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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. Is it highlighted (permanently), or is it selected for editing ? On iOS this color appears on my devices to tell which text will be altered (copied, cut, overwritten by a paste, new font etc.). Leaving the note and returning would in this case remove the highlighting.
  2. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new Choose Payment & Billing as ticket type.
  3. The space calculation on many Macs has the problem that MacOS can optimize the storage by dynamically moving content to the iCloud. This a „dumb“ check can’t foresee. 10.59 is available from the EN website as direct download. However it seems it contains some bugs - so if the space warning is your only issue with 10.58, I would stick to it for the time being.
  4. Just for those who don’t know: The site mentioned above is one of the most renowned security websites in the world. They fetch lists circulating in the darknet with real life user data, and allow to probe own IDs XOR passwords against this data treasure. XOR means you can either check your ID, or your password, but not the combination of both (which would be very unsafe). There are other sites with a similar approach, but this one is still the standard: https://haveibeenpwned.com/
  5. You can’t search for this type of marker - it needs to be a text string, special characters are ignored by search. The easiest way to mark a note is by using tags.
  6. The local database was there from the very first release of v10. If you believed it didn’t exist, you have been malinformed. Local unsynced notebooks were deprecated on release.
  7. This is no function of EN. It must be provided by Windows or another app running on your system.
  8. Oh, you confirm your own opinion. I always agree with myself as well - whatever it may be worth.
  9. For a business account to make sense, you need a minimum of 3 people who work together on a regular basis. Below this level one (1) Professional account should do.
  10. Maybe the translator has had a bad night. The original is only gradually better „Skip Trial“.
  11. Sure support requires a login - unless you use the guest access. Technical support is a subscribers feature, so it needs the identification of the user. If access is blocked, it is usually a local problem, like a cached content that is getting in the way of the support access. Usually the mobile client offers an independent access to support, that doesn’t use the browser.
  12. It is always the users drive - unless you moved the database away, using a symlink or the new feature in EN Mac 10.59. The EN folder is hidden - you must unhide hidden folders before you can see it.
  13. 1) You completely misunderstand the word "design". It is not the nice chichi of the GUI, it is the technical design about that I reflected. 2) The rest I don't find worth commenting in detail - you have written an obituary for a piece of code abandoned long ago. It was already dead when it was not officially deprecated, hardly keeping up with the regular OS updates. New features were unheard of for some years before it was officially deprecated in 2020. In a rapidly diversifying market segment this is not enough even to stay in the market for long. You should only say nice things on funerals, but honestly: The legacy clients ruined the company that offered them. All we have today is a direct consequence of their failure to evolve.
  14. This had been requested earlier, but in another thread. Just for those who don't like to be left out in the dark - the crowd is actually larger than it seems.
  15. If it is similar on Teams as it is on shared notebooks, there can be the same tag twice: One from the owner of the account, one from the owner of the shared notebook. This can be sort of irritating, because they look and behave the same - just that the own tag can't be used on the shared notebook, and the other from the shared notebook can't be used everywhere else. Would be interesting how this continues based on a Teams account.
  16. The focus was never on returning features that were not implemented from legacy. Some came back during the continuous releases, most others didn't. There was a short list of features permanently deprecated when v10 released, and it was said that this list was more to be seen as an orientation than a comprehensive, detailed listing. A significantly larger effort went into new features, like the new editor (full redesign), Home, Tasks and latest RTE syncing. Plus the clients were nicely aligned and especially mobile was moved much closer at the desktop versions than before (Table handling, Tag nesting). For me it was clear that there was no orchestrated effort to rebuild legacy on a modern code base, as it was not seen as the crucial factor in the survival of the company. With the new, presumably smaller dev team I think the last chances of a legacy revival are now completely gone. It is looking forward, and BS will for sure position EN fresh and with an additional impulse not oriented on a nitty bitty list of legacy details. It is take it and move ahead, or switch to an alternative. I would not wait until the lights go off for legacy. This would be inertia, not a personal strategy.
  17. First if somebody told me they currently have other priorities - I wouldn't be surprised. Second nobody needs to stick to legacy until the last seconds tick down on the doomsday clock.
  18. The downside with sharing a full notebook is that it can't be "published" any more. You can send the link to a list of recipients, that need to be know by their email address. But we can't create a sharing link, and simply publish it somewhere. This only works for individual notes. So Postach.io is currently one of the few options to share the content of a notebook, without knowing who will access it.
  19. The most likely reason it that the running process is blocked by a corrupted piece of data, and starts to execute the same code in a loop, endlessly. It is not a property of the app itself, I run the Mac app on both Intel and M1, and have no issues at all. Since there are no database repair tools available, the best shot for a fix is to remove the current install, and start with a fresh copy from the server. Log out, quit the app, then run the app AppCleaner to remove all parts of the current install. Restart the Mac, download the installer from the EN website. Install, log in, and n ow keep the app open (can be ins the background) since it needs time to download the full database from the server, for offline use.
  20. Subscribe … Ah, no, bad move: Top right „Probephase auslassen“ will take you to your Free account.
  21. Has been requested by some users already (save preferences per notebook) - not available. To ask for missing features, the best way is to contact support. Explain your use case, only „like in legacy“ is not enough.
  22. With RTE there are no conflicting changes any more - or just under offline conditions. In a shared note even 2 users can work simultaneously on the same slab of text - one seeing the changes the other showing in real time, while typing himself. When they get the bugs ironed out, a real game changer.
  23. If one keeps the DMG file on his drive, a reinstall is possible. From the AppStore it’s not. Hint: Uninstalling first with the app AppCleaner can avoid conflicting settings. It means a new download of the local database as well.
  24. Question: How does a developer fix bugs without updating the software ?
  25. Download 10.59, and you can turn it off. And stop screaming in the forum (large type).
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