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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. I've found that they do in fact get OCRed, so they can be searched. Some caveats, though: This may only apply to newly created notes. A test note I created 7 years ago did not seem to be indexed; one I created this morning did. It may not be instantaneous. This morning's note did not seem to be searchable until some time had passed. I edited it just now, and it was searchable after a few minutes had passed. All-word searches succeed; exact word sequence searches do not. By this I mean that searching for be found will find notes with all those words in them, including ink notes; but searching for "be found" will find notes with that exact sequence of words in them, except for ink notes. Evidently the indexing of text in ink notes does not index this.
  2. Not stupid; but it does pay to look at the options. What's really needed is for Evernote's spell-checking to once more allow checking through an entire note, which might at least make the process simpler. That was killed off long ago, when they switched to a different spelling system. Till then, disabling spell-as-you-type is the only way to get rid of the red squiggle. Unless, of course, you want to try one of those self-help affirmations: "I am a person who likes red squiggles. Red squiggles are OK. There is nothing wrong with red squiggles. I am a person who likes red squiggles." Repeat until you either don't mind red squiggles, or get taken away.
  3. On the Evernote program Tools menu, select Options, then Language, then de-select Check spelling as you type.
  4. Hi, and welcome to the forums. I agree--I hope they're working on that, but it might be good to put it into the feedback and requests forum: https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/304-general-feature-requests/.
  5. To avoid the specific problem you mention, you might tag sensitive notes with a tag like "sensitive" or "nosearch" or whatever, and then when you do a search in a professional setting, put "-tag:nosearch" at the end. That will keep those notes from appearing; and assuming what you're doing is interesting enough, your colleagues wouldn't spend much time wondering what tag:nosearch was about.
  6. I have no response to your actual question that would improve on what others have said. I only just wanted to comment (with a smile on my face) about the above quote: And how productive is that? 😄
  7. Sorry, I can't see where people using Evernote for free are a "market." They are people taking advantage of Evernote's decision to make much of its service available for free. That's a good decision for them, and it must be working somehow for Evernote, but I wouldn't call it a "market," since a market involves an exchange of money or goods. (I'm not an economist; perhaps someone who knows better will correct me.) In honesty, what will Evernote lose if all the free users go away? I don't consider myself a big client; I have just over 1,000 notes, which is not very many compared to some users. But I consider Evernote Premium to be worth every penny for my purposes, and that makes me part of Evernote's actual market. Since it seems that your main problem is that Evernote is acting buggy by preventing you from accessing devices that should be available to you, let me suggest that you create a separate thread with that problem, and someone here may be able to help you.
  8. If this is the case, then indeed for users like you Evernote may indeed become obsolete. I feel that your subject line is a bit misleading, since for some users COVID-19 might make Evernote even more necessary, and for many others it will remain essential in any case. I would suggest the following test: get everything out of Evernote that you will ever need to have, and deactivate your account (detailed instructions here: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208314088). Then in the following weeks, see if the following scenario occurs: whatever you happen to be doing, you think, "Oh, I should save that to Evernote." For myself, I am 100% sure that I would be back on Evernote in one or two days. But if you find that you are truly doing as well without Evernote as with it, then you're good. OTOH, if you do find yourself frequently saying, "I should put that in Evernote," then you'll know it wasn't actually obsolete.
  9. Thanks, Cal. Note merging isn't a feature on the Web client yet; and the phantom (still there in the Web client) doesn't appear in the Windows program. If it gets to be a real aggravation, I may raise a support ticket.
  10. And now I would, reluctantly, have to dispute @Nick L.'s explanation above. It happened to me again today, and it happened with the same note as the one I reported on May 16, 2020, above. So to me it seems to be related, not to a particular browser or problematic network connection, but to a particular note. And it gets worse: the Web beta created 10 copies of the note. I went to the Windows program, synced to get all 10 copies there, and then deleted all but one of them (i.e., moved them to Trash), and synced again. Back in the Web beta, annoyingly 3 copies were still showing in the All Notes list, not in Trash, though they seemed to function as a block and were labeled Trash. Stupidly assuming there was still one valid copy of the note in its notebook--but stupidly not checking--I stupidly emptied the Trash in the Web beta. Evernote dutifully synced this to all devices, and the note was gone forever. It was a note I used to keep track of something I want to keep track of, so months of data are lost. 😱😣😢 PS. The @#$# blank 3-note block is still present in All Notes and in the notebook, showing no data, unremovable, only there to mock me.
  11. Definitely your superpower (because evidently my knowledge does know some bounds). Here's what I get:
  12. @elevennails, thanks, that's clear. It's just not a feature I use, but I can certainly see how it would be necessary for that sort of work.
