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Everything posted by Jon/t

  1. I've sent some feedback in about this as I'd find it really useful. I use two custom templates a lot and it would speed up note creation if they could be added to the suggested list. 🤞
  2. Some subject lines from my forwarding yesterday... this is what was sent to EN: Fwd: Your Canva invoice @Receipts Dump Fwd: Google Workspace: Your invoice is available @Receipts Dump Fwd: Payment of £XXX from XXXX for XXXXXXXXX @.Inbox #Flow All ended up in the correct notebook. Again, I don't use Gmail so maybe its a Google thing?
  3. I do this all the time and it works a treat, only difference is I'm not using Gmail. Is Gmail messing with the subject line at all when it forwards ? Try CCing yourself to see what happens. Can you do a straight email send into the correct notebook? If not have a chat with support. I have a bunch of automations in my email client and they end up in the right place so it would be worth check with support.
  4. Code block is getting a bit of a rewrite with syntax highlighting coming. Not sure when but its in the works.
  5. I had something similar with a filtered note widget. I logged out, closed EN and logged back in and it worked fine from then on. I think it reset something.
  6. The thing that worries me most about Obsidian is you need to add plugins to make it do stuff and most of these plugins are hobby projects or non-funded so if there's an issue there's no one to go to. You also risk the issue where a plugin developer could just, lets say, get married and decide they don't want to update the hobby anymore and then the core software updates and the plugin fails. I wouldn't want to rely on this. I'd rather have an all-in-one app where I could moan to one company. I've spent almost 20 yrs consulting and working with WordPress websites and 99% of all issues are caused by third party plugins.
  7. There isn't mainly because they're hidden lol. Some excellent investigating from @eric99 and others. If you see it again wither rename the note and export again. If you spot any pattern of where the note title was created from maybe look at quickly renaming those notes. At least we worked it out.
  8. That's probably why you're getting untitled note in the import. Is there anything unusual about the title DIY Tips - any emoji, odd spaces at the beginning or end? The source url of the email is Thunderbird (just reinstalled it myself after years) and both problem notes have the same. Is this a forwarded email to Evernote? How was it captured? If its from email are problem notes only from email? Would be interesting to know for debugging and I can test it from my TB.
  9. I think in an enex file images are stored in base64 so they are really long strings hence the 54000 lines. The key would be to count the number of <title> tags to see if they match the number of notes in the export or see if any <title></title> selections are empty.
  10. Open your enex file using 'open with' in notepad and do a quick search for Untitled... if it doesn't appear then its the import and not the export. I just checked a couple of exported notebooks and couldn't find untitled.
  11. The 100 limit is ONLY for individually selected notes. As @gazumped said navigate to the Notebooks view in the left menu, go to the far right and click the 3 dots and you can export an entire notebook. No limits.
  12. The Ai Cleanup tool is being worked on and will offer summarise, translate, fix grammar & change the tone of your note which I'm looking forward to. Not sure when but at some point.
  13. I'm not a big fan of the power user thing. It seems to be something folks call themselves. Users are users and folks use different features. I only have like 4 tags so am I a low-power user😂
  14. I'm not seeing it myself either on the download page. Tried a couple of PCs and different browsers. Possibility there's a rollout happening so we should all see it soon.
  15. I'd not heard of it until seeing this thread. From the looks of it storage is limited to 20GB and that's on the most expensive plan which is only a couple of USD lower than EN.
  16. You may have better luck having Notejoy questions answered on the Notejoy forms/website/whatever they have. This is a user forum for Evernote so most of the chat is about EN itself and not always in-depth conversations about other apps.
  17. Not sure but you could always store them on a different device or even print them out and stick them in a drawer. I've got mine stored in my password keeper.
  18. Can you see your notes? Log out and sign in again being careful to login and not sign up using the correct email address. It's surprisingly easy to create a new account.
  19. I don't think (might be wrong) that Evernote started it.
  20. If I get the gist of this the "offer" price is the same as the full price. If that's correct, I would imagine its an error in the pricing grid in the backend... a quick one to support might solve it. No mention of any more price increases coming.
  21. Because this forum is nicer and much more polite 😂
  22. You can't backdate a reminder I would imagine because you can't be reminded in the past. You can backdate tasks though if this is any help.
  23. Evernote tasks aren't exposed in the API. They are still rebuilding and upgrading a lot of stuff so I imagine API updates will come after that's finished. I'd like to see ways to integrate tasks at some point.
  24. Just had time to check and got in OK. Using Vivaldi browser which is basically Chrome. Did you try in a guest profile just in case extensions/other things are messing around with it?
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