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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. Ah yes, cream ... with some strawberry shortcake underneath it....
  2. The same issue has been under discussion in this thread: There, @Nick L indicated that the problem had been fixed back in February. Evidently it has returned.
  3. The new Web client is still in beta, so features are being added (or restored) all the time. At present (even in the "previous version" of the Web client) it's not even possible to select multiple notes so that they can be merged. I too hope that merge will (re)appear soon. I can't imagine that they will overlook it indefinitely.
  4. Can't say I haven't thought about it.... My favorite Curly moment: "Press ... Press ... Pull!" https://archive.org/details/065EvenAsIOU1942, 10:50 in.
  5. In that case, the next step would probably be to uninstall Evernote and reinstall it. Otherwise, since you have a Plus account, you could contact Evernote's technical support and see what they say.
  6. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Evernote uses the Windows "short date" and "short time" settings to get the information it prints using Alt +Shift+D. This setting can be configured in Windows Control Panel > Region. You could check the setting there. But it would be surprising (to me, anyway) if there were a setting there that eliminated the time altogether. If it can't be fixed through the Control Panel, next step would be to exit Evernote completely (File menu > Exit; or use Windows Task Manager; the red X box only closes the interface), then restart it. This sometimes fixes odd problems like this. If that doesn't work, you could reboot the computer.
  7. The first thing I would try would be to exit Evernote completely (File menu > Exit; or use Windows Task Manager; the red X box only closes the interface), then restart it. This sometimes fixes odd problems like this. If that doesn't work, reboot the computer.
  8. Thanks for this report. I don't think there's anything we as users can do to update the Web beta versions we have. They may be different in different browsers on the same machine, and Evernote seems to be managing the rollout of new versions to each browser. Today, I've got v. 10.0.1 6.10.1 in Opera and 5.31.0 in Firefox! It looks like you've figured out where the problem originated. I'm not too surprised that a table copied from Word, likely with some proprietary formatting, might have some of that formatting go unrecognized in the Evernote Web browser. Glad the standard colors are working, at least. FWIW, I copied a table with background colors from the EN Web beta and pasted it into Word, and the colors came through.
  9. I think there have been similar reports regarding the Evernote Android app attempting to use non-default apps to open attached documents. Unless someone can offer a solution here, since you have a Premium subscription, your best course may be to contact Evernote support.
  10. I haven't made use of the background color feature before, but now I'm testing it out to see. Does the color just disappear, or does it refuse to be applied in the first place? Also, what version of the beta do you have? Click your initial and account name in top left to see. Mine shows v. 6.10.0.
  11. Thanks. The only advice I can offer is to try the workarounds that were suggested earlier in this thread.
  12. Hi and welcome to the forums. Could you explain a bit more? The question is not quite clear (to me, at least).
  13. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Since you're adding to a year-old thread about a different software program, could you give a few more details?
  14. A number of people have reported this sort of behavior, so the programmers are aware of it. Fortunately for me, I've never experienced it, but it sounds very alarming.
  15. That is quite peculiar. There are annoying differences in how well the Web beta works across different browsers. Have you tried going back to the "previous" version of the Evernote Web client? Click your initial and account name at top left and choose the option from there.
  16. Old kid on the block here. Can you say more about what bi-directional linking is and does, esp. in relation to what it could do in Evernote?
  17. Thanks, @CalS. I wasn't really aware of this. It only seems to work on search results, not when just clicking a note in the Note List.
  18. @ruralrelic, I often find this in notes created by clipping from the Web, or sometimes from emailing into Evernote. Using Evernote in a Web browser, the material shows up surrounded by a gray box labeled "HTML content". Is that what you're seeing? If so, try clicking on the top gray bar of the box. That should bring up a "magic wand" icon that lets you convert the material to editable text. Hope this helps!
  19. How are you trying it? Using Evernote's built-in camera, make sure the top-right icon looks like a document, not a landscape; that way it should select the card and attempt to process it.
  20. Hi, MIke, and welcome to the forums. This is primarily user-to-user; Evernote staff look in, but this isn't the best place to address comments and feature requests/upgrades to them directly. There are feedback forums for that purpose: go to https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/449-product-feedbackfeature-requests/ and select the forum for the Evernote interface you use most. WRT searching, here is the documentation on the search grammar. My understanding is that searching is indeed pretty basic, e.g., it searches for strings at the beginning of a search term, not in the middle or end. Could definitely be improved.
  21. Ecch again. Thanks for the information. No surprise about those two tyrannies. I saw a report recently about Russian disinformation farms setting up operations in one or two African countries, where people need the work and have no idea that the propaganda they are inserting into Facebook, Twitter, etc., to meddle with U.S. elections is not legitimate political expression.
  22. Thanks, @gazumped. I just got one of those today, with the special feature of having all the text run together with meaningless letters between words, apparently trying to defeat a junk filter, which it did not. But my wife saw it and alerted me. It asked for a type of cash card rather than bitcoin. No Webcam on my old monitor, so no threat. But your warning did let me get oriented to what was going on very quickly. However, it used my last name, which is part of the email address, and another very specific word that is part of the email password. That was alarming, and I changed the password right away. Ecch. My prayer for these folks is always that they will be so stunningly unsuccessful at crime that they will have to turn to honest work to support themselves.
  23. For those who may find this thread later, it was fixed in a couple of days by Evernote working with Cronofy.
  24. What Evernote is currently up to can best be seen in the series of Behind the Scenes videos.
  25. Note to whoever moved this thread to the Integrations forum: the disadvantage of doing such moves without notifying the people involved in the thread, esp. the OP, is that if they want to come back to the thread later it can be a leetle bit hard to find. Please don't. Thanks for understanding.
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