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Everything posted by Jon/t

  1. I tend to use the home screen widget or the slide out task bar for managing tasks because of this reason. When a task is completed it disappears from the list.
  2. I don't think so. There was a redesign a couple of years ago for version 10 but not huge changes. Most of the time if Evernote alter anything in the UI thousands of voices scream out in agony😂 What don't you like?
  3. Thanks for bringing it up... I had no idea this existed 😂 Very useful... going to use it a lot!
  4. Cleanup works on notes between 100 and 6000 characters. Check the length of your notes but it should work on notes within this range.
  5. @RgaDawg Its a tool that needs action and not a feature that runs through your notes. If you have a note that you wants formatting then you click a button and the clean up is done. Nothing messes with notes automatically.
  6. If anyone's interested I interviewed Federico for my productivity podcast yesterday and its live now.... thanks for you time! We spent a bit of time digging into Ai Note Cleanup which might help folks understand it a bit more... also other things to talk about. https://tamingthetrunk.substack.com/p/exclusive-interview-with-evernote#details
  7. Right at the bottom of the account billing page where it lists your bills there's a cancel subscription. To be honest it should be a bit easier to find.
  8. Same here and I asked this exact question. The data sent to the AI won't be used to train it. Any data sent to the AI be just be used for the purpose of the clean up and not retained to train future models.
  9. Could use this myself. I'm hoping sharing will get an upgrade in the future. It makes sense as sharing fits in perfectly with the new real time editing feature. Pre spoons there was talk about better sharing but the new sync and RTE really does play a huge part in sharing. I'm hoping for good things.
  10. I put mine up last year and by quite a bit. Had to be careful not to price myself out but the result 12 months on has been slightly less work for more money which works for me 😂
  11. --- works fine here on Windows. There's also a Divider option in the Insert menu - far left of the menu bar.
  12. Like all the meeting notes I get sent😂
  13. Agree. I'd love to see Switch To developed into some sort of user friendly command line where any searches, actions, things could be done with a few key presses.
  14. @janndk as far as I know ai features will be in the current paid plans but not the free plan. If you have a free plan you'll get a trial.
  15. I speak to a lot of folk who think they are on the latest Evernote and they are really on legacy. When I show them V10 they are surprised, happy, glad to see it being updated even though it happened years ago. We are not typical users, we tend to live inside the Evernote bubble and see things differently. EG. We probably all use tags and imagine everyone else uses tags but Ian Small said around the time of the V10 launch that around 5% of users used tags. This blew my mind as I thought everyone did 😂 If I think about myself and Microsoft Word. I have absolutely no idea what version I'm using, it could be years old. I think it gets updated when I reboot, could be wrong. I don't visit the Word forums and I'm not in the slightest bit interested in how it works. Its just there and I open it. There's a huge number of folks who use EN just like this. Personally, I'm happy V10 came out. I left EN around 2016 because the app hardly ever got updated and it felt like I was using an old fashioned app like Word 97 or something. My workflows and the way I worked with clients changes all the time and my software needs to change as well. My workflows now are unrecognisable from 10 years ago and so is the software I use. So, for me progress is good.
  16. Update on what I posted: I noticed you use the word pasted instead of inserted an image. My demo uses the insert image link behind the blue button so I just tested copy and pasting an image from my web browser to EN Windows and it appeared instantly on my phone with the image title updating in 16 seconds. Try the log out log in thing to see if it helps.
  17. I'm not getting the image issue myself. The only thing that took a few seconds was the name of the image updating. I did some basic testing earlier including inserting an image. https://open.substack.com/pub/tamingthetrunk/p/evernote-real-time-editing-and-collaboration Have you tried a quick log out log back in ? Sometimes sorts things out.
  18. Android. I've got a Fairphone 4. I think its on Android 12... works well.
  19. I've just tried it on 2 PCs, a laptop and mobile... all of them instantly sync. Great stuff.
  20. I don't normally post any of the Evernote content I create as it can look a bit spammy but just this once can I mention episode one of my Evernote podcast, part of my Evernote newsletter? For the first episode I'm chatting with Evernote Expert Vlad Campos. We talk about when he first found Evernote and, like me, was a little confused by it all. We also chat about Evernote Home, tags, Ai and his thoughts on the Bending Spoons takeover of Evernote. Listen for free and sub if you like. https://tamingthetrunk.substack.com/p/me-and-my-evernote-with-vlad-campos#details Thanks.
  21. Try logging out and back in again and se if it fixes it... sometimes does.
  22. @Alxa Have you tried doing a full reinstall? My EN has been idle for around 5 mins and disk writing is at 0 and was the same for the few minutes I watched. I'm on Win 10 with 10.55.2 installed. Have you contacted support?
  23. Make sure you have the latest version as the new way for update notifications is a bit of text in the left sidebar.
  24. One solution is to sync whatever calendar with Google Calendar and pick it up in Evernote. This is what I do as I use Zoho Calendar. For self hosted calendars I think waiting for an API update is probably the best thing. Hopefully his will happen at some point so more niche services can create their own integrations.
  25. You can add links to task titles, not too many but they can be added and are clickable within a home screen widget. I add links to emails in my tasks for work I need to do. As mentioned Evernote tasks work a little differently to a task manager app. The note is the main entity that you can add a task to making the information in the note actionable. Took me a while to alter my thinking but it works really well for me.
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