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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. 1) If you are on a phone only, you can not "keep" notes there. A mobile EN app (iOS or Android) always needs to sync to the EN server. Even when you create an offline notebook on a mobile device, it needs to be based on a sync. So all of your notes are on the EN server. 2) This means there is at least one other spot where you can search for your notes: This is the EN web client, to be found at Evernote.com through a browser window. After logging in with your credentials, you will be taken to your notes in the web client. 3) There make sure you are using the "classic" version, not the beta or new version. The button to choose is at the bottom right of the page. The new versions sometimes do not show all notes. 4) All said leads to the conclusion that somehow recently you have created a new account. This can happen by accident, and your 4 visible notes will be the only content of this second EN account. You should copy the content (not the note itself) to new notes you create in the old account, delete the notes and delete the additional account. 5) If you want or need to dive deeper, you can sign into a paying account for just 1 month. This will open note history for you, which allows to go back in time to earlier versions of each note. This is kept even for Basic accounts, but to get access, you have to be on a paying status.
  2. Just checked on the web site, both English and German. No changes to the plans in the overview. The last changes to the legal stuff were done in 2017. So maybe it is not official yet, maybe they just try stuff, maybe ... Personally I would not be surprised if they would further restrict the free use of the app. If I look into what you report here, these changes would not restrict sharing notes from a paid account to free ones, but would limit the usage of a free account as a stand alone solution. Test run yes, extended use only with some pain. EN has a long standing policy of not using their users data for anything - using user data is the way most „free“ offers generate their income. In the end they have running cost just to keep data, not only to support adding new information. I prefer to have a solid service holding my notes that does not touch my data, but charges a buck to be able to do so. Just my opinion, though ...
  3. Concerning my workflow, I checked again following your answer: To get a button „Save pdf in EN“ you have to activate it in the Web Clipper settings (General, then way down). But (and here I missed) it is only available when already a pdf embedded in a web page is displayed. If you do not have Apfel, but a reader view of a web site can be activated, you can use this to get a simplified version, or pick with the simplified web clipper option (2nd from top). Most ads will disappear, as well as footer and header elements. When I am on my Mac, there are several options by the OS to save any page as pdf. Mostly I am using my ipad to clip stuff - there I use the „print to pdf“ option of iOS instead of sharing directly into EN.
  4. If you just need the brute information only, you can also clip as a pdf. Preferably from the reader mode of the page, this creates a very lean and clean copy of the content. EN will OCR it for you, so you can search full text in it. But links will not work, as well active content will be turned to static display. Slide shows will not display, or will only show the first picture. If you clip using full web clipper, see the answer from DTLow. If the page disappears, you have your copy of it in EN. But because often other content will disappear as well, links will maybe stop to work. Their content is not copied. So think what you will really need, and make sure you get what you need. Maybe this means to copy more than one page by following links to other pages, and clip them too. If you need to grab a whole website with all stuff, there are other tools available that can do this for you in an automatic manner. Just remember that this may be a copyright infringement before you hit the button.
  5. Has one of those with this problem tried to quit all devices at the same time, using the web client which is never counted as a device ? Then uninstall the clients from all devices, restart, reinstall and (in case of a desktop client) rebuild the database from the server from scratch. If it helps, I do not know. But maybe it is worth a try.
  6. Usually there are override codes provided from EN when 2FA is activated. If you printed these and can find still them, you can override the 2FA-authentication through the smartphone by this. There are several rows of numbers, each 4 groups with 4 numbers in each group. You need one of these groups to unlock. Maybe you could connect to the Web Client at Evernote.com instead of using the desktop client ? 2FA will be active there as well, but there is no device limit for the web client, so it is one step less to worry about.
  7. The best way is probably to issue a support ticket.
  8. Recently I had the same problem. WebClipper got stuck and wanted to update again and again, but never finished (Catalina). Finally I decided to do a complete uninstall, restart my MBP and install fresh. I use several users on my MBP, for the install I used one with Admin power. Worked at the first try. Since WC is a Safari extension, it can only be installed through the AppStore, no direct install allowed.
  9. @ArneG Did you try to completely uninstall (with AppCleaner) and reinstall from scratch ? EN will then rebuild the database from the server. Take care to make backups of all local notebooks, because they will not be on the server copy.
  10. The Chinese operation of EN was spun off a while ago, into an own company running their own product on servers located in China. The software will probably become less and less compatible, because each entity is developing into their own, separate future. If you want to reach the EN servers behind the great firewall, you probably have to go there through a VPN tunnel. I can not say whether this is regarded as legal in China. Neither which VPN provider offers good service there ...
  11. The internal search of the EN app is not affected. So as long as Spotlight is not fixed, you can always use the internal search for valid search results.
  12. Then if everything you need is on the server, the next step would be to delete EN completely on your Mac. I would use the AppCleaner App, and make sure all program parts are really checked off in the selection window. Scroll to the bottom and check anything manually that is not yet checked. After that, reinstall EN (if possible the direct version from the EN website), log in and wait for EN to sync with your server account. This should rebuild a complete copy of what is on the server to your Mac.
