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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. I agree. I wonder whether @DavidAmplefordcould confirm that Windows is working as expected:
  2. Not seen that before. I just tend to be cautious about using characters that commonly have special meanings in various search languages - e.g. * ? &
  3. I sucessfully use $, period(.) and + at the beginning of tag names. I would avoid using * as it is used as a wildcard character in the tag search. See https://dev.evernote.com/doc/articles/search_grammar.php tag:cook* Matches any note with a tag that starts with "cook"
  4. Windows users have never had that capability so I'm afraid this is an example of dumbing down to the lowest common denominator. Although I would love the feature to be introduced in V10 I would however disagree that there is currently little benefit over just opening the file in the operating system. My main reasons for attaching files are: Automatic backup in the cloud Easier to search for by adding a meaningful title, tags etc Bringing all my resources for a topic together in one place Ability to bring together one of more files with text etc to explain a bigger story.
  5. Very strange. I assume you mean double click rather than just click. Mine is still working as expected. Evernote just uses the file association defined in Windows. I assume that if you double click a pdf in windows it opens the pdf in your preferred viewer.
  6. I think you should be careful what you wish for. The example of "qnap" in the original post is probably fairly safe as it is not a common fragment in English. To use "car" as an example. If you look at only the 85,000 most common words in the British National Corpus there are 164 which contain the letters "car" but don't start with them. There are another 229 which start with the letters car but there I can search for "car " to find only the exact word. I suppose an option would be ok or the introduction of a more sophisticated regex search to allow very specific criteria to be found.
  7. What like this you mean: It is already a feature which works fine for me. Sorry, I've no idea why it doesn't work for you.
  8. It wasn't unannounced in the release notes but it was in 10.20 which was released on 25 August before your post. It has been an issue raised throughout the life cycle of V10 (preview, beta and main release) so like @PinkElephantI can assure you that you don't have a god like ability to influence the development process. 😄
  9. Good point, you are right. In windows in the note list you can right click a note which is not currently displayed and there is an option to "open in new window". This doesn't alter the note displayed in the main view. I hope that translates to mac.
  10. Working on Chrome on Windows PC using Version: of the webclipper
  11. I'm not a Mac user but the Mac and Windows versions are now almost identical so I expect you can convert my answers (where they exist) to a Mac answer. 1. Double click the "+New" button or use the shortcut (alt+ctrl+N on windows) 2. Double click it 3. No suggestions on this one 4. I can't reproduce that on Windows, sorry 5. Again, provided the floating window is in "edit mode" - ie the editing toolbar is visible it seems to work fine. Sorry not to be more help but I expect a Mac user will respond eventually.
  12. You can do this via a saved search. Filter the list Press "Save search" (the ability to save a filter as a search has only been introduced recently) Give it a name and tick "Add this saved search to shortcuts" It will now appear in the shortcuts area so you can quickly click it to get the filter. In addition you can also access the search using the ctrl+<number> shortcut - ctrl+1 being the first in the shortcut list and so on.
  13. This feature has been in the coming soon section of the release notes for some time. Therefore I'm hoping that the current (unannounced) behaviour is simply work in progress.
  14. The behaviour of the back button, even in the legacy product, has always been a bit strange. The only way I can rationaise it is that it goes backwards through the note list views rather than, as I would expect, backwards through the notes viewed. I'm not even sure that is correct.
  15. I agree. It's being unreliable for me although I don't normally use this method to move notes. The shortcut (alt-shift-M) seems to be working OK.
  16. And if you save it to a template it will work for all notes created from that template.
  17. ctrl-Z reverses it for me. I personally like the check list most of the time but when I need a checkbox at the beginning of a line, e.g. in a shopping list, I just use .[]
  18. I'm not aware of any specific issues with macs. I think all desktop systems are effected in the same way. I think I've already given you all the tricks I know. I wouldn't expect it to keep happening though. Is there anything special about this particular laptop? I have a laptop I don't use very often for EN and when I do open EN it takes some time to completely update although it gets there in the end.
  19. I don't find this very logical. You need to run the search first. Then use the three dots menu at the top right of the search list and choose "delete saved search".
  20. I don't really see there is much difference. All I'm doing is adding a tag while you are hitting a merge button - in effect adding a virtual tag saying to merge. Your method would also need step one. As you are aware if they are allready in the same notebook or search view you can simply scroll through and select them. You still need a way of bringing up the merge dialogue in order to reorder notes etc. Anyway, it is a workable method until EN implement anything better. To my mind there are much bigger merge problems to address, like the discarding of note urls for all but the first note.
  21. I agree that merging notes that don't naturally fall in to one search is not straightforward. My approach is to tag the notes as I select them with a tag called "to_merge". Once I've got all the notes I want I can then filter/search for that tag and merge the notes. The problem with this appraoch in V10 has been the time lag for changes in notes to become searchable. However I'm now finding that changing tags and then filtering by those tags is working pretty much instantaneously.
  22. You've said on a couple of occassions that EN use AI to select relevant notes to be added. What's your evidence that we don't all just have the ability to add the 8 notes that EN have decided, in their infinite wisdom, are most important.
  23. I know you want to add dates using the keyboard and so do I. However, I did recently discover (I still don't think it is obvious) that clicking the month or year allows you to change them independently. You don't have to press the arrow icon 12 times to advance a year! i expect you'd already figured that out and I'm just being particularly slow.
  24. I like @gazumped's answer. Of you could make a saved search and add it to shortcuts for say all notes created in the last 5 days created:day-5 If you put it at the top of the shortcuts list it would then be easily accessible using ctrl-1 (on windows)
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