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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. Hi, Kelly, and welcome to the forums. Note history is a paid feature because ... well, because they have to charge for something to stay in business, and this is one of the things they chose to charge for. You can sign up for Premium for just one month, access your note's history (which is retained for all notes on all accounts, Basic or Premium), and then cancel the Premium subscription and drop back to Basic. Hope this is some help.
  2. Definitely no reason to uninstall the software, which is not related to the online Help & Learning area. With @gazumped, it may be a browser issue. If you have a second browser on your device, you could try it.
  3. Hi, and welcome to the forums. This is the Windows desktop program forum. Over in the Android forum, someone else has reported this problem, the solution to which should be to click the letter a in the top row of icons:
  4. And @AndreasM will always come in with no help, but lies and insults. Lie: There are no "gurus," a category once applied to dedicated forum volunteers who created a large number of posts. The category no longer exists, but the people do exist, and they do acknowledge problems, sometimes even point them out. Next lie: Believe it or not, some people like to be helpful for free. I know, this won't change the troll's behavior. I've just had enough of lying, and feel like calling it out. As for the actual problem, as @dcon pointed out, the issue is not that "Evernote won't copy/paste line breaks"; I paste material with line breaks into Evernote all the time. The issue is that EN lacks Google Docs' "Paste as plain text" feature to process the specific HTML code that YouTube puts on the clipboard. That's certainly a problem for pasting from YouTube. But without knowing more details (what's the YouTube HTML look like? how many people need to do this on a regular basis?), it's hard to go much farther. One could, of course, go to Google's famously responsive tech support and request that they change they way YouTube puts text on the clipboard.
  5. That sounds like a version of the Web editor beta (its dedicated forum is here). In v. 6.9 of the editor, there are a couple of option dropdowns above the note list, one of which is for sorting. See the screenshot below. I'm not sure if a selection made there will "stick" as the default.
  6. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Yeah, that letter a is for the formatting toolbar. Not perfectly intuitive, but that's it.
  7. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Be sure to click the upward arrow at the top of the page to register your support. So far, this only has 28 "votes," which may be more significant than the 20 months it's been up. FWIW, a number followed by a space does not start a list in the current version of the app, only a period or ). They're working on a major overhaul of the editor across all platforms, so hopefully this may get done in that process. I hope that might also be true of the changing of formatting of a numbered list pasted in, which sounds really irritating. Of course, lists are controlled by underlying HTML code, and they way it comes off the clipboard could be affecting what EN thinks it has to do.
  8. For several years, I've used a service called Evernote Calendar Connector from Cronofy to connect reminders in my Evernote notes to my Google Calendar (Cronofy can link to other calendars too). I'm posting this in case others who use it are also currently having trouble. Cronofy has worked well for me, but in April 2020, perhaps even already in March, it became unreliable. Adding or changing a reminder within an existing note often does not create or change a Google Calendar reminder. It was hard to tell if it's really still working at all; but at any rate, I no longer felt that it could be relied on. I contacted Cronofy support, and they said that their engineering team had identified a change made by Evernote as the root cause of this issue. They're working on a fix, and will let me know as soon as they've released it. I'll post here when I hear something.
  9. In Evernote for Android, when creating a new note one of the choices is "Audio." This offers a very simple interface for creating a record that is attached to the note. The recording is in .amr format.
  10. My understanding is that currently the Web editor for Evernote is being used as a testing ground for future developments in the editors across platforms. The Web beta has very nice table functions, so I'm hoping that this will progress to the Android app. The Behind the Scenes videos have some interesting stuff.
  11. OK, thanks. This is actually the forum for the Windows desktop program, so that's what I was assuming. Which version of Evernote for the Web are you using (and in what browser? I just tested, using the Evernote Web client beta with Opera as the browser, and a clip from the Snipping Tool pasted just fine. But then I went back to the older version of Evernote, and it was just as you said: pasting from the S.T. failed, either with Ctrl+V or right-click and Paste. Pasting a different image from the Web succeeded though. If you're using the older version of Evernote Web, your initial will be in the lower left of the page. Click that to get the account menu, and choose "Switch to the New Evernote Web." There are a lot of differences between the two in appearance and in functionality, so it'll take a minute to get used to; and of course you can always go back to the older version. If you're already using the Web beta, your initial and account menu will be in the top left--and in that case, I'm stumped.
  12. Since you've already done the next most likely thing (uninstall and reinstall), it may be best to contact Evernote support: https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new.
  13. Sell out? You mean they had made some commitment not to make a profit, or even have enough income to keep operating? They started in a garage and should have stayed there? Seriously, what is the behavior you'd expect from a company with integrity that wants to stay in business? Take a moment to think what else you spend $10/month on. Coffee to get free WiFi? Streaming movies? If Evernote serves a significant business or household purpose for you, why not pay the relatively small subscription? Oh, and by the way, do you mean 10 US dollars per month? According to https://evernote.com/premium, it's actually US$8/month if billed on a monthly basis. My annual subscription is US$70, which is less than $6/month. Where do you get $10? I will continue to shill for reality. A lousy job, but somebody's got to do it.