  13. If notebooks can not be deleted, one possible reason may be that they do not belong to your account, but are only sort of shared to you. Are you having Admin level for the business account ? Probably admin rights are needed to change and delete those notebooks.
  14. I do not know a integrated tool in EN That would do this job. But it can be done half automatic, half manually especially on the Windows client: Define an import folder with the Windows explorer, and define it as import folder in EN Every file you put into that folder will be imported as a new note into the defined notebook Then, before sending the notes into their final notebook, you can manually tag them by selecting them and add the same tag to the whole group of notes.
  15. The idea makes no sense at all. First the EN servers do not only serve as a passive storage, most of the services you yourself mention as important features like advanced OCR, syncing across devices etc. are performed by or on these servers. No Server Storage, no advanced features ! Second wo says that he can run a better and more secure private network, than the professional servers used by EN do ? For other reasons and purposes I operate my own NAS in my home network, and I can tell how much time and effort I spend to keep everything updated, safely locked and at the same time accessible through safe methods like operating an own VPN server. I am sure that at least 90+% of EN users would not be willing and/or able to spend the money, time and effort needed to run their own infrastructure. And why should they ... ? Third EN does offers a very high level of security to his users, if and only when they activate the means available like using secure devices, strong passwords plus 2FA. I have no access to the real figures, but I think that only a fraction of all users have really implemented these measures. So why bother about fictional security concerns when even the very real stuff is not widely used ? If you want to run your own stuff, you better go for other solutions like DEVONthink that saves your docs on an open database on your computer, or run a NAS like a Synology and use the proprietary NoteStation-solution that keeps your notes locally on the NAS. Then all your eggs are in your own one basket, and do not blame anybody if this proves not to be the best idea ...
  16. 2FA by SMS is a Premium feature, since sending out messages costs a tiny amount of money. The Basic accounts need to use Google Authenticator for 2FA.
  17. What does „this“ mean ? Does not follow this thread ? EN is not following the postings in the forum on a regular basis .... Does not follow on the support ticket ? Can you tell us more about how EN does (not) follow on a ticker you issued with support about this .....
  18. Scannable is working for me, no problem there. App version 2.3.3, iOS 13.2. But I nearly ever use it. There is a good scanner build right into Evernote: Create a note (or type into an existing one), press the „+“ symbol and choose the option „Take a picture“. This will create a scan right into the EN note. IMHO there is little room left for Scanable as an independent scanner app. If I want to scan outside of EN, I use ScannerPro which offers more options than Scannable.
  19. Skitch is a tool to annotate pictures and pdf files. It used to be an independent app, but was taken over by EN and sort of integrated into EN. Web Clipper is a tool to draw content from the web and save it as a EN note. With MacOS 10.15 Catalina many apps need to be authorized again or newly to make them work. This is due to the stricter security settings that come with Catalina. I think in an environment with new threats is is good than Apple is locking up the OS. I am nearly through with allowing all that is to be allowed, things are becoming quiet and performance is back.
  20. Over 3 years and ..... ? There is no rule that at a certain number of days there has to be a implementation. IMHO it would be outright plain stupid management to run a company by following open postings in a forum instead of developing your own strategy. The strategy of EN for the time being is clearly communicated: Consolidate the user experience over OSes and clients, unify the code platform on which the user experience is founded, at the moment no new gimmicks. This may serve one group of users better than others. So if you feel that another solution works better for you than EN, I think you have all the arguments on your side to switch over. But do not blame a 3 year old thread for your today’s decision. It is your decision to take, so take it and be happy with the results.
  21. Since you are not running the actual release iOS, which would be 13.2 your best bet to solve the issue is probably to issue a support ticket. Personally I run iOS / iPadOS 13.2, app version 8.24.1 and everything is stable.
  22. Visual tools for EN do not seem to have a business model. Mohiomap is out of service, as well as bubblebrowser which was a tool that arranged clusters of notes based on tags and content. I gave the information about mohiomap to EN quite a while ago, as I did with bubblebrowser to Apple (because it is on the AppStore). Seems it is hard to kill these zombie applications ...
  23. Regarding the print selection: iOS is pretty weak on printing. The workflow is: - Take a screenshot while you are on a webpage. The easiest way to do this is by swiping with the Apple Pencil from a lower corner diagonally upwards - this will open the screenshot window. - There choose between picture, which is the area that was visible on the screen before, or full page, which is the whole page. - You can annotate and then save - no print option available. JPEGs can be saved to the camera roll or the files app, pdf only to the files app. - One can print as well from this dialogue, but it means several additional steps. If you want a fast copy of a page, and go on, you rather take the shortest route available. For Windows there are several tools (many of them freeware) that will take a fast screen copy. They usually install in the little task box down at the right of the screen. On the Mac taking regular screen shots is a build in function of the OS.
  24. We had to punch examen ID, our names and student number onto cards to register for Examens at the university. Then we pushed them through a slot in the informatics building. Days later lists were posted, on this continues rapid needle printer paper, and you went searching for your name - because sometimes cards got bend or lost. Glorious and blessed were these days ... when you could HEAR the godlike machines work in the buildings cellar.
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