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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. In addition to possible issues with the dictation software, there have been many reports of issues with syncing in the Android app; see for instance this lengthy thread: https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/142084-android-app-terribly-slow/. This could conceivably cause truncation of a note, I think.
  2. I can confirm exactly the same phenomenon, on a laptop screen. It would probably be best to report this to Evernote support, if you have a paid subscription: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new.
  3. It's possible (as I learned in connection with a different sync issue) to copy the contents of an unsynced note and paste them into a new note, then delete the unsynced note and remove it from trash. You could try this with one note to see if the new note syncs. If not, then yes, some kind of manual saving (or possibly copying the content of a note and emailing it into your account, as @gazumped suggests) may be the only way.
  4. The clip screenshot (screen capture) function is alive and well in v. 10, and has been for over a year, as this thread shows. Ctrl+Alt+S (or click the elephant icon in the system tray, then select the screen icon), then use the cross-hairs to define the area to clip, and presto: new note containing the clipped area in your default notebook. That's in Windows 10. Microsoft, out of whatever proportion of incompetence to spite, saw fit to disable this function entirely for Evernote in Windows 11, forcing us to use the Windows clipping tool. Nothing Evernote can do about that till Microsoft gets it straight (if ever). See:
  5. Thanks for the information. That's helpful to know. At that time, I simply got spinning circles and a time-out when trying to access the Web client; but as expected it did clear up in a short time.
  6. There was quite a flurry of reports of this in December 2020 - January 2021. The original F11 solution was quickly outdated, as the ability to hide and display the Note Window was removed. One solution that did work was to log out and log back in; someone else reported that an update fixed the problem. The lack of any further reports in this thread in the last 18 months suggests that whatever went wrong got fixed. If it had been happening constantly to lots of users since then, it would be widely discussed here, but it's not. So the problem you're experiencing may have a more localized solution. Have you tried logging out and back in? What exactly is happening--sidebar and notes list appear, but when a note is selected it doesn't show in the editing window, correct? Does it happen with all notes all the time, or with certain notes consistently, or with random notes on random occasions? What happens if you double-click a note to open it in a separate window? Your fellow users here love to sort these things out, but we need more data to work with.
  7. More information about devices used would be helpful. I think the extra spaces and duplicate notes are probably 2 separate issues. But the extra spaces you describe sometimes occur when content in a note is inside an "HTML box" and is made editable. Material from an email or clipped or copied and pasted from a Website can sometimes be contained inside a gray box, where it is visible and properly formatted, but cannot be edited. If you click on the top line of the gray box, an icon of a "magic wand" will pop up, and if you click that, all the content in the box will be made editable. But sometimes, depending on the underlying formatting of the original HTML, weird amounts of extra spaces will show up. Is it possible that this is the origin of the spaces? The way I fix that is to copy a length of the spaces to the clipboard, open Find and Replace (Ctrl+H), and paste the blank space in the Find box. (Sounds weird, but it works.) Then I put just a single space in the Replace box and click Replace All. The spacing between words then becomes normal. Of course, there are sometimes different lengths of extra spacing, which requires repeating the process. All in all, it's a pain, but it might be worth trying.
  8. Someone who is familiar with Mac practices may be able to advise you about the time machine. But from within Evernote, there is a note history that is kept for every note (unless it has been deleted). Users on the free plan do not have access to this history, but it is possible to subscribe to a paid plan for just one month, and then access the history. Then you can drop the paid subscription if you want to. Here is the Help article on using note history: Use note history to view older versions of a note – Evernote Help & Learning.
  9. Hi, @LWAMP, and welcome to the forums. I've sometimes done something similar to your procedure, and the key is to make absolutely certain that everything that has been added on one device has synced completely before doing anything on the other device. I'm usually impressed with how fast Evernote syncs from my computer to its servers and then to my phone; but it's never instantaneous, and you should be sure the note as you've made it on the PC has synced exactly to the phone before taking pictures. And then when you take the pictures, do nothing on the PC until you're done with everything on the phone and all of it has synced. Adding pics can slow down the sync process if they're large files.
  10. I've never known that button not to work (once you make it visible), but yes, there are other options: Shift+Alt+M, and the 3-dots menu to the right of the Share button. I'm not sure who "must remove them first" -- not us; we are just other users here.
  11. A couple of thoughts. Did you try the idea posted above of creating a table and putting each PDF in its own cell? I don't know if that would help in your case. Another option would be not to put all 20 PDFs in the same note. Split them up logically into several notes and give all those notes a unique tag. Another option would be to conclude that Evernote doesn't work for the way you want to operate, and find something that does. And if nothing else works for the way you want to operate ... maybe the problem isn't entirely with the software.
  12. I just found I couldn't connect to the Evernote Web client, and found this on https://status.evernote.com: Jul 21, 2022 (2:28 pm PT) Patch release beginning - 07/21/2022 Please expect slowed connections for the next 15 minutes. Just FYI if anyone else is having the same problem.
  13. If you need to work on a specific note while you're offline for an extended period of time, I wonder if you could export it to an .enex file, then while you're offline re-import it into Evernote--probably under a different name!--and edit it. Once you're back online, the edited version would then sync, and would become your main version of the note. There are a number of ways that this could go wrong. You'd have to make sure that the version you exported was the current stable state of the note; no more editing after it's exported. If you re-import under a new name, edit, and let it sync when you're online, you'll have an old and a new version of the note, which is not ideal. You'd probably want to delete the old version. All this is hypothetical: I've never tried it and don't know if it would work. It would surely cause chaos if you tried to do it on a large number of notes.
  14. ... and for me, only when I'm actually editing a note, since its purpose is to allow you to add or remove tags from a specific note. Does it change to the same other program every time? If so, that program must have a setting that has used this shortcut globally; perhaps it can be changed. If it switches to a different program each time, it may be a Windows system-level shortcut setting.
  15. This sounds like a combination of simultaneous editing by two different people, and a network glitch for one of them that messed up their sync. Definitely better to have only one editor at a time.
  16. I find that if a URL pastes as plain text, putting punctuation or a space after it will generally activate the link. I have no idea why this happens, but fortunately it's fairly easy to correct. But that's in Windows; may be different on Mac.
  17. I dunno ... in an office with a lot of Evernote tasks users, the sound of tasks getting done might be found useful (by the boss) to feel like everyone is being productive, and spot the ones who aren't. Leading to people putting the sound effect on their phones and just tapping it every now and then while they play solitaire.
  18. I agree that this seems like a case for support, since you can provide highly specific variables. I find that in v. 10, from the Home page or Notes view, if I search for a word that I know occurs in a PDF in a particular note (but not in the note text), the search will find that note, but will not locate the instance in the PDF if the PDF is set to view as attachment. If it set to view as single page (it doesn't work as well for me with view multiple pp.), I just have to click in the note and hit Ctrl+F there, and then the first instance in the PDF is highlighted. I'm on a Professional subscription, but it should work the same on Personal. In legacy Evernote 6, it finds the notes that have instances in the PDF, but again displays the results in the PDF only if I have set the Options to NOT view all PDFs as attachments. That option is no longer available in v. 10 (a shame), and I wonder if that's partly the problem.
  19. This sounds like a typical forum-phishing post to me--a new member with only this one post, offering a generic request or comment ("That was helpful!") intended to elicit a puzzled response--and maybe then a chat and some thievery? @annijonn