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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. WRT the material I highlighted in the quote: Did you perform a sync after the app opened and before editing the note? I know, it should sync automatically, but depending on the settings in Tools > Options > Synchronization, that may not have happened.
  2. Nice research, @Noodleworm! I find that I can't make it happen by doing that; but maybe it's because I'm still lingering in Windows 7. I'm sure this will be helpful for somebody. As for going nuts, though ... what do you mean going?
  3. Still happens, albeit rarely. It happened just now when I was returning to the Web editor after dealing with an occurrence of the duplicating-notes problem. And this is now in v. 10.0.0 of the Web editor. Given the version jump from 6.17, I wonder if this is intended to be the stable version. If so ... very close, but not quite.
  4. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Someone else reported a problem between Scribzee and Evernote, though it looks like a different one: These are user-to-user forums, so you may get a solution faster by contacting Evernote support, since you have a Premium subscription.
  5. Welcome to the forums. This forum is dedicated to the Windows desktop program. You're likely to get more relevant answers in the Mac forum: https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/forum/219-evernote-for-mac-issues/. FWIW, I just tried pasting several images at the end of a fairly long note in the current version of the Windows program, and the viewer remained there. So the problem may be a Mac one.
  6. All the available settings are in the Tools menu, Options. I don't believe this is one of them, though.
  7. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Table functions have always been extremely limited in the Android Evernote app. A drastically upgraded editor has been released for iOS, and the plan is for it to come to Android soon (see https://evernote.com/blog/unlocking-evernotes-future/). In the meantime, the most realistic way might be to add in a bunch of empty rows in the desktop program, so they're available to fill in in the Android app. Far from ideal, but it would work until the app is upgraded.
  8. Thanks. I ask because this is not the expected behavior. If it keeps happening, please post again. I've found that highlighting is different in the Web app from the current state of the Android app. Android should be gaining the Web's capabilities soon. Till then, I find that if I have highlighted something, using any color, in the Web app, I can type in the highlighted area in the Android app and it will still be highlighted. But of course the multiple colors are not available for new highlighting in Android. But I do find that, in Android, I can select text that was highlighted in the Web app, highlight it, and remove highlighting and the highlight does disappear. It sounds like that is what you were trying to do, and I'm surprised that it didn't work. What Android device and version of Android do you have?
  9. Yes, and in the Windows desktop program note links of either format still lack the title at the end. I suspect, however, that it is "coming soon."
  10. A couple of questions: is this only happening in one note, or does it happen in other notes? Would it be possible to simplify formatting in this note to remove the highlighting (using the 3 dots menu at top right), or would that remove too much other formatting? If it's only happening in this note, is there anything unusual about the source of the text in the note, e.g., copied from a Web page (which can often introduce unwanted format codes)?
  11. An FYI: in v. 10 of the Web client, copying an internal link (on the 3-dots menu at top right) now produces a link that has the familiar "shard" format, but also has the note title at the end. Interesting.
  12. WRT the intended relationship between checklists and checkboxes, and why the former show up with bullets in Windows, Android, etc., see this post in the related thread in the Web client beta forum:
  13. Thank you for the clarifications, @Paul A.. Begging your pardon, but I was not confused about anything about how the new checklist works or how it differs from the checkbox. What is interesting is this: Is this based on inside knowledge of what's going on in the not-yet-upgraded clients, e.g., Windows and Android? You mention the betas of those two platforms--are you using them? If so, are the bullets gone from the new checklists there? I will say that, while this may not technically be a bug, assuming you're correct about the relation to the older clients, from the point of view of users who have no inside information about the relation of the upgraded to the non-upgraded clients, it functions very much like a bug.
  14. FYI, I've submitted feedback on the bullets issue through the Web client feedback button (found at the bottom of the left sidebar, I just discovered), and by emailing support.
  15. Thanks, @DTLow. FYI, I've submitted feedback on this through the Web client feedback button (found at the bottom of the left sidebar, I just discovered), and by emailing support.
  16. Thanks, @DTLow. I'm still uncertain whether this pertains to notes created in the upgraded iOS app--not that I really care, since I don't use it; just curious!
  17. Just WRT this one, I still see it. It's in the 3-dots menu at top right; also Ctrl+F or Ctrl+H.
  18. My question, though, is whether this "new" checkbox list shows up as a bulleted list in other Evernote clients (including the "old"/"classic" Web editor)? Like this:
  19. Thank you for noticing this! I see the same thing. And I also see no changes. I suspect this has to do with the release of the iOS upgrade, incorporating many of the Web beta's features in the editor. Perhaps it means that the Web client is considered "finished (for the moment)"?
  20. Does this mean that creating a checkbox list on an iOS device using the edit menu (does that exist in the iOS interface?) or using []<space> at the beginning of a line produces a list with bullets (whether in iOS or other platforms)?
  21. That's a puzzle, then. Does it matter what the source of the image is? For example, is there any difference between an image copied from a Website and an image copied from your computer?
  22. @Maria Sp. and @Amystoneus, these are primarily user-to-user forums, so Evernote staff don't generally respond here, except maybe to "emergencies" like lost notes or login failures. Since you both have paid subscriptions, it might be worthwhile reporting these problems to Evernote support. In my limited experience, there is very little control over the actual sizes of images attached to Evernote notes, only over their immediate apparent size on a particular platform.
  23. There has been some discussion lately in the Web client forums about the deficiencies in the checkbox functions and their inconsistencies with other Evernote clients, usually from the point of view of starting a checkbox list in the Web client. It's all kind of a hot mess at the moment. See these two threads:
  24. I'm sure Evernote will take your money; but you will gain no advantage at all by having a Premium account if all of your notes are in unsynced local notebooks. For instance, the search capabilities for attached PDF documents that a Premium account offers depend on the notes being synced so that the PDFs can be indexed for searching by Evernote's servers.
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