  14. @Shawn Callahan, take a look at this similar report:
  15. FWIW, I generally prefer to let people choose for themselves whether or not to change where they post. I think it's the former professor in me--I want newer members to see how the forums are structured. Annnywaay.... Here we are in the Android forum, so does anyone have any thoughts on the problem? @mblindt, I see you're on a Basic subscription. Is it possible that adding the image puts you over your monthly upload allowance? Could you reduce the size or quality of the image so as to reduce the file size and try that?
  16. Hi, and welcome to the forums. You may get better results by posting this in the Android-specific forum: https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/210-evernote-for-android/.
  17. Apparently a number of people are having this problem. This is not a feature I use very much. Since all of you have Premium subscriptions, it might be good to submit requests to Evernote support (https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new). If you find out anything, please report it here so others can be helped.
  18. What version of the Web client are you using? I'm using the Web beta v. 6.9.0 in Opera (up to date), and have not had this problem (though I have had this other one). Occasionally I switch to the older version of the Web client, but I haven't had crashes there either. (Switching versions is accomplished by clicking on your account name/initial on the left and using the dialog that appears; in the beta, the version number is there too.)
  19. I updated to the current version, 8.13.1, and tested the horizontal lines in my long note tracking Android app updates. It worked correctly! Then I tried it on another note that also has a number of such lines. It went in at the bottom! So I tried it in another such note, and it worked correctly. Tried another note, and it went to the bottom. I haven't taken the time to track the history of these notes, so I can't confirm or refute @Carl-L-ND's hypothesis. IAC, it's hard to see how formatting could be the issue. It's not that the line is formatted wrongly, it's that it goes at the end of the note instead of the cursor position. Sometimes. But sometimes it just works. Clearly there's some underlying code telling the program to put a line somewhere other than the cursor position, but only a horizontal line, nothing else. Why this code is only found, or only activated, in some notes is the mystery. Annnywaay ... I've kind of given up on this until the major upgrade of the Android editor that is in the works, based on the Behind the Scenes video.
  20. Hmm, then you're beyond me. I haven't used Google authentication (Google's deep enough in my life already, is my thought), so I've always used an Evernote password. Since you mainly use the browser version, try this: In the left panel of that, click on your initial/account name to open the Account menu. Click on Settings. In the Settings window that opens up, look for the Security section on the left, and click on Security Summary. That has a Password section. For me, it shows the option to Change password. If you've never had an Evernote password, I'm not sure what it would say for you, but clicking it might get you started on creating the necessary password. All this is assuming that the program is indeed asking for your Evernote account password, which I'm pretty confident it is. If others looking in here have other ideas, please chime in!
  21. In the Windows desktop program, right-clicking on a note in the Note List (center panel) gives the option to Copy Internal Link. Clicking that yields a link in the form https://www.evernote.com/shard/...; this is obviously a browser link. In the Web client beta, there's a vertical 3-dot menu to the right of the green Share button. Clicking that opens a dropdown menu where one of the choices is Copy internal link, which also produces a link of the https://www.evernote.com/shard/... form. That type of link will open the note in your browser. If anyone else tried to open it, they'd have to be able to log in to your account, hence it's a "private browser link," in the terminology @DTLow uses. In the Windows desktop program, holding Ctrl while clicking Copy Internal Link produces a link in the form evernote:///view/...; this is a direct link to the Evernote Windows program. That's only useful if you have that program installed. I believe this is the "private in-app link" that @DTLow speaks of, so it might work with the Mac desktop program as well.
  22. Sounds like it's asking for your Evernote password (even if you gave it earlier in the process; we do not need to understand, only obey ).
  23. Hi, @torrmundi, and welcome to the forums. I'm not real experienced with using tables in Evernote, but what happens if you paste the second copied table into the first one, maybe after creating some blank rows at the end of it? That sometimes works in Word, and sometimes creates disasters.
  24. Super, glad that fixed it! Don't feel dumb -- you'd be amazed how often that answer is given here!
  25. Thank you! I currently had just one unsyncable note (always flagged as such when I do a manual sync, despite the fact that the only change I made to it, as indicated in my prior post, did sync to the server database). I followed your procedure, and it did permanently remove the unsyncable note and therefore the error message when syncing manually. The key step here is #7, emptying the trash in the Android app. People, please be aware that doing this and then syncing will also empty the trash on other platforms (Windows, Web, etc.) So be very sure that there isn't anything in the trash that you'll ever want to see again! (Although, for me, the trash in the Windows program still has 20 notes int it. Some of these had been deleted from Conflicting Changes, and it's possible that all of them were duplicates of other notes. I decided to go ahead and empty the Windows trash too, for the sake of consistency. Anyway, thanks, @Oberdada! Pending the some-day-maybe fixing of this (and its cause does seem extraordinarily hard to track down), this is an excellent workaround to keep from losing data.
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