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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. You have 3 posts here on the same topic, 2 of them identical.
  2. I owe some apologies. When I found the note completely empty, I restored the most recent earlier version from note history. Later, I discovered that this was practically empty itself. The restored note has a different ID from the original, which (now empty) I put in Trash. But now, upon restoring it from Trash, I find that it has its full history, going back 3 years. The transition from a very lengthy "junk drawer" note to the much briefer form actually happened last November! It's quite possible that I decided it was time to empty out the junk drawer back then, and simply forgot that I had done so. At any rate, the abbreviated form that I recovered was likely my own doing last November. But there was a deletion of all the content that it had, and there was, just prior to that, a movement of material from the top to the end of it. Sorry for freaking people (including myself) out.
  3. @Googol, no triple posting please. Double is inconvenient, triple is very annoying.
  4. My work is nonfiction (at least I say that it is), but I use Evernote for similar research and idea-gathering purposes. Personally, I don't mind a little jaunty, and there's no doubt that the v. 10 interface is jazzier than Legacy's. But the font that Evernote uses as "Normal text" is a pretty bare-bones sans serif for me (see the clip below). Can you post a screen shot if yours is not that? WRT spelling, my understanding is that EN 10 uses system resources (your browser for the Web client, OS for desktop), but I could be wrong about that.
  5. Correcting myself: I restored the immediately preceding version of the note too hastily, not scrolling through it, and later I discovered that in fact the most recent edit had been moved from the top of the note to the end (again, not by me), and almost everything earlier from this long-running note had been deleted; and history did not have any version earlier than that. I'm fortunate that this was not a critical note, but it was still stuff I was not ready to part with. Note that all this happened after the backend work reported by Evernote staff (which I quoted above) that had supposedly fixed a lot of problems. I feel very sorry for people who just started using Evernote this year and are experiencing this chaos and data destruction as the norm. Evernote has worked very well for me for years, and I expect (I guess) that it will do so again soon. But there isn't much they've done this year, from price increases to the not-yet-ready new sync and RTE rollout to meh-at-best AI functions, that hasn't been mostly a mess.
  6. I've got v. 10.58.5 of the Web client, using Edge on a Windows 10 laptop, and I can't do this multi-select at all. Looks like you're using Firefox; what operating system do you use?
  7. @darrenbuttoniow, forum policy is not to post multiple times with the same content. Things are crazy enough these days! 🙂
  8. Adding my own report. A note that I use as scratch (not the Home page Scratchpad, a note of my own) was edited yesterday evening. It had a lot of older material, including images, that I wasn't ready to delete yet. But today it was completely empty. Note history had the last version from yesterday, and the blank version was "updated" (not by me!) 5 minutes after that. I restored it from note history, so nothing lost permanently. And another note, to which I had added a header at the top, had its title deleted, and then of course the header became the title! All this happening (and I haven't experienced a lot of data lost) just as we're being assured that back-end fixes are getting this right:
  9. My Windows 10 laptop just updated to 10.58.5. I tested by opening several notes I haven't edited at in 2 or 3 years, and they opened virtually instantly, taking maybe a second or so at most, including one that was long and complicated. Similar with 10.58.5 in the Web client, even on 8-year-old-notes with lots of images. Impressive! Don't know if it's the new version, the back-end work, or both, but it's great. The release notes mention 2 items without giving details. "New printing functionality"--anyone know what that is? "Hardware Acceleration Disable under Preferences/Application," with no indication why one would do that or what the benefits and risks would be, even in Help & Learning.
  10. Just on this point, an important post from Evernote staff today:
  11. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Can you clarify? (And be aware that we're mostly just other users here, not development or support staff.) Are you saying open it at the top of the note rather than the bottom? That's a well-known issue currently, and they say they are working on fixing it. Not sure what "selectively" means here.
  12. This looks very promising. I made a quick test with this page: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/column-l-a-vandals-are-targeting-pride-flags-and-it-s-not-having-the-effect-they-hoped-for/ar-AA1cBe7C?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=9a3ce6632bf34192b4eb386bcde646f6&ei=44, clipping the headline, the image near the top, and the next two text paragraphs. It consistently failed to get the image. I also tried selecting the same portions, then using Web Clipper, and again it couldn't get the image.
