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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. Yes, if your iPad is on iOS 12 (at least) you can open the camera roll and the EN app side by side, and drag & drop it from the photos to the EN note. On the iPad to create tables you need to use a shortcut, and it must be enabled in the app settings, notes, extended settings, and then the last point. It describes as well the syntax of how to create a table.So precreate the note with the table, with enough space for the number of pictures, then go side by side in split view, and start to drag & drop into the table. Editing tables is not possible on the iPad, you need to use a desktop client for that (or the web client). Or you could upload one picture after another by sharing, which will create one note after another. Then you use the windows client, pick all notes and join them into one. If I remember correctly, the joined note will contain the pictures in order of the note creation. So create the notes with the last picture first, and with the first picture last, to have them in the right sequence later. Maybe give it a try with a few pics whether it works - it is not a process I use. Sorry for that, no easier way as least up to my knowledge. BTW: These guys in London would get a heart attack if the see our largest kitchen knife: 30cm of sharp steel, plus handle, used to work on large veggies like whole pumpkins. You could use it as well to weed out your garden ...
  2. Confirmed - it takes me to 5.28 on Safari and FF. Which is no issue for me, I am mostly using one of the desktop clients or the iOS app. No Chrome, no beta. Maybe an explanation is that both Safari and FF do not rely on the Chrome engine, but use their own code do present web pages. Chrome-based browsers have the largest share of the market, so companies will develop for this browser first. And I try to avoid Google products wherever possible, so I will not touch it.
  3. a) No, not having the problem b) Maybe an interaction with a security software that tries to stop EN from working, thus causing it to renew the installation ?
  4. Since Ana P. is not here (this is a user forum, staff may or may not show by), you can try support on this. Usually they know whether there is a fix, or still work-in-progress.
  5. Normally this is no issue on a Mac: Open the note, click on the download symbol, specify in the Finder window where to, click OK and done. If the pdf is shown, the same symbol is in the pdf header. If it does not work, check whether EN has all the necessary access rights in the Macs settings, Apple menu, settings, Security. Look up all points in the list in the privacy tab, and check everything that has to do with Evernote.
  6. Simple question, often hard to answer: What has changed ? Any update, any new program installed, ... ?
  7. ??? I do not know any upload service where the sequence of picking files in the source medium would be preserved in the receiving medium. If I pick files on my computer and upload - say - to a folder in Dropbox, upload will happen in a non-sequential way. The sequence of the files in the Dropbox will be presented by the settings I choose there, not by how I sequence anything on my computer. It’s just often the same, because sorting by name or date will produce the same result on both platforms. A EN note is not a folder, it is a piece of HTML code waiting to get some content. When pics are imported into it, they will show up in an order that does not depend on how they were picked in another place. I think that the mixed up sequence results from the upload queue and the server queue on the EN side. Any file will be cut into code packets for an internet transfer, and reconstructed from these at the receiving device, like beaming them up in Star Trek. There is plenty of space for things to get mixed up under way. If the last package received is from the first picture, it will appear last. If I need a certain sequence of say photos in a note, I open both programs side by side, open a note, put a number of line feeds into it to create some space and draw & drop the picture into the note how I want to see them. I found this to be easier than to rearrange the pictures later in EN. The pictures are embedded into the text flow now (even when there is no text), and position is preserved. If the pictures are of different sizes, or I want them smaller in EN, I create a table first, and import the pictures one by one into the table fields. For recipes I found it useful to have a table with 2 columns, one with the pics and the second with the work flow describing what to do. You can even create some layout by using the tables design settings. If you do it more often, create a note with this design, and save a copy of it as a template. If you use it in the US, you can even put all the security warning stuff into the template, to avoid getting sued if the oven was hot, the freezer cold or the knifes sharp 😉
  8. @ehrt74 You can switch to the English web site by scrolling down to the very bottom of the page, and change the language settings. Here is the English language link: https://evernote.com/intl/en/betaprogram
  9. If Shane is busy, YES ! To solve the issue, I would do the following steps in this order: 1st change my account password (strong, unique etc.), but see point 5 - maybe you want to get a password manager right away, and start using it with securing your EN account. 2nd unsync the device that does not belong. Access is already denied with the new password, but it should be completely revoked. 3rd check whether there was another access established when the crook had the go, one that uses the API interface that is for example used by the web clipper, IFTTT, Filterize and others. Revoke it as well. If you do not know which one is which, revoke them all (creates a little bit of work, but it closes down the account). 4th think about activating 2-FA. This is valuable for all accounts, but it is especially valuable for the UNlimited accounts. When Basic you probably get a notice to withdraw a device, on a Premium account there can be an army of hackers accessing your data without getting an info. With 2 FA you will know there is somebody trying to enter - and you always know whether it is you or not. 5th think about getting a password manager, and change all of your passwords. Because if somebody broke into your EN account, probably your current handling of PW is not up to the task to protect you in general. It will take some effort, but it is worth to protect your digital identities. I use 1Password, which as well generates a one-time-Code used for 2FA. EN says it is Google Authenticator, but others work as well. Or, in other words:
  10. IPad Pro with Apple Pencil, Goodnotes 5, export to EN for permanent storage and search support. Handwritten notes will come ready to EN with OCR from Goodnotes, which has a pretty damn good handwriting OCR engine. Even works with my handwriting ! And you can import any pdf quickly and easily into Goodnotes, annotate it in longhand and share it into EN with everything. Personally I think even if it has improved, handwriting support still sucks in windows.
