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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. Evernote staff do look in on these forums, but they rarely comment, unless someone is having a dire support-related emergency. They're certainly well aware of the desire for internal links in a note, though. Of course, it is possible to do a ToC note manually. (In the old Evernote you could select multiple notes and the program would create the ToC note automatically. If that seems like it would be worth the extra overhead, you can still install it alongside the current version; instructions here.) As you say, the manual process would be really arduous. It might be somewhat simpler using the alphabetical system you suggested in your original post: move all the articles beginning with A into one note, B into another, etc., then manually create links to those notes in a ToC note. Only 26 links to create (or less, if you don't have any articles starting with X!).
  2. Um, hi, and, um, welcome to the forums. You're replying to a month-old issue that was solved, so it's hard to see what you're trying to contribute here. But to confirm or disconfirm your prediction, try searching these forums for "Evernote keeps getting worse." You'll probably find 5- or 10-year-old threads that predict Evernote will be out of business in 6 months.
  3. How many Evernote users does it take to change a light bulb? Change? CHANGE? Why did they take away my...? CHANGE???
  4. I just tested in the Web version (10.38.3 web 305) and got taken to the Home page too. Also confirmed with Windows app v. 10.38.3.
  5. Hi, @hills, and welcome to the forums. This has been requested countless numbers of times over the years. Whether or not it's on Evernote's development to-do list I can't say, but searching the forums will find lots of requests and discussion. In the older Evernote for Windows, the best option was to break the content up into smaller notes, and then create a Table of Contents note (the instructions are here); but this has not yet been implemented in Evernote v. 10. In general, Evernote seems designed to work more smoothly with smaller notes, but the temptation to make things seem "efficient" by dumping everything into one large note is strong.
  6. I'm inclined to agree with @agsteele on this. I've had this happen to me, and it feels more like a scrolling issue between my stylus (or finger) and the phone than an Evernote problem.
  7. Welcome to the forums. Please accept my condolences on your father's passing. I have no idea about the answer to your question. You may have to raise the question with Evernote support. But I thank you for asking it here, because it makes me think about how I should plan to make things from my Evernote account accessible to my children. This is a new sort of question for people of my generation! If your father had a paid subscription, it might be good to keep it renewed, which would mean keeping the credit card that he used active--which might not be wise for other reasons. If it was a free account, there's no reason it should ever get deleted. I don't believe it would be possible to change the card used to pay for a subscription, or to change a paid subscription to a free one, without having the password.
  8. I can confirm @Mike P's report. @jefito, maybe as a service to humanity you ought to edit that cell in Wikipedia to make it Evernote-compliant.
  9. This is off-topic for this thread (which is almost 2 years old, and only started drifting toward GTD discussions recently). What exactly is broken and making Evernote unusable? Details might get some suggestions from the users here.
  10. Here's a suggestion. V. 10 of Evernote has 2 types of check items: checkboxes inserted from the large blue + button, and checklists inserted from the formatting toolbar. The former are green boxes that can be inserted anywhere in a line, with text before and after them, and they do not result in a strikeout of following text when they are checked. The latter are gray boxes that only go at the beginning of a line, produce strikeout when checked, and can be grabbed by the mouse cursor and moved up and down in the list. Entering 2 brackets [] followed by a space in the middle of a line of text creates a green checkbox; doing so at the start of a line produces a gray checklist item. It is the checklist boxes that turn to bulleted lists in the Android app v.8 (and the Windows legacy app v. 6). But here's the trick: if the 2 brackets at the start of a line are preceded by any non-space text, such as a period or hyphen, they create a green checkbox, which should show up as a checkbox in the older Android app. This could allow you to get the same checkbox format between the two versions of Evernote, at the cost of an extra character before each one.
  11. Thanks for the good reminder. The Win7 computer is still in use for a limited time, till I get the new one configured. Upgrading it to Win10 would have been a good idea 3 years ago; but I didn't, and now it would be a waste of time.
