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Everything posted by Jon/t

  1. Does legacy have an internal time out function? Its been a long while since I've used it but there could be an "if I can't talk to Evernote home after X days/weeks/months then log out".
  2. / commands and collapsable stuff is coming!
  3. I mean performed it in legacy. Personally I'd like to see it back.
  4. Copy paste looks like a bug. A few weeks ago on a call folks were mentioning copy/pasting and I think its on a list to work on. Attachment thing I don't see at all. It remembers all my view settings fine. There was a bug a few versions ago on this but as far as I know it was fixed. I wouldn't call stored searches a bug just a change in behaviour. It may come back but again depends on how many folk perform this action. Just exported a bunch of notes as HTML and the links worked fine. You on the lastest version? 10.77.3.
  5. No. That's not a function on Version 10. They are different apps. V10 was never meant to be a replica of Legacy, in fact the old team looked at features in legacy that were hardly ever used and didn't include them. If you want to get all the jpg's out export as a single HTML file and all the images will be in a folder.
  6. I've just added 15 JPG images in one go by dragging them from explorer to Evernote. All of them got there pretty much instantly and I can click them and view them fine. No .jpg stripped from the filename. Every on eof them renders fine. Have you tried reinstalling as it sounds like you're having issues others are not.
  7. Yeah it sa bug and they know about it. I would imagine it'll get fixed in an upcoming update.
  8. 10.77.3 is out on the download page with: Fixed an issue where images couldn't be placed next to each other in a note
  9. Is this an external share? This side of EN hasn;t been worked on yet but I think its on the list. The old style will show for a while here until its rewritten.
  10. Meh lol... then it would look like Apple Notes I'd prefer Evernote to build its own style. I like some of it, and other stuff I don't but as long as I can get my stuff done I don't really care
  11. 75GB is a lot. I have 7GB and been using it since 2008ish. I would give V10 time to download everything and index it all. The indexing will increase CPU and RAM but it should calm down once done. I can't remember the exact plan details but if you had it on Professional and Personal it still works and free folk also have it. I think the updating the date when opening a note is a bug and is on the list.
  12. No. Free plans didn't have OCR, they now do but EN isn't going back through millions of attatchments already uploaded. If you paid then nothing changes.
  13. I understand that. I quite like it. I'm not sure if its my old man eyes but the extra spacing (tables is a bit OTT and I think is being tweaked) and generally larger UI elements make things easier to read. This is the first time I've ever done any proper writing in Evernote as I always found it not nice! Maybe a two column note could work for some folk. That actually sounds like quite a cool idea
  14. I think the reason for this was because a lot of folk complained that log PDF titles ended ... and it meant folk couldn't tell which file was what. Especially for research docs that may begin with the same words.
  15. For me the was it works is OK. My expectations are that a recurring task is completed, it goes away and gets set for the next recurrance. That said I would like better ways to filter tasks, more widgets and the ability to see completed tasks a little easier. I tend to work from the home screen task widget or sidebar and have the sidebar set to due dates so I can see what I have to do today.
  16. Try all the usuals. In a guest profile, in a private window. Are extensions messing with it? Any ad blockers or trackers. I know Linux folks using the web version in Chrome and it works fine.
  17. The only way forward on Linux is to use the web version or try and get somethinh working via Wine. Try the web app. It had a huge rewrite last October and for large accounts ended up being 16x faster.
  18. Upgrade to the latest version of Evernote as the version you have isn't supported anymore. Current version is 10.76.2. https://evernote.com/download
  19. I think Pinned Notes widget used to be Professional only but that's moved to Personal now.
  20. I think everyone should have it by the end of this coming week.
  21. I wouldn't want all the user admin stuff for the Professional plan. Redesign it slightly and just use it as another level above a stack so you could share a space with a client similar to how you could share a notebook. It would mean as a "project manager" you could shift between different projects/spaces and add new stacks/notebooks and they would be automatically shared. For me, i could switch between projects and only see the relevant information. I think this would only really work well for large projects.
  22. Its like another level above stacks. Almost like a separate set of stacks and notebooks for each project. In teams you can create spaces for say marketing, sale etc and then invite specific people to the space and they see it all. Never tried it in the wild but I'd love to play with it!
  23. I would love this... have mentioned it a few times but I have no idea... would be amazing to have different client projects in a different space, especially when sharing with clients.
  24. Should be OK. How long have you had it installed? It can take a while to sync all the notes down as the app only works when open.
  25. That's a little odd and I've not noticed this myself. I'm on Windows 11 with 10.76.2 installed and that sentence looks like this... I added a link so its accurate.
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