  11. @thejuliabragaThen go to the new web client, and start believing ! Rollout to the other clients will come one day, hopefully soon.
  12. The day you can seriously compare the privacy level of Evernote with Facebook and Twitter is the day you will see me quit !
  13. Probably it is meant to keep people awake in meetings 😎 +1 for the proposal.
  14. If you need it often, maybe you create your own keyboard shortcut to set a reminder quickly and without clicking around. It think it should be possible to do so using the Macs build in tools.
  15. Probably it is good / necessary to have Admin status when installing. For using it I do not think it will make a difference. The EN client is a bit weird in all cases. Usually I need admin status to upgrade an app - not with EN, it installs updates just like that in a normal user environment.
  16. ... among other „first“ things. The number of votes for this thread is probably an indicator of how urgent the user base is wishing this here to happen. In general there are 2 types of EN clients, and then there is the web client. The desktop clients (Win & Mac) run their own local database. That makes high performance on multi-note-operations, local search index etc. But it consumes a significant amount of processing power and storage space. The mobile clients have only a small local database (that can be expanded declaring notebooks as „offline“) and rely on drawing the note of interest (and this is „1“ note at a time) from the server, and sync it back before operating on the next one. Now mobile devices have developed, and probably this basic design of the EN mobile solution is not up to everything the industry will throw at the users (talk about iPad Pros with iPadOS). So we have to wait and see what will happen in this segment. Currently the communicated priorities of EN management are not to develop the clients isolated, for one OS this and the other that. The next „big thing“ will probably a more unified design, making user experience more similar over the clients.
  17. I do not think so - my Windows client is running smoothly on normal user accounts. I think the edit-remark was related to the install, not the usage. However, after the install it may take a while to download the stuff from the server (depending on the volume of the EN data and the internet connection). The client will only be operational when this is done, and the local search index rebuild.
  18. To use the header feature (among others), try the web client. There the new editor is already available. Make sure you are on the new editor, not the classic version. Hint: The new features can be tested there, but there may be other things still missing. It is not yet fully integrated. Rollout to the other clients is going to happen, just not sure when.
  19. You certainly have a point, especially if a company lives from being embedded into an ecosystem of contributors like you. There are probably more „stray“ informations around EN, like the badly kept page with integrations. Some are long dead, but still listed. Support is the only channel I know where you can push something on. They are working office hours, west coast time, so probably you will get an answer later in the day. You can as well DM Shane D from the forum, he is looking for us here and is sometimes routing things inside of EN to the right desk.
  20. Support is here: https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action And no need to ask us users "where is support" - ask these guys ...
  21. The detection of devices probably rests on some sort of cookie-type snippet of text they drop somewhere on your phone to identify it. This is standard procedure for login IDs. For privacy reasons (to avoid tracking) Apple does not allow the device ID to be read out by 3rd party apps. When you say you restore your phone it is 1) your own action that deletes this identifier and 2) pretty unusual for a normal iPhone user to make a monthly restore. I did not do one since I switched my iPhones last year. So you are doing something that sets the ID back - nothing wrong with EN here. The issue can be solved at your end: Stop this restore routine, or go for a Premium account.
  22. Keep in mind where EN is located. The support team sits on the US west coast, and they are responsive at their office hours. You find these on the support website - currently I hope they are not just thinking about their job, while looking at the stars at midnight.
  23. Looking at the time of your post, I hope you are currently somewhere on the eastern hemisphere, and not too jetlagged. Thank you for this insight. Shares are very valuable for many of us. Anyhow, some shares you do not want to be reminded of some later day. It can be a real PITA to have them along, without a chance to get rid of them. Any improvement of control of shared notes is highly appreciated. I can assure you I would have something to EXPLAIN to my wife if something goes amiss with our shared recipes notebook 😉
  24. The iOS app currently is in need for an update. iOS13 does not reflect either, like there can't be 2 sessions of the app be open at one time in split view. The new iOS EN experience will probably come when the new editor is ready to launch. Until then the forum has several threads about exactly the behavior you describe. Part of it is related to iOS, which does not make it better. On example is that the new iOS is more restrictive about apps parked in the background. It is said that this is due to better battery lifetime by preventing dormant apps from consuming too much power. So it is now up to EN to improve on this.
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