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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. Brave is known for being sort of tough on security / privacy. If you have any problems, maybe play with settings. The web client needs to place some cookies. When on Linux (Raspberry Pi OS, which is based on Debian) I use Firefox, without any problems.
  2. For my wife and me it works in both directions. The only difference: We are both on Personal. But this should not make a difference.
  3. Whatever - who thinks about my post, can save a lot of fruitless effort. And this IS helpful and constructive. Beside this my personal assumption is that EN will not change the checklist / checkbox design even the slightest. Running against it is likely running head first into a wall. If this was helpful and constructive you can decide for yourself.
  4. Probably you have a corrupted local database. To rebuild it from the server, try this: Go to the Evernote menu, Preferences, and uncheck „Keep data when leaving“ Log out of EN (File menu), quit EN (cmd-q). When asked confirm "Remove Data from This Device". If you want to be very sure, restart the Mac Open EN, log back in, wait for it to run an initial sync. Let the initial download run, and leave the app open. It will take a while to download the full content, for offline use.
  5. Here is some more reading stuff: https://evernote.com/security
  6. We had mixups of the date format in the past already. EN uses the system setting. If I remember it correctly, it had to do with secondary languages. Uninstalling all languages, restarting the device and then getting them installed again solved the problem in the cases reported in the forum (from memory).
  7. Who is using checkboxes for checklists is simply working against the system default. One must not like them, but they are here to stay. Better make your peace with this way of formatting checklists, and move on to a more productive use of time and effort
  8. If such a search would be required with some frequency, it is possible to tag the notes. A tag for the year plus a second one for the month allow a lot of combinations. To apply the tags one can use the date search, plus the multiselection of notes to do it efficiently.
  9. The advanced search syntax for geolocations is still working for all accounts. What was added with Professional is a more elaborate geosearch than what the search syntax allows. Nothing was taken away from the other plans. For me the main issue remains that only notes created on a mobile device will have a location to search.
  10. It is quite obvious that after 34 releases for the mobile platform in less than 2 years, this post is plain BS. About the basic working of the Android client: I take from the forum that for some users it works good (likewise for most iOS users), some others claim problems. There is no alternative than to feed problems to support. Android is not as standardized as iOS-little wonder there may be configurations that collide with the EN app.
  11. https://support.google.com/maps/answer/18539?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=et
  12. Beside this: The geolocation search is there, but has its limits. The main restriction is that notes created on desktop (or web) will not comprise location data. This renders the search for geolocation pretty much useless - unless you are sure the note searched was created on mobile.
  13. I never need the format menu, and I never use multiple windows - but MS Word / Excel / … continues to show these menus to me. Help ! Stupid ? Yes ! As stupid as this request. If you don’t use it, ignore it. Just my personal opinion ….
  14. iOS App settings - Notes - extended editing (translation from German) - phone (way down the list of options)
  15. Get the PopClip extension, beside a ton of other functions it counts, everything, everywhere. Just select the text to count, done. In EN word count can always be seen in note information - Shift-cmd-I is the shortcut to toggle it on and off. Just for the record … EN is a note taking tool, not an authors app (like Ulysses or Scrivener).
  16. You can check which app is using how much energy in iOS settings, tab battery. Note that this percentage is from the battery used, not from the total charge. If an app uses 10%, and the battery has dropped by 30%, the app has used 3% of the total charge. What you describe sounds more like an aged battery. This drives the inner resistance of the battery up. It consumes part of the charge itself, and gets warm. Apple can check if a replacement is needed, and can do it at the Genius Bar in a few hours. They have a standard price for it, 55€ for an iPhone 8 out of warranty coverage. Authorized dealers can do it as well.
  17. Your content is safely waiting for you on the server - unless you deleted your account yourself. Since the forum is user 2 user, we can’t help you beside giving general advise. You can contact support as a guest. Choose „Account“ as ticket type, this should work without being logged in with a subscription. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=254668&guest=true&guest=true Wish you good luck !
  18. You likely created a new account instead of logging in. One typo in the user name, not checking the messages that follow, and you get a new account. Quit, and on the next login make sure you type everything correctly.
  19. In this case I would contact support, and send an activity log from the Macs client. I am running EN on my Mac, and it doesn’t drop my login. Direct download, login with account email. You always have a user ID beside your login through Apple.
  20. Personally I don’t use Bartender to hide the EN icon. I use it to hide nearly all icons on a second level. I like the idea to have things available when I need them. The EN helper comes handy from time to time - as do the other icons. But in general mode I have only 2 icons, which is the bartender and the control center. For anybody who wants to ban an icon completely: Bartender is good for that as well.
  21. "Removing commonly used features" indicates that a new release of an app needs to be in the oven until every little detail of the old app has been reproduced. In your ideal world a user would not even notify that the whole app was renovated . It is not like that. EN is replacing 100% of the old code, and they do well not to try to mimic every aspect the old app had. I am quite happy they removed a lot of dead weed, and decided to streamline the UI cross platform. I didn't loose features - in fact I got a bunch of new ones, just like that. If you want it different, there is the legacy app around, with every feature you will ever want (because it is every feature you will ever get). Nobody forces you to install the new app, just ignore it and stay where you are. Or move elsewhere, personally I don't care.
  22. Currently I would assume that indenting the whole paragraph is exactly what is intended. EN does not offer any sophisticated layout control, and indenting just the first line is a typical candidate for such a set of layout features. So yes, I think it is working like described since years, it is working like that by design, and "they did have years" tries to tell something was missed - no, everything is as it is defined, and most likely they will do nothing to change it. Even when more years pass by. If a user wants an elaborate format control, use another app.
  23. Maybe the initial download is still running on your Mac. Have you tried to click the syncing button beside the template search field yet ? BTW, find the mistake:
  24. Features lost, features added. Some are happy about it, some don't like it. Nothing sucks for everybody - it may suck for you, but that is subjective. If you believe things have to stay as they have ever been, you will have a hard time to find something usable to install on your Windows XP Pentium PC. Personally I think they are doing the right thing, moving ahead. If you do not want to follow, just drop it and go elsewhere. It is a free world, and the data export is first class.
  25. It is by no means a bug - it is how the audio recording works. Just because you exceed your note limit is no reason to start recoding the app. Read the documentation available, and you know what limits exist, and what to observe when recording audio. If you want to do "unlimited" audio recording, use a tool that saves to device memory instead to saving the recording to a limited cloud space.
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