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  1. On Windows 11, the full path didn't quite work, but part of it did. I found the dictionary by going to %APPDATA%\ and then searching for dictionary, That led me to CustomizedDictionary.tet in a subfolder that had my user ID number.
  2. Now following this topic. Hopefully someone will send a note when the issue is resolved (or about to be). In my case, it happened after last night's update. (I suspected a Windows update, but it's possible it was EN...)
  3. Windows 11, latest. Evernote 10.52.8 Evernote started up today with a big splash screen and a button that said, "See this Home View". It also said it was possible to customize the Home view. But after clicking that button, the folders view disappeared. I now see the notes in my current folder, and the note I was last on. But the folders pane to the left has gone. I've scoured the interface and checked my profile. I don't see any options to customize Home, choose Home settings, or turn on folders. Where did they go? Why turn off such an important feature, with no good directions about how to proceed??
  4. Hi. As always, thx for listening. The print process has been improving (no small feat!) but in the last release (10.49.4 on Win 11), the print dialog added an extra 2 clicks to print selected pages. The "pages to print" field used to be visible. When you typed in it, you automatically changed from "print all" to "custom print". Now you have to click "All Pages" dropdown to reveal the "Custom Range" option, and then click that to reveal the page-range field. Then you click in the field to specify the page(s) to print. It's two extra mouse clicks. Small, I know. But in the world of UI, small things add up! If there were some big dialog coming under "custom print", it might make sense. (No idea what that might be, but it's possible.) Otherwise, it's a pointless extra click when there is plenty of room to display the field. More importantly, this is something I do every day. I have a long punch list of things to do in my workshop. At the start of the day, I print the first page. (I rarely get beyond that in a day.) So every day starts with 2 extra clicks to view a field there's plenty of room for that used to always be there. :__) Another small inconvenience: You could tell if pagination was an issue by looking to see if "Custom Page" was disabled. If it was you knew the note would print on a single page. Now, you have to click the All Pages dropdown just to find out if Custom Page is disabled.
  5. Just a quick shout out to you guys. This is about the 4th time a bug I reported was fixed in the very next update. Maybe I just happened to run across the bug when it was about to be fixed. Or maybe mine was one of hundreds to report it. But dang, man. It's really nice to see!
  6. If only that worked! The copy and paste works--except for the bullets and new lines you see in Word. But you still don't get reasonable page breaks. Posted the solution I found just about a minute ago! :__)
  7. I'm considering the alternative of breaking my long list files into multiple single-page segments. But I have a lot of them, they're long, and it is such a pain... I, too, though that I ought to be able to use a PDF editor to insert page breaks. But after researching it, it turns out you can't! If you know of a way, please do let me know. But the best explanation I've seen is that a PDF is essentially a collection of page images. There is no "flow" capability in that universe, so page breaks have to be applied to the content before generating PDF from it. Another alternative was to generate HTML and add "page-break="always" attributes to a div or heading tag. But: 1) When I export to HTML and open in Word, there is a checkbox and a newline at the start of every list element. 2) When I open in (very old) DreamWeaver, I don't get checkboxes, but there are no bullets, either. (and DW doesn't print) So at the moment I'm on a lookout for an HTML editor that reads the generated HTML properly, lets me add div tags, and has print capabilities, ideally with synchronized HTML and WYSIWYG views. Hah! I found the magic incantation. Here's the process I'm using now: Open the page in the browser. Refresh the page every time I add a page break and use the print-preview option to see where the next one goes. Add style="page-break-before: always;" to a heading, paragraph, list, or list element tag that needs it. For example: <p style="page-break-before: always;"> (I found the clearest syntax on this Buildable page. It turns out the newer "break-before" syntax isn't seen in my Edge browser, but the older page-break-before is. Use whichever syntax works in the browser or editor you're printing from.) Since the generated HTML has no line breaks or indents, I'm using an ancient copy of DreamWeaver to position my cursor. (DreamWeaver syncs cursors between the HTML and WYSWIG views, so I position the cursor in the view window, and add the style attribute in the code window.) It's still painful, but reasonably do-able, as long as you don't need to edit the file very often. Byt now, there are may be better HTML editors for the purpose, too. (Let me know!) But so far the process works. And if you have to, you can always use a plain text editor and search for the next bit of text where a style attribute is needed.
  8. In the latest release, typing Ctrl+k or clicking Add Link causes the window to scroll to the top of the note. The Add Link dialog is there, and if you scroll down you find it, but you have to scroll down to finish adding the link.
  9. I LOVE the ability to drag and drop list entries. Very handy. (I just exported multi-page lists to Word to get control of page breaks, but formatting was painful, and after formatting, rearranging things was such a pain I went back to Evernote.) ON THE OTHER HAND, Word is great for organizing sections. Every heading is a "handle" you can drag in the outline window. It would be great if headings in Evernote were "virtual list elements" you could drag and drop like regular list elements. Then Evernote would be a no-brainer for such things! :__)
  10. I'm trying to print multi-page lists with decent page breaks. Export to PDF doesn't work. You can't really add page breaks to those. So I tried exporting to HTML. It looks like Evernote includes a checkbox at the front of every list element, hidden with CSS. (A smart implementation) But when exported to an HTML file and viewed in Windows 10, the checkboxes are no longer hidden. It turns out to be a Windows issue: Checkboxes and an extra newline appear at the beginning of every list entry in file preview and an old Word 10, but not when the file is viewed in other apps. An old copy of DreamWeaver doesn't have that problem, but it doesn't show any bullets at all. The good news is that the browser shows things properly, regardless of the tool used to edit it. (Whew!) (And I did find a workable page break strategy, too. It's only mildly painful, reported here.)
