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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. Hi, and welcome to the forums. According to the release notes for v. 10.1, "coming soon" is an "Evernote Helper" that will include this feature:
  2. It was possible to turn this feature off in the previous version, by unchecking automatic formatting in the Note section of Options. Maybe when app preferences come (back) to v. 10, this will also reappear.
  3. There there, @Mike P. There there. It's only software. The sky will still be blue. Eventually. Unless you're in Seattle.
  4. Many thanks. I'm a writer, not a sketcher, but being able to hand-write on a note would indeed be useful some day; and if it can OCR my crappy handwriting now, being able to jot a quick note and later search for it and add to it will be great.
  5. Hello, and welcome to the forums. Please search in the forums dedicated to v. 10 regarding performance, notebook colors, etc., which are already under discussion there: https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/forum/720-evernote-for-windows-issues-versions-100-and-above/ and https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/forum/731-evernote-for-windows-requests-versions-100-and-above/.
  6. This is good to hear. I'm about to upgrade (finally) from Windows 7 to Win10, and expect to get a 2-in-1 tablet/laptop with a docking station. I've been concerned about pen support in Evernote, but this is encouraging. @Mark B., can you say more about "mixed media types within the same note"? I'm used to being able to have, say, images and PDFs in the same note. What's new in v. 10?
  7. This does explain the lack of Reminders and Stacks. That's very strange, considering how long v. 10, and v. 6 before that, have been available on the Web. Since you have a Premium subscription, this might be worth taking up with support. They might be glad to get a question that isn't about the v. 10 desktop app!
  8. Well thought out, as usual, @PinkElephant. This change doesn't seem likely to cause too many people to start subscribing, especially if they also don't like v. 10 as it now is. But, as you say, since they're already not paying, Evernote does not lose anything financially. My account renewal is not until next spring, and by then the situation should be greatly clarified. Meanwhile, I am at the point where I must finally move from Windows 7 to Win10 (and replace my old-but-still-reliable computer at the same time), and the it will be possible for me to install Evernote 10, if I choose, and join in the Oktoberschadenfest in earnest.
  9. You mean about what would be the best product to use instead of Evernote? Seems to be the main topic of discussion here.
  10. Please take a look around the forums dedicated to v. 10 and its problems: https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/forum/720-evernote-for-windows-issues-versions-100-and-above/ and https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/forum/731-evernote-for-windows-requests-versions-100-and-above/. Search there for "layout," I think, and for "sorting." There may be some workarounds noted.
  11. I agree that cutting Basic users down to Web + 1 is very, very poorly timed. Yet there does have to be a line somewhere; you already couldn't use it on all your devices unless you only had 2. And as someone who has been paying for your multi-device freebie for a few years ... well, I just have a hard time sympathizing. OneNote is free, if you like paying for the whole MS Office package. Google Docs is free, if you like Google knowing even more of your business. The main thing that is truly and absolutely free is ... nothing. Somebody's paying somewhere, with money or with personal information.
  12. Actually, they announced they were no longer offering new Plus subscriptions quite awhile ago. I don't recall hearing that an existing one would be automatically replaced by a Premium sub, though.
  13. Umm ... there are lots of problems, but reminders and stacks have been working in the new Web client for quite some time. Reminder is at the bottom left of the note, next to tags. To put a notebook in a stack (from the Help article on stacks): In the left panel, select Notebooks to open the notebook list view to the right. Click the More actions button (three dots) next to the notebook you would like to add to a stack. Select Add to stack from the drop-down menu, then select New stack to create a new stack or select a stack name to add to an existing stack.
  14. See this help article: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314. But if you never upgraded, you're already working in v. 6.25, which is the "legacy" version. If your notes are missing, you should definitely contact support, since you have a Premium subscription.
  15. From a post announcing the update (https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360047889234): Syncing is now constant--meaning nonexistent when there's no Internet connection, though some people in these forums do seem to manage to use it offline; app preferences are not yet implemented, but presumably are returning at some point.
  16. App preferences were not implemented in the initial release of v. 10 (https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360047889234). Supposedly they are coming in the future.
  17. Which I guess means that, once the legacy version is no longer a serious option, if you want it only on your computer, don't put it in Evernote. And find some other way to organize and index it.
  18. Here is the list of KB shortcuts for the Windows program, with a handy (and pretty dismaying) comparison table with "older versions": https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209004807. It claims that Ctrl+[Shift]+M still work to [un-]indent. Here is an announcement post, which lists some (not all) of the features not yet implemented (preferences is one of them, so apparently will be coming back) and "no longer supported": https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360047889234. WRT specifying date/time format, I seem to remember having to do that at the Windows system level, which ought to still be possible; at any rate, it's not in the v. 6.25 preferences.
  19. Check and see if there is a gray box/border around the clip. If so, click on its top bar. There should be a "magic wand" icon offering to make the material in the box editable. Doesn't work 100% of the time, but almost always. The Web client has been doing this for quite awhile, and so it has come to the desktop programs.
  20. Thank you for these details. It seems that Sans Serif 16 is treated as the equivalent of "default" text (Tahoma 10). Pretty disturbing that flush-left justified text was changed to centered! The seeming randomness could possibly reflect some underlying format codes that weren't visible in the v. 6.25 program. Definitely not looking forward to the inevitable day....
  21. What version of the Android app do you have? Is it the upgraded v. 10? Because that same thing is being reported with v. 10 in the Windows desktop program and in the Web client.
  22. Yes, this conforms to what I've seen in the Web client: default text (= Tahoma 10) is converted to Sans Serif 16, which is a little large. Can you say anything about the specific formatting that was destroyed?
  23. Your English is very clear! Do be aware, though, that these are primarily user-to-user forums, and not a good way to address Evernote directly.
  24. Besides using the legacy Evernote Windows program, another workaround for the lack of fine-grained reminder control is to link your Evernote account to Cronofy (https://www.cronofy.com/), which will then sync your Evernote reminders to your Google or Office365 calendar. In those calendars, you can then adjust the times to be as precise as you need. As @agsteele said WRT doing this in the legacy program, the times should appear properly in the new Windows, Web, etc., apps (but of course in those apps can only be edited to hour and half-hour time slots).
  25. Hi, and welcome to the forums. What platform do you use Evernote on? Windows, Mac, Web client, Android, etc.? The older Windows program had a Presentation mode that at least some people used in this way. I don't know about Mac. If you've just started with Evernote but don't have the upgraded v. 10, I'd advise not upgrading to it yet. It's lacking a lot of features, including Presentation mode. Hope this helps.
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