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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. Thread drift: But isn't it also MBA 101 to (1) acquire a company, (2) raise prices, (3) fire lots of existing staff to cut costs? Or does it just look that way to those of us outside the business world?
  2. I sent the email a little after 6:00 PM Friday, and it appeared in my default notebook Saturday morning. The note has a creation time of 10:37 AM, around 16 1/2 hours after the email was sent. I presume that that is when the email was processed and the note created, though I don't know that it tells me that that was when the email was received. FWIW.
  3. I don't know if we can speculate about why they kept the price low. I would have to think that the cost to add a user would depend a lot on what the user was doing, how many resources they required, etc. Eventually, IMHO, Evernote became underpriced for what it was offering. Now they are offering considerably more, and the price rise from the (IMHO) underpriced level feels extreme. If enough people do find uses for some of the new things they're offering, they may be OK--if they also make those new things work right. But for those who don't need the new features, then the new prices will also seem unnecessary.
  4. Hi Mike, and welcome to the forums. Please be aware that these are user to user forums, not a normal means of contacting Evernote staff. They may show up sometimes, but they aren't scanning these forums for messages. The best way to get word to them is through support: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new. However, support is swamped these days (for the reasons you set out and others), and your response will be from a very low-level rep. I wish I could give you a better suggestion.
  5. Frankly, I've always found emailing into Evernote to be hit-or-miss. I have a fairly small account and don't do this often, so I just tried forwarding a fairly simple email as a test. I'll keep watch to see when/if it arrives.
  6. Hadn't noticed it before, but now I see that it happens consistently, even when I'm just viewing a note, not editing. Then when I go back to the app through the recent apps, it tries to reload that same note (apparently), but just sits with the spinning circle, even if the note's content is minimal (or empty). It's necessary to use the green back arrow at top left rather than Android back. Let me suggest posting this in the dedicated Android app forum, where it will get better attention from other Android users: https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/forum/718-evernote-for-android-issues-versions-100-and-above/.
  7. Good post. Evernote was never good at communication with users, so this is actually not new, IMHO. But I agree, a new owner ought to mean a fresh start, but so far that fresh start has included: Sharp price increases for many users, bringing the price actually into line with what it should have gotten to gradually over the last 5 or 10 years, but too sudden for many users, especially because of ... The introduction of improved syncing and Real Time Editing without having done adequate backend preparation for the increased load, resulting in weeks of severe slowdowns and data loss, with some data loss continuing to be reported 3 months later. The new features work very well when they work at all, but it's taken too long for that to become consistent. The introduction of "AI note cleanup," which was requested by (apparently) no Evernote user ever, works at a mediocre-to-acceptable level, and caused serious concerns (due to poor communication!) about whether our notes were being fed into an AI machine somewhere. The massively incompetent v. 10.59.5 of the desktop and Web apps, which messed up searching (the most fundamental Evernote function, beyond syncing itself) and several other things, and which has continued to be foisted on users who try to remain on the previous version. The weird messes in the Android app, in which stylus and finger input (at least on Samsung devices) is crippled or nearly disabled, people using passcodes get white screens of death (until the whole passcode function was temporarily removed), other users get red screens of death, and the tag and other menus flash and flutter and become unusable. Alongside the price increases, the other event expected when a company is bought out, the firing of many experienced staff, including, it seems, programmers -- which IMHO must have something to do with the disasters in 10.59.5 and the Android app, if not in the sync/RTE issues. And probably stuff I'm forgetting. @Federico Simionato has been in and out of these forums, and started a few threads offering information and requesting feedback, which have been better than nothing. But the lack of preparation for the introduction of the new sync/RTE left him with difficult explanations to make, and the incomprehensible 10.59.5 and Android chaos has not been explained at all. "We really goofed, we bit off more than we could chew, we tried to go too fast ..." anything along those lines would have been, and still would be, helpful. I appreciate his post above, but I would very respectfully suggest that communication is far from being "not critical." Of course, I do not know the facts, so I may simply be wrong about this, but I would also respectfully suggest that firing the people who already knew the infrastructure and other "core stuff" may have proven to be unwise. You mention marketing, @Grant837, and I find myself wondering what a new user coming to Evernote for the first time would think when encountering v. 10.59.5 and finding that it could not do what it was advertised to do. Without communication from the company, it's hard to believe they'd stick around.
