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Everything posted by Jon/t

  1. Same here. I thought this was fixed a few versions ago. Just found it: 10.72.2 Fixes a problem where some notes would incorrectly show as recently updated even after being viewed. https://evernote.com/release-notes/10.72.2 Is it fixed? What versions are folks on?
  2. Three dots at the top right of the note and there's an option under note width.
  3. Its slightly different in version 10. The breadcrumbs at the top have the notebook and note title and these stay put when you scroll so you can always see them. Check you're on the latest version.
  4. Not sure if I totally understand but I have a grid/chart PDF in my backpacking notebook and just searched for the number 24 which appears in the grid. Its a walking distane calculator. It found all instances OK. Is this a similar situation?
  5. Same here. Its a bug and they know about it. Should be fixed next release, probably next week.
  6. Just wondering is the text being highlighted when its text in a PDF or image in a PDF... either or both?
  7. I left Evernote in 2017 'cos Legacy was like using Word 97 20 years later! It was pants lol. No paragraph headings, different fonts on different devices so notes looked different, import folders on my PC but not on my Mac, tabs on my Mac but not on my PC... I moved to the Win 10 version on OneNote. Came back to Evernote when Version 10 was launched... Paragraph Headings, consistency!! V10 now is utterly different now to when it launched and I don't get the performance issues some folk have. Its like butter for me and I have a cheap PC. I remember conversations from the old Evernote team when V10 launched and some of the missing functionality was deliberate because so few people used it. It was never meant to be a replica. Still miss the OneNote ruler though!
  8. I think Apple Calendar is being looked at but the API is very restrictive. Not as open as Google & Outlook. Apps like Fantastical use the local APIs on the device. I think they are investigating though. CALDAV would be great but a freaking nightmare to work with. I spent some time with it once and it almost made me cry! Problem is different folk use all sorts of different end points and calendar discovery points and I remember going back and forth with the Vivaldi browser developers about integrating Zoho Calendar with it and they managed it, but its not right, titles of calendars are wrong. At least with well thought out specific service API you know what you're getting.
  9. Yeah... I see that on my other account with 1,2,3,4,5 shortcuts not displaying correctly. I've mentioned it.
  10. I have 10 and it shows 10.... will test in my other account.
  11. Not on about exporting and backups. On about offline access to notes.
  12. Understand and I've been there myself project managing things. If you make everything open you get 1000 ideas from 1000 people and you never get anywhere. The folks on the expert forums have a very diverse set of skills. Some have communities based around research/education folk, I have thousands of folk who provide me with feedback and there's a few who have communities of business users. For the business users Outlook calendar has been screamed about for ages, but not so much here on the forums... but very, very much wanted by a lot of people. It kind of also gives a perspecitive on how the "mass" users of the product differ from these forums and dare I mention it "Reddit!!!". I can't remember. Not sure if it was one with the YouTube guy who swaps and changes his apps every 2 mins!! Not Francesco... someone else, no hair like me, possibly Dutch or german??
  13. I use it offline quite a bit when travelling and its always worked. I've always managed to find the notes I want. I've not run any tests as I just 'use it' so in real life on trains and in cheap dodgy hotels it works as expected.
  14. Something similar to this exisits in the expert forums and to be honest thats sort of one of the things the expert folk do a lot of, post bugs and wishes. I think I've posted 3 or 4 buggy things this morning. I think(?) that bugs (and I mean bugs not missing things from legacy) are looked at by how many folk they affect so something very niche may take a while to get fixed but something like the table padding issue got fixed within a couple of weeks. Pretty much everything anyone mentions here in the forums is known about but again the question is how many folk does it affect. I remember calls from 2020 when V10 came out and some of the stuff was missing because hardly anyone used it, presentation mode for example. I remember a podcast Ian Small was on ages ago said only 5% of folk used tags... tags not going anywhere! From what I see some things may get added back in. Other things may get a different solution to the problem. Other stuff may never come back 'cos not much usage.
  15. Thats a bug or not how its meant to work! Its been spoken about and I'm pretty sure its on the list to be fixed. The consensus is that if a note is only viewed it shouldn't have the update date changed.
  16. Its a bug and they know about it. I think its something to do with the Ai Edit button being added which is causing the issue. Hoping its fixed next update.
  17. NETSCAPE NAVIGATOR! Putting things into a little perspective I've counted less than 20 individuals wanting legacy to stay put, Evernote has millions of users. My own community has thousands of folk in it and I've had one email about legacy ending and they were not really bothered. Most folk just get up in the morning and get on with their lives on V10. I feel for the legacy folk but like you said.... Quicken 7.... Netscape Navigator!
  18. I've mentioned this as I think it could be a good idea. One possible reason for it not being there is that the 3 dots menu is getting very long!
  19. One unpopular thing to kind of remember is that V10 wasn't meant to be a replica of Legacy. They removed functionality that was hardly used so some of the items will probably never come back as very few used them.
  20. Its one of the reasons I have the sidebar closed all the time as I can mouseover the notebooks, shortcuts and whatnot and only see those items in a slideout. I never see the whole tree.
  21. You could save a "tag search" as a saved search and it should appear in the list and then filter?
  22. Don't quote me on this but I think(!) the plan is to use typeahead tech so if you type /att for example its goes to the attachment item. Not tried it yet so not 100% sure but that's how it tends to work in other apps.
  23. There's various different views for the notes list. Try side list or top list from the View Options buttons or try CTRL+F7 or CTRL+F8.
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