  11. Some ideas for the great checklists I'm already using to plan and order all of my work! 1. A right-click option on the checkbox that would let me choose "mark as done, without strikethrough on the text". For daily action-item lists, strikethrough is great. It says, done, dusted, and off my list. But I also use checklists for process actions. When there are multiple steps in a process, checklists distinguish between action items and subbordinate information (plain bullets). They also let me keep track of what's been done and what remains to be done. In those lists, strikethrough should be reserved for things to remove from the list at next edit. (It may be worth keeping the original note around for a while, to be sure it should be deleted, but the plan is to remove it.) On the other hand, things that are done but remain valid parts of the process should be checked off, but remain in their original font, so they can be unchecked the next time the process is executed. 2. Outline-oriented done/undone. In keeping with the above, "no strikethrough checkoff", it would be nice to checkoff all sublist items when an an item is marked done. Similarly, when an item in a fully-checked off list is unchecked, the parent item should be unchecked, as well. So if A, A.1, and A.2 are all marked done, unchecking A.2 should also uncheck parent item A. 3. Heading-level outline capabilities. I pioneered outlining software way back in the day, so I've thought a lot about it. I love the fact that I can that I can grab an entire segment with a click, and then promote/demote or drag it. I also love that heading styles can be applied to list items. (Way cool. Never had that in my day!) The next step: Allow outline operations on headings. 4. Heading-outline display. An option to display headings in an outline pane, and rearrange them there. (I use that capability in Word all the time.) 5. Option to require Ctrl key to visit a link. I keep lists of items to purchase, with additional information about them. Each is generally a link. When the cursor is anywhere near that link, a popup appears, generally right where I was planning to click to perform an edit. I often wind up clicking links inadvertently, which is annoying. The other option is to carefully sneak the cursor into the location I want to click, or click elsewhere and keystroke in. Either way, it's a bit of extra work simply to undertake an edit in those lists. S'all for now! :__)
  12. I'm using Evernote to manage a multitude of checklists, and loving it. But when trying to print out a "punch list" for the day, or for part of a project, I run into a few issues: It's nice to be able to select a page-range to print, but without a preview to show what's on a given page, it doesn't do much good. (Workaround: Use PDF export. But see the issues below.) The PDF export dialog is bounded by the note window. If the window is wide enough, you see a preview. If it's too narrow, you don't see a preview. (That's the way to find out what appears on each page--sort of--but you have to know to open it from a wide window.) A note sent to my HP Laserjet printer attempts to fit 3 more lines onto a page than an exported PDF. Only the top of the last line appears (content illegible) at the bottom of the page. The rest of the line appears on the next page, where there is enough to make it out. After printing to OneNote, and then selecting a standard printer, the note is printed immediately, bypassing the dialog that lets you set page range & other print characteristics. When printing a note in a separate edit window, edits made to the note are not reflected in the printout. Instead, the original version of the note is printed. (I doubt the problem exists in the main window, but it may.) The ability to print or export a selection would be most welcome. (Workarounds: Copy the material you want into a temporary "print note", or make a collection one-page notes, and hope one doesn't get too long.) Note: Items 3 & 4 can be solved if the print function generates a PDF and sends that, eliminating the last line problem and making export-preview match print pages.
  13. Nice! I create new notes much less often than I add to them. So alt+ctrl+N might just work. I'm refurbishing my MS "Natural" ergonomic keyboard. That will solve the problem, too. But thanks for the tip! (After using it for a decade or two, my synapses are attuned to that keyboard layout and distances between keys. I'm making a ton of other mistakes on the keyboard that came with the new computer, so I'll be retiring it shortly. In the meantime, I totally understand the reluctance to make context-dependent keyboard assignments.) Thanks for the Enter key to go into edit mode, too. I'll make it habit to click a note and press it, so I'm where I think I should be after opening a note. (I guess some people open notes for reading, without the ability to edit them?? Weird. To me, it's kind of like opening a document in Word, and then having to click "edit, please" to do anything with it. But I guess there are users and use cases out there where the implementation makes sense.) As for me, I'd like an option that says to always flip into edit mode when I click a note! In any case, thanks for the thoughtful response!
  14. When I click on a note in the note list, my focus is on that note. I often want to search within that note. But at that point, Ctrl-F does nothing. Ideally, Ctrl=F should initiate the search operation in that note. That implementation would improve interface consistency. Alternatively, take advantage of the inconsistency, and disable Ctrl+N when typing in a note (or make it an option). (I just bought a keyboard with a different layout. The "B" & "N" keys, which were so nicely divided on my ergo keyboard, are now adjacent to each other. So I keep pressing Ctrl+N when I intend Ctrl+B. I'm convinced I need to return to my ergo keyboard, but as long as the Note-list and Note-content panes are already inconsistent, we could take advantage of it.) Adopt a policy of benevolent inconsistency, and implement both options 1 & 2. Thanks for listening!
  15. Here is another example of a URL that does not end in ".html": https://www.leevalley.com/en-us/shop/home/outdoor-living/picnic/56087-tablecloth-clips Like many commercial sites, the page is rendered by a server, so it has no .html suffix.Clicking the link in Evernote simply fails. The capacity to open Evernote links in the Evernote editor is wonderful, but the URL processing is making URLs next to useless for dozens of product links I maintain. Please find some other way to distinguish Evernote URLs from every other URL in the world.
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