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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. Well, as of today (April 8), the AI Edit button is back to being a demure little circle in the middle of the editing toolbar, not a big rectangle with lots of padding before it at the right end. This is in v. 10.82.2 Windows Desktop and 10.83.5 Web client. Other matters (including annoying popup) remain as they were.
  2. Interesting -- it's true that the / menu is disabled within any list structure. It is available in the middle of any regular line of text.
  3. Dear EverGator, You always were kind of a whiner, weren't you? And a cheapskate. For 6 years I never asked you to go someplace fancier, and yeah, you were OK with that. I got a little tired of it, frankly. So my tastes changed. I started going to the gym. (You might wanna look into that.) Sorry the Web app felt like a couch to you, especially since by late last year it could do things your Legacy cot never could. Basically, we just went different ways, and wanted different things, don't you think? I mean, the Linux thing ... that and the Yugo up on blocks in your back yard ... you didn't see problems coming? So now you've got your cheap date -- nice restaurant my eye. Have fun. Missing you less with each passing hour, EN PS. You thought we were friends?
  4. I find I can end a line with a word like book/s if there is a space or punctuation after it, just not as the end of a paragraph without punctuation.
  5. Agreed, it needs fixing. But do checkboxes (not lists) appear properly in shared notes? It's more work and less elegant to put a non-blank character at the beginning of the line before the checkbox, but it might be the available workaround.
  6. Yeah, there's at least one whole separate thread on that one. What a pain, and so utterly pointless with the big button sitting right on the toolbar.
  7. I may or may not have seen a splash, but I've got in in 10.82.2 Windows desktop and 10.83.4 Web. It shows events from my connected Google calendar, and in fact allows me to select which of several calendars in my Google account are displayed. I can view details of existing events, but not create new ones. It also has buttons to connect other Google and Microsoft365 calendars. So, a start.
  8. I hope the previous suggestions will help you get your unsynced notes from Legacy into your account. I would only add that while v. 10 looks much as it did when it was first introduced in 2020, it has actually gotten a great deal better in what it can do and how it does it, and if you haven't tried to work with it since you may find it more capable than you fear.
  9. I get different results when I use Ctrl+V rather than Ctrl+Shift+V to paste a URL: When I use the dialog, as you show, I always get the plain URL, not the title of the page.
  10. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/115012107027-Operating-system-requirements-for-Evernote
  11. Or, honestly, it may be that v. 10.83.4 has not been improved to the point where it can handle a bulleted list with 1500 entries. It may be time to begin a journey with support: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new. Bring a sandwich.
  12. I'm glad that was helpful. I think a lot of us who picked up on v. 10 awhile back (I waited a year or two for it to become really functional, and only gradually transitioned over) may forget what a lot we have learned over a longer time--and sometimes feel an all-too-human urge to say, "Well, you could have done this last year." We're here now, though, and you're right, the earlier adopters are kind of the tutorial. WRT the Web clipper, I'm not sure if that has been developed on the same timetable as v. 10. It is a browser extension, and I suppose the easiest way to make sure you're up to date would be to have your browser check for a newer version, or delete it and reinstall fresh. The one persistent aggravation with the recent iterations of the clipper has been that "smart filing" has gotten really dumb: even if you have it turned on in Settings, it will offer to send every clip to your default notebook. You can change that at the time of clipping or later in the clipped note, but it's a minor aggravation. Backlinks are created automatically every time you put a link to one note inside another. If you're typing in note A and insert a link to note B, then when you view note B you'll see a gray Backlinks button at the top with a clickable link back to note A. (Both notes do need to sync for this; the backlink is generated on the Evernote servers.) For me they're really one of the best additions in v. 10: automatic, no muss no fuss, and unobtrusive in the interface.
  13. What version are you on? V. 10.83.4 claims it has "Fixed a performance issue when typing in large notes," specifically this one. Others report improvement, but not full fluidity. Browser Evernote clients are usually the first to update, but if you haven't gotten it yet, you could try refreshing the page and it should update. If you have the current version and it's still stalling, you probably need to report it to support: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new.
