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Everything posted by Jon/t

  1. Any ad/tracker/cookie blockers running on your browser? I've found some mess with the traffic light selector. Try in a guest profile or another browser to see if it works.
  2. I'd love to see tasks expanded on. Custom views, kanban etc. Also love to see custom home screens one day. Imagine a home for each project with its own tasks, notes and events!
  3. Passcode is fixed. There's an update working its way through Google Play. You'll be finding a lot of other companies retiring 2FA via SMS soon as its not as secure as folks thought, new laws in some US states about SMS gateways to reduce fraud and it costs.
  4. What device and version? I take it you've tried doing a total uninstall using something like Revo which uninstalls 'everything'? I know it doesn't help but I've not had any of these issues. Every once in a while a note take 2 or 3 seconds to show but never had Javascript errors. I'm wondering if its a dodgy install?
  5. Its no open source. They host releases on GitHub but you can't get to the code. The one thing that always worries be about Obsidian is the plugin system. If you install 6 plugins then you're relying on 6 different developers to keep things updated so it works with the core software. Most of the plugins are hobby projects so if a dev gets married, has a kid, changes lifestyle the plugin may get put on hold or never worked on again. If you rely on this for you work, business, personal productivity workflows then you're gonna be screwed! I've spend close on 20 years working with WordPress and pretty much every single problem comes from 3rd party themes and plugins. I'd rather stick with Evernote where its the companies/developer's actual paid job to make it.
  6. An update is being rolled out now... can take a few days for Google Play to send it to everyone.
  7. You got any adblocker or tracker blockers running? Try it in a private window or guest profile as it could be a dodgy extension. Does it work in a different browser?
  8. Lovely story. Hope you enjoyed the trip. It's on my bucket list to spend a month watching cricket in Australia.
  9. That's good to know... From my limited experience od running mail servers emails usually get held in queues for 24/48 hours and resent so hopefully all will come through.
  10. No. I have around 1000 notes and having issues with email forwarding. Hopefully they are caught in a queue and will arrive.
  11. https://evernote.com/download If you have the Windows store version then it was installed via Windows store. I think Microsoft have restrictions on what store apps can access. I have a file explorer from the Win store and the developer recommends using the direct download because of these restrictions.
  12. From what I've read its a Windows store restriction. I think they run apps under different security levels. If you install from the direct download you get the feature.
  13. I've never had to do this when using Evernote so no. I'm sure bugs can be found when certain workflows happen. Did you tell support and send logs so they can analyse them? If I spot bugs during my normal usage of Evernote I tend to send in a ticket.
  14. Yeah try this @jack208 I've just loaded up my free version of Evernote and can see the feature to move the database.
  15. I don't think its a simple as that. As Mike said a lot of folk are getting on fine with 10.59.5. In fact I was on a call last week and said it was the fastest and most stable version yet... don't change it! If you get issues send support your logs as this is the easiest way for EN to diagnose these issues and find the pattern of work that causes the problem.
  16. There is a possibility that its a paid feature. I've asked the question, would be interesting to know.
  17. 10.59.5 is the latest version. There was no public 10.59. The version preceding was 10.58.5 I think.
  18. I think(?) it depends if you install from the Windows store or direct but you can find out in version 10.59.5 (latest version) by going to settings --> preferences --> Application --> Advanced. You can also change the location of where your data is stored. I'm at ...AppData/Roaming/Evernote. There is no single database. Everything Evernote needs is stored as individual files so this folder can have many sub folders and files inside it depending on how many notes you have.
  19. Windows and Mac have a copy of all data stored on your hard drive in case of wifi going down or like me traveling a lot. You can use EN offline and then once reconnected sync the changes to the cloud. You can't do "local only" notebooks in version 10 but it does keep all your notes on your hard drive. The desktop version also has more functionality like import folders and export functionality.
  20. You can disable this warning in Settings --> Preferences --> Application --> Advanced. The warning should fire when the hard drive has only 5GB of free space.
  21. Its stores locally in case you lose internet connection and you'll still have access to notes and be able to edit/create. It also stores everything in the cloud as well so multiple devices have the same data. If you hang on a little the next version of Evernote comes with a feature to move the location of the locally stored data. Much easier to move things to a separate drive. Should be coming out within the next week or so.
  22. From what I remember I think it would take until 17th to completely roll out. I've not had it yet myself. Not sure if its a Google Play thing but Android roll outs seem to take a few days.
  23. This should not happen and I don't see this on 4 different PCs so something is probably wrong with your install. A few things to try: Do you have the old Legacy app open at the same time as the Version 10 app? This can cause problems as they use different note formats on the back end and things need to be converted. Try logging out and back in again. Try logging out, removing all your Evernote data and logging back in again. Give it a few hours for Evernote to download everything. If that doesn't work try uninstalling Evernote and all the Evernote data. use something like Revo installer. Then reinstall and wait for your notes to download. Finally contact support. You'll get a pretty instant auto-reply if the ticket goes through.
  24. 10.52 for Android should be out as of yesterday but it can take a few days for Google Play to deliver it for everyone.
  25. Can you explain how its stopped working properly? For me its really smooth, fast and working a treat right now.
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