  13. Please be aware that these are user-to-user forums, not a means of addressing Evernote directly. And as a user, I disagree with you completely and rather vehemently on this question. Privacy is in fact hardcore to Evernote, and I would wager that 90%, maybe 99%, of its users like it that way. People upload business and personal records of all kinds to Evernote, and if there is ever any hint that the privacy of this information is being breached, there is a storm of angry protest. Evernote is doing it right, and I'm sure they plan to keep doing it that way. And they absolutely do say so: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/235660588; https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/235660588; https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313518. Another way of putting this is that Evernote simply is not the tool for the job you're trying to accomplish. If you want full Google searchability, Google Docs or maybe WordPress would work much better for you. But in fact it is quite possible to share public links to Evernote notes: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005417; in the current Evernote Windows program, you can right-click on a note in the Note List and share it to social media (Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn), and from there it will absolutely be searchable by Google. Frankly, it might have been better to have used Evernote's Help & Learning function to find this information (or just Googled it) before coming in here to rant.
  14. @elevennails, as may or may not have become clear from the answers to your post, these are primarily user-to-user forums. You're not actually addressing Evernote directly here. I assume you've looked at the very recent post by Ian Small to which @gazumped linked. Almost no software company gives a detailed road map of where they're going with development or a detailed schedule on when they plan to get there. Things just happen in the course of software development, and then people get mad if there is a deviation from a map or schedule. It's not only safer for companies but kinder to users, IMHO, not to make promises that you know may depend on things you can't control. Can you give some details about these problems? That's the sort of thing these forums are able to address. E.g., I find that table highlighting is consistent between the Web beta and Windows clients; by "highlighting" I mean using the drop-down in a cell to choose a cell background color. What are you seeing go wrong? (I haven't used code blocks, so I can't speak to them.) Of course, most of these have been requested more than once, in particular nested notebooks. One response by an Evernote staffer to the latter request is here: https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/114231-why-evernote-refuses-to-implement-multi-level-notebook/?do=findComment&comment=553790. Evernote's structure has intentionally deprecated nesting of notebooks. Will they make that fundamental change? Or will they persist in offering the notebook/stack/tag combination as organizational tools? My money's on the latter, and I recognize it could be the deal-breaker for some. (Personally I love nested hierarchies. Wiser heads here are very, very slowly persuading me to get serious about tags.) WRT Linux, markdown, and code blocks, my guess is that the priority placed on these may be based on the percentage of users who need them, or new users who might be drawn by them.
  15. Hi, and welcome to the forums. As you've seen, there have been many reports of this. (But it doesn't help to respond to multiple threads with the same report; it only confuses things, IMHO.) There are some indications of what's causing this toward the bottom of this thread: I don't use Chrome, but I've had it happen in Opera one time. Supposedly it may be connected network difficulties.
  16. Ah, thanks for the clarification. As usual in forums like this, one never hears from the people who think something new is a great idea, only from those for whom it is an intrusion! In Tools > Options > Notes, under Note editing options, it is possible to disable automatic formatting altogether, or to disable only certain elements--all except emojis!! If that option were added there, I think everyone could have what they want.
  17. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Is the problem still happening? This sort of connectivity thing can be temporary and just resolve itself after a bit.
  18. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Are the notes gone both on your laptop and on your phone? What platforms are you using to access Evernote (Android, Windows, iOS, Web, etc.)? If you haven't tried checking them using the Web client (https://www.evernote.com/client/web), take a look there, since it should show you the master version stored on Evernote's servers. I don't use Google to log in, but it's hard to see how a login problem could cause loss of notes. If you've had more than one Evernote account under different login credentials, you may have accidentally logged into an old one. That can definitely happen.
  19. OK, yes, since I did ignore this user, they do show up there. Well, maybe this is all that can be done. So far I've heard no more from them. Ohhh no, I'm not getting near anything that might get me called a guru!
  20. Here's what I'm seeing. The only green buttons are the big ones at the top that say Follow Member and Message--both kind of the opposite of what I'm after. ❓
  21. Oh my, yes. Here is a feature request to add an option to disable this auto-formatting "feature"; you can go there and click the upward arrow a the top to add your support:
  22. I just tried that out of curiosity but that did not work for me, I'm on EN Windows v6.18 In the most recent version of the program it does work. Contrary to how many programs work, you may actually need to hover over an item in the toolbar and right click, rather than right clicking in a blank area of the toolbar.
  23. Hi, and welcome to the forums. It's certainly annoying; what would be involved in resizing an image such that the resize would be recognized across all platforms I know not. For now, the table workaround described earlier is the only solution.
  24. <in a slightly gravely New York accent> "... comes a supermodel for your third wife." Ahem. I did try to find a way of flagging the "user" (perhaps a bot of some kind), but couldn't. Hence here I am.
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