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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. If you start with a notebook by clicking the notebook in the sidebar and then filter you can clear that filter by going to "Notes" which is alt-ctrl-2 (on windows - sorry you will have to look it up for Mac). If you are filtering "Notes" this doesn't work because you are already in "Notes". I personally think that hitting "Notes" should always clear the search. The simplest work around is to create a shortcut to a note and put it somehwere near the top (ie in the first 9) of the shortcut list. e.g. if it's in position 4 you can access it with ctrl-4. That effectively clears the search and the global search shortcut then seems to work as I would expect. You may have to play around for something that will work with your specific work flow but some combination of a shortcut key to a shortcut and the shortcut to notes should give you what you want. You could even have a "pseudo notes" which is a search string of * saved as a saved search.
  2. This simply does not happen to me. I understand that is not much help to you but I would be raising a support tiket if this is your experience. So what version are you on now? If you are not on 10.25 you are still not on the upto date version. If you are then you should not get another update for a couple of weeks. If you are on 10.25 and are still getting upgrades there is something wrong somewhere. Specifics would help. Which version.
  3. So you are actually using V10? This is actually a very old thread about the legacy version.
  4. My experience has not been reliable for the last two years - early versions were very disappointing. However the current few versions have been pretty good on hardware well below the spec of your laptop. I do get the ocassional unexplained duplicate note but I have never lost any notes. There are still plenty of niggles and I wouldn't describe it as amazingly fast but I now rarely have to open up the legacy version.
  5. A possible workaround is as follows. Create a saved search which excludes your archive notebook. e.g. -notebook:archive Save this as a shortcut. Probably at the top of the list as it's important. Remember you can then access it as ctrl-1 (Windows) You can run the search which will return all the notes not in the archive folder . You can then filter the results or add search text to the search box after the text above.
  6. The advanced search syntax works well. If you want to find all the notes in the notebook called genealogy that don't have a tag just type the following into the search box notebook:genealogy -tag:* If your actual notebook name has spaces in it then surround the whole name with quotation marks
  7. I disagree. With increasingly complex websites with all sorts of bells and whistles I found that EN was starting to make a very poor job of capturing and converting them into their own format. The current option is not ideal but does mean that in the vast majority of cases it is faithfully rendered within my note. Capturing as a simplified article or simplifying post capture (which in my experience can give subtly different results) allows me to modify if I need to. It would however be nice to be able to highlight the html content if that could be done without messing with the formatting. I know that EN have done quite alot of user evaluation and there are also preview and beta progams. From memory this change was in the web version prior to V10. I don't think EN can really be expected to include everybody all the time and sometimes they will make changes without our personal involvement or permission!
  8. That's a very old version. The current Windows version is 10.25.6-win-ddl-public (3073) Editor: v135.2.17285 Service: v1.42.2 © 2019 - 2021 Evernote Corporation. All rights reserved I think you should at least base your assessment on the current version rather than one which is 22 updates behind.
  9. Unlike my esteemed co-contributors I'm going to take a wild guess and assume you have scanned documents into EN. The easiest way is probably to go to "Notes" and then use the filter menu. There you can select a date range. If your scans are saved as pdfs you can also filter for notes containing pdfs. If not you could choose images or attachments instead.
  10. I use checklists 95% of the time because I also like the ability to move items around and cross things out when they are done. For me they are much better than the old system when I want to cross things off a list. However, they do not work well when you want to cross things on to a list. A shopping list composed of all the things you might need to buy being a prime example. I suppose that if there was a way of ticking every item in a checklist automatically you could then untick the items you wanted although this would be counterintuitive and would require you to read faint crossed out text!
  11. This is the Windows forum. I rarely have to use ctrl-Z because I use the workaround of having a character before the checkbox.
  12. I completely agree. See The lack of a way of switching using the keyboard is also annoying. As you say you have to remember to go to "notes" first (for which there is at least a keyboard option)
  13. On windows there is both a superscript and subscript button on the editing toolbar. I am surprised that it is different on Mac given the common approach now being adopted.
  14. This happened to me but simply closing the app and restarting solved it. Works perfectly for me now.
  15. I am also an R scripter and the R tag is essential! You can not really search for "R"!
  16. You probably realise this already but it's a bit counterintuitive so I'll point it out anyway. You need to run the saved search before you can delete it. Only then does the three dots menu give you the option to delete saved search.
  17. It should definitely be an option. It's disappointing that neither the insert hyperlink (ctrl-K) option or the markdown equivalent [title](https://www.example.com) work within a task while they both work within the body of the the note.
  18. You can create new tags (or use existing ones) in the tag area at the bottom of the note.
  19. This has been mentioned at various stages in the past. The same bahaviour as for the filter. At least we can get around it using the search syntax as in my example.
  20. I seem to remember that in the old version (aka legacy) there were some options around how the tags in the hierarcy interacted. You are correct that there is no automatic inheritance of tags through the hierarchy. You can of course chose to tag notes with the parent tags as well. Alternatively you can use the search syntax to specifically find all the notes tagged with the various tags any: tag:Analytics tag:Quantitative tag:Qualitative tag:Visualization. I personally like the tag hierarchy because it organises my tags rather than because I want to search by groups of tags or have notes inherit multiple levels of tags. The way it currently operates I get more control.
  21. It depends how you normally sort notes. If you sort alpabetically then @PinkElephant's suggestion works well. If you sort by created date you can manually change the created date to be something far into the future (or past) so that it appears at the top of the list. If you sort by updated date you are currently stuck. My preferred solution is to add a $pinned tag and then just filter by that tag once I have the list of relevant notes notes.
  22. While I understand @PinkElephant's reluctance to have the note open twice it does seem to work if you stick to one clent. Try the following open the note in a new window maximise the original note in the client (expand note icon at top left) put the two windows side by side You can then scroll the two windows independently and edit them independently. It takes a couple of seconds for updates in one to be reflected in the other so you do need to be careful.
  23. There used to be a work around using the EN scripting language but that is no longer a part of V10. I agree that it would be useful to be able to link to notebooks and saved searches from within a note. If I am building a "dashboard" note that pulls together critical information for a particular topic I want the ability to some critical searches as well as notes. Sometimes I put the search in a code box as the search syntax which I can then cut and paste into the search bar - I know it is an ugly work around but it does work. While the shortcuts are useful too many make them unwieldy.
  24. Still seems to be working for me. @Daveytdid note some variability above but so far I have not had any issues. 10.24.3-win-ddl-public (3041) Editor: v134.0.17043 Service: v1.41.4 © 2019 - 2021 Evernote Corporation. All rights reserved
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