words …
  14. The latest releases are from the 13th of June for desktop and the 8th for mobile. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360058361833 This is still in tune with 2-3 weeks for desktops and 3-4 for mobile, as the average for the past. I think nobody has a problem if they settle down a bit.
  15. To me it looks as if selecting „with sub tags“ is building an OR filter in the background, fully automatic. And this is then seen as a Professional Boolean request. I have submitted a support ticket and will post the outcome.
  16. Basics first: You can‘t encrypt entire notes, you can only encrypt selected text. It must be plain text, not formatting, no lists (bullet, numbers, …). https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005547 https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208314128 Encryption works based on ONE key created for your account based on the password you use.
  17. OK, I see, and could reproduce it. It is a bug and should be reported as such.
  18. Searching nested on iOS: Apply a filter for a nested tag - you know it is a higher level nesting tag when it has a down arrow to the left of the tag name. The blue tag button will show in the Filter field. Tap on the blue button. A little menu opens at the page button. You have the option to exclude or include the nested levels below. If you have multiple levels, this will work from each level, and includes all levels below. About Boolean search: It does not work below the level of the Professional / Teams plan. You can add words like AND, OR or NOT. But since they are regarded as typical fill words that are found in all documents, they are simply ignored. This is independent from the platform. These searches produce exactly the same amount of search hits, and from looking over the lists they are the same as well: Word1 word2 word1 and word2 word1 or word2 word1 not word2 In general the classical search works like a logical AND. But it ignores fill words added to the string. To make an OR-search, you need to use the ANY: operator, to build a NOT, you need to use the minus ( - ) operator. For Boolean search you need to upgrade the plan, and then it is exclusive to this level. I think you only need it when you want to build more complex searches, and save them as saved searches to apply them repeatedly. Search syntax got improved as well with the new plans, by adding the CONTAINS operator.
  19. On iOS ( as described in brief in this help document https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/4412905761299😞 Tap on Tags in the „left“ navigation column. Tap on the 3 dots top right, select „edit tags“ from the little menu at the bottom. 3 dots appear behind each tag. Tap on one. Select „Move tag“. Now a tag overview opens (looking quite similar to the list before). Select a tag that will be the upper level. The tag first selected will be nested under this tag, nesting it inside. Since all operations on mobile can only handle one object at a time, I would not do mass organizing of my tags on mobile. You don‘t need any subscription to do this, can even be done on a Free plan. The way it works is exactly the same on all plans - it is rooted in the software, not on the server. If you look through the plans, you will see that all subscription features are handled on the server side, not locally. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005157 Your remark about nudging to higher value plans is beside the point. From my experience you get exactly what you pay for - and if you need or want a higher valued plan is entirely up to you. For me Personal does the job, so I continue on that level since it was switched over from Premium.
  20. We had this - an update every year, and sometimes an easteregg as a surprise. It is called legacy now, and it was not „the good old times“. We urgently waited for the next update, because there were bugs running for a year - and when they were not fixed with the next update, for another year. You now get an update on the desktop every 2-3 weeks. Hey, they WORK hard for the money you pay. If you start EN right away in the morning (this is why they added this fancy Home Screen dashboard), you get the notification then. If you update when notified, that’s it for the next fortnight (or so). If you don’t update, you decide to ignore the night hours in front of the screen - the cold pizza slices - the stale tin of coke, opened 2 days before. All this to make you happy to be able to update again. A little nagging seems perfectly fair for me, don’t you think ? ************ Afterthought: If you want to send your message to EN PM, use the feedback function in the clients. They will not make fun of you - they will not answer at all (but collect, read and structure everything, they promised …).
  21. It is there once you start the app. That’s basically all you need to know. 1) There is no setting to switch it off. 2) If you want to hide it, get a menu bar manager. This is a good idea anyhow. I use Bartender to organize my menu bar. 3) The forum is user2user. If you want to notify EN, send feedback from a client. 4) And now something revolutionary: If it is always there anyhow, start to use the helper ….
  22. @Pavel V First you probably reuse (maybe with small modifications) your passwords. Don’t ! Second to stop any intruder, set up 2FA. This means that the password is not enough, they need to guess another element - one that changes every 30 seconds in a random way, making guessing senseless. About creating a second account by accident @Dave-in-Decatur told everything you need to know.
  23. To talk to a bot use simplified language: Tap on your post and use the magic wand to remove 80% of the words used 🙃 You human - else I rattle you ´til your circuits come loose.
  24. Usually the complain about „permanent“ interruptions of one’s workflow is from people who don’t update. Then the update notification repeats itself until the update is done. If it needs to be so pushy: Don’t know. But most of the pain is self inflicted. There is an update every 2-3 weeks, no more.
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