  8. WRT "won't be posted" ... well, oops. 🙂 A post really has to be pretty abusive to get kicked off here. For a data depository, I can see how Evernote might be too expensive under the current pricing, and something much simpler and cheaper would do. I use it for actual notes, mostly for writing projects, and for personal activities like travel. For me, that's currently worth the money. But my $100/year Professional subscription fortunately renewed just before the big price change, so I'll see how I feel when it renews next year, presumably with some upward price mobility. Especially if they don't get their act together with unbelievably buggy update releases.
  9. It's less common for me, but I did get it again just yesterday. I just swiped Evernote away in the recent apps to force close it, and when I restarted it it was OK. But having to do that multiple times a day would get old.
  10. Welcome to the forums. Can you say more about what's going wrong with the scratch pad? I don't use it very much, but my impression is that it is meant for grabbing quick thoughts, which can be converted to notes before long, rather than for long-term information storage. I just tried, and a scratch pad does sync between Web client and Windows desktop app, but I don't know for how long.
  11. WRT cost management, shortly after Bending Spoons took full possession and control of Evernote, they fired a large number of existing staff (as is the common, if not particularly intelligent, practice). I believe those included experienced Evernote programmers. And I believe that is a large part of why we are where we are.
  12. Not sure that anyone here can help you -- we await a new release of the app to address this. In any case, posting the same thing on multiple threads only clogs things up.
  13. Welcome to the forums. These are primarily user-to-user, so while we can make suggestions we're limited in actually resolving something like this. To start with, what mobile device and version of Android, and what version of the Evernote app, do you have? FWIW, this looks similar to the "Client Debug Mode" issue (see this thread). Are you seeing that specific message?
  14. ... And just had to do it again, without any restart happening. This really is aggressive, for a version that should OBVIOUSLY have been withdrawn altogether.
  15. For those looking for versions of Evernote for Windows prior to 10.59.5: https://evernote.en.uptodown.com/windows/. They have 10.58.8 and earlier.
  16. And this morning I turned on my laptop to find that, in the course of a Windows update, Evernote had re-started, found probably a temp...10.59.5...exe installer file, and updated itself. A quick test showed that it indeed came with the known issues. So I uninstalled using just the Windows uninstaller for the sake of time, but then manually deleted C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\Evernote\. I then installed from the 10.58.8 installer I downloaded from https://evernote.en.uptodown.com/windows/, and all was well, or at least as expected, with the DB needing to download so that notes opened a bit slowly, my one keyboard shortcut customization needing to be re-established, etc. So: Vigilance is necessary. Even so, auto-updating can happen. Reverting to the well-functioning 10.58.8 is not hard.
  17. All this of course is in the abominable v. 10.59.5. I just tried it the Web client (I've kept 10.58 in the Windows app), and found the same. Indeed, after a couple of tries it ceased responding at all to a click on any tag in the list. It would just sit there with a blank middle column.
  18. And for Windows: https://evernote.en.uptodown.com/windows/. I just downloaded the 10.58.8 installer in case my vigilance in deleting the 10.59 installer from C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\evernote-client-updater\pending ever fails me.
  19. Regarding the "untitled attachment" label, I see that sometimes too, generally on attachments that I know for a fact have uploaded properly. Generally I think it means that the note I'm looking at has not really finished syncing (in the Android app), and if I switch away and come back or do a manual sync it will be OK.
  20. Ah, of course! Obtuse, like I said. I can't get the problem to happen in my Windows desktop app, in which I have managed to swat away the 10.59.5 update, so it's still on 10.58.8. I do have 10.59.5 in the Web client, but of course, that's a different set of menus. Sorry to be irrelevant as well as obtuse!
  21. Probably no point in saying this, but ... Evernote is not here. The forums are almost entirely user to user. If and when someone from Evernote staff may scan over them, we do not know. So this is not the best way to address requests, let alone demands, to them. For that, https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new, although that department is pretty well swamped at the moment.
  22. As you may know these are basically user-to-user forums, so none of us is able to fix this. For support: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new. Regarding the scratch pad, are you attempting to store information in it and sync it to Evernote on other devices? That's really now not what it's meant for, as I understand it, and that could be the cause of the problem.
  23. Welcome to the forums. What version of Android Evernote are you using? That sounds like a problem that I used to get a lot on the older (pre-version-10) app. The only solution was to copy all the content of the note and paste it into a new note (which loses the note history). I have not seen it happen in v. 10. But that currently has problems of its own.
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