  13. Please look through the forum. There are already threads on this issue; you'll find information there.
  14. Actually, as I understand it, the decision was made with v. 10 to encapsulate Evernote within the Electron framework, so that a unified codebase could be maintained and yet interact appropriately with all the different OS platforms. The tradeoff in performance has been widely noted in the forums. So it has nothing to do with the devs' capabilities. I'm sure Evernote could reverse course, hire people to create high-performance native apps on all different platforms, and deal with the difficulties of trying to maintain feature parity and interface similarity across them all (since the whole point of Evernote is to access your notes on a variety of devices). Of course, they'd have to pay the programmers and other staff to do that. Of course, they'd have to charge users accordingly. Any thoughts on how that would be received?
  15. Ah. For some strange reason I've never visited that page. Too much like watching the sausage being made.
  16. Aha! So this (but not the large note warning) is announced. Curiously, my Evernote Web client (on one computer) updated to v. 10.58.5. Release notes (brief and informative!) include several things from 58.3, but not all:
  17. Just FYI, my Evernote Web client just updated to v. 10.58.5. Release notes (brief and informative!): My Windows desktop app is still on 10.57.1 (I haven't taken the time to download from evernote.com).
  18. Hi, and welcome to the forums. To be clear, we're mainly just other users here, so we offer the help we're able to, but cannot do deep level tech support. Be aware also that this thread was started almost 3 years ago, died out for a year and a half, was briefly revived a year ago, and faded out again. So "precisely the same issue" may or may not be correct -- Evernote 10 has evolved massively since this thread began, and issues that appear similar may have different underlying causes. Still, having a go based on your information: When you say the sidebar is grayed out, you mean that none of the items there is functioning (Notes, Shortcuts, Notebooks, etc.)? What view are you in when double-clicking a note pops it up blank---all notes, a search result, a particular notebook or tag...? When you say the app hasn't updated all notes, that means that there are updates made to notes in the Web client that don't appear in the desktop app? V. 10.58.3 is AFAIK the latest version of the app. It was released in order to deal with a variety of issues that appeared after the change to the sync structure of notes, one of which was long delays in note contents appearing after being clicked. So, just to be sure, if you click on one of the affected notes, it never appears, even if you wait for several minutes (it should never take that long, just trying to cover all bases)? I don't think you have anything to worry about with the Web app going down, and the fact that you can work with notes there shows that your data are safe on Evernote's servers. One further question: when you uninstalled and reinstalled, did you just use the standard Windows uninstall procedure? Others report here that that is unreliable, and may leave bits behind that foul up a new installation. If you haven't yet, try running Revo Uninstaller--I haven't had to use it, but others here say it will well and truly uninstall Evernote and all its traces, letting you do a truly clean reinstall. Hope this is some help.
  19. Note history is kept for all notes in all accounts, including free. However, only subscribers are able to access their note histories. If note history can help with this (and it's not always certain that it can), it's possible to subscribe for just 1 month, check note history (and maybe create a support ticket: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new), and then at the end of the month return to free.
  20. And what if anything is Datadoghq's involvement with Evernote?
  21. Welcome to the forums. It's 2 weeks since the last post in this thread, so evidently Evernote is not quite dead yet. Please be aware that these are mainly user-to-user forums, not a venue for directing commands to Evernote. For that purpose, start a support ticket at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new.
  22. So, new notices (low on disk space, note too large) without any indication that they are coming (well, I haven't seen the 10.58.3 release notes--anything there). Frankly, it all sounds like "We haven't gotten this straight yet, please use the system gently."
  23. This is the standard notification of a note conflict in v. 10 (since there is no longer a Conflicting Changes notebook that is used when this occurs). I've seen it a couple of times lately--less often than I used to--and I always try to locate both versions of the note and do an eyeball comparison to see which one represents the most recent edits. This is much preferable to silently losing data, but as you and others point out, we shouldn't see it except perhaps very rarely with the RTE-enabled data structure. If it becomes frequent--once a day, say--it might be good to report it, but for just rare occasions I wouldn't add it to the pile; I'm sure the only response would be boilerplate about how to avoid conflicts.
  24. There are at least 2 existing threads on this issue. Please scroll down the forum page or use the browser's search function to find them.
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