  14. @justacat , the introduction of the "boxed" HTML content from Web clips was a fairly early change in v. 10 from previous versions. As @PinkElephant says, it was much discussed and debated at the time. Since then, we early, mid-, and fairly late adopters have adjusted to it, and some even find it handy to retain the appearance of the original Web page, while either duplicating it or copying material out of the box and editing as needed. As with quite a few other changes, last-minute adopters are getting the full waterfall at once rather than the relatively gentle showers the rest of us have been standing under. I think Evernote is still very flexible and adaptable to different purposes, but "user friendly" only comes with experience. My 2¢. My third cent: since you do lots of Web clipping, have you tried the new Multi-Select option? There's about a 3-minute learning curve, but as you hover the mouse around the screen you'll see it pick out smaller and larger segments and let you build them into just the material you want to clip. Still in the box, but way better than having a whole page of which you only want parts--and then editing out the unwanted bits. For me the killer new feature has been backlinks. They really help me connect notes. Often I'll intentionally click on a note other than the one I want just because it's in front of me on the screen and I know it has a backlink to the note I'm really after. Worth trying it out, if it could be useful for you.
  15. I think I've seen 1 or 2 other reports of a sync issue like this (unless they were also from you, sorry). It is mysterious. Clearly the notes were getting synced up from the Windows desktop to Evernote's servers, but not down to the Android device. The fact that they appeared after you opened Evernote on a Windows laptop might be a coincidence, and some connectivity issue between the Android device and Evernote got resolved at the same time. Definitely not what's expected. (What does seem to be expected is that when I open the Android app after notes have been edited elsewhere it will flash annoyingly for a few seconds while it updates them, but at least I know they're synced.)
  16. Hi, and welcome to the forums. You're responding to a 6-month-old thread with related (maybe) and unrelated questions. For future reference, it usually gets better results to keep threads simple. Can you say more about the printing issue? What is it that you used to do that you're having trouble doing now? WRT AI, unfortunately there's no way to turn it off altogether. If you don't ever press the AI Edit button, your won't have to interact with it. What I wish could be turned off is the silly popup button every time I select some text, or even an image. Opinions on this can be sent to feedback@evernote.com.
  17. @jrdunson, as you may have noticed by reading through the thread: These are user-to-user forums, so you are not addressing Evernote with the request to fix the issue. You can do so at feedback@evernote.com. The menu option (also available through the ... menu at top right of a note) is to show or hide the inline hint that (if shown) appears at the beginning of every new paragraph. It's working as intended. I can absolutely understand the desire to disable the thing. I use it sometimes, but I don't see that it does anything that I can't do almost as conveniently by other means, with the inconvenience of the popup on the relatively rare occasions I type a /. Clearly it needs more work.
  18. I actually agree with this pretty completely. I don't know if this is the BenSpoo corporate culture, if they take this lab-rat approach to the users of all their apps, or it's something they're trying out with Evernote. Want to change the UI of the desktop/Web and then mobile apps? Try this: announce a beta group and experiment on them! But then you want to know how a group of non-self-selected-volunteers would react? Too bad--you can't do that. After the beta test, then announce the change so people can look at it, and then make it, and if it draws a lot of fire tweak it or roll it back. Takes too long? No, it doesn't. It takes the amount of time necessary to do something right. It may take the sum total amount of time for BenSpoo equivalent to all the time taken by unsuspecting users trying to figure out what the 🤬 is going on under the current system. Oh, we could have found out about it on X or the blog? I waste too much time in these forums doing meta-Evernote stuff, and have too much concern for my mental health to ever go on X. And yes, I will be sending this to feedback@evernote.com.
  19. By "keywords" do you mean "tags" (I don't know how Evernote translates "tags" into German)?
  20. Might be good to post this to the Android forum, since this thread is drifting a little: https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/forum/718-evernote-for-android-issues-versions-100-and-above/.
  21. Please see my response to your post in the Android forum.
  22. They're testing a new mobile "home page." Not a lot of fans of it around here; see this thread: https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/150839-mobile-home-screen-change/. There may be a link or button or menu item somewhere to get to your shortcuts and other widgets. As for all attachments untitled, that's (obviously) different. Hopefully after it settles in for awhile they'll become available. If not, of course, it's the long and winding road: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new.
  23. I've had problems in the past getting Evernote to load in the Web client. Is this happening just with specific notes, or with all notes, or with Evernote as a whole? If it's all notes or Evernote as a whole, clearing browser cache and cookies may help. If it's specific notes, that might still be worth a try. Might also be worth trying in a different browser, if you haven't yet.
  24. My Web client just updated to 10.83.4 when my computer restarted. (This should be downloadable for desktops at evernote.com/download.) In the release notes (they're back!): "Introducing headings and lists to slash commands for improved note editing." These are items from the editing toolbar, not the blue + button. In very brief testing, works as advertised. Note that if you want to insert a header, you can type /h, but can not continue with 1, 2, or 3 (since they're subscripted in the dropdown 🙄); you have to scroll through the list with up/down arrows, or else click.
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