  12. This is my viewpoint too. I also upgraded from Personal to Professional, because it accords more with my usage. The Personal plan, at $70/year, is less than $6/month, less than $1.35/week. If you're only using Evernote for shopping lists and organizing household tasks, fine, free is great. If you're using it for any professional purpose at all, it only seems right to pay such a modest fee. For me, the way to calculate is not simply how much I'm paying, as compared to nothing, but how valuable it is to me. I pay much more than that for a subscription to JSTOR, which gives access to academic journals across a broad range of fees.
  13. In the Windows app and the Web client (probably similar on Mac), in the Note List column in the center, look for the icon at the top. Click that for a list of views, including card. OOPS! My bad. I just re-read your post and I see that you are talking about viewing notebooks, not notes. I have no info on that. What device/operating system are you on? I don't remember that ever being possible on Windows.
  14. Admittedly Evernote 8 does not have many of the valuable styling and filtering tools of v. 10, but for simple lists I would think it would be fine. There are lots of list-making apps if you don't need to sync to other devices--I like Color Note.
  15. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Be aware that we are other users here, not Evernote staff. Can you say a little more about the situation? By "cancelling your subscription," do you mean (1) that you dropped a paid subscription and went to free instead; or (2) that you deactivated your account; or (3) that you closed your Evernote account altogether (see https://www.evernote.com/secure/CloseAccount.action). In the case of (3), I'm surprised you have anything at all left to retrieve. In the case of (1) and (2), no data should be lost.
  16. Hi, and welcome to the forums. That's weird, is about all I can say. You should be able to convert it back to checkboxes: Select all the text. Tap the a at the top, which will open the formatting menu. Tap the bulleted list icon to get rid of the bullets (tap it twice of necessary). Tap the checkbox icon to put boxes at the start of every line. Hope this helps!
  17. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360055388913, and scroll down to the FAQs. I'm also on an Android 9 device, and while it says in that article that they're working hard to make it retroactive to pre-Android 10, I stopped holding my breath a long time ago. Possibly the Google Play info on the Evernote app might have something in the fine print.
  18. If you need a little space to get your devices and the scrollbar sorted out, it's possible to subscribe for just one month, and then cancel and drop back to the free plan. That would give you time to look carefully at the active devices without any limits on deactivations, and make your decisions.
  19. The only way I can think of is to just check for updates manually on a regular basis, maybe when you start working each day. That should give you some control. In the Windows program it's in the Help menu; I don't know about Mac.
  20. And, if you don't find the paid subscription to meet your needs, you can always cancel and drop back to free after a month.
  21. Hi, and welcome to the forums. I assume you cleared out cookies, and it would not be bad to clear the cache as well. I doubt that Evernote is denying access to Brave; it sounds more like Brave is denying access to Evernote. This could be the result of a recent update to the browser, or a change in security settings, or something that is happening in between your computer and Evernote's computers. I'm not an Internet expert, and I've never worked with Brave, so I can't offer detailed suggestions. Does Brave also have help forums? It might be good to raise this question there--it could be that other Brave users are experiencing similar problems.
  22. Hi, and welcome to the forums. May I ask if you've tried both of the suggestions in the preceding posts? They both involve deleting the %AppData% > Roaming > Evernote folder, which is where Evernote's data are stored. Just installing the program itself may not be enough.
  23. Hi, and welcome to the forums. I just want to be clear on what you're requesting. This thread is about hiding the middle panel, with the list of notes (which may be in snippet, card, side list, etc., view). Are you looking for a way to hide the right column, with the complete, editable view of the current note? If so, take a look at this thread:
  24. When you switch away from a note to a different note and then switch back, Evernote may "redraw" the original note entirely; certainly it jumps back to the top of it instead of where you were when you left it (which I find irritating). The same thing might happen when opening it in a separate window. Perhaps something in that process triggers the "HTML Content" jailing. (Please understand that I say this as a guy who, years ago, used to write some BASIC code and batch files. No expertise of any sort is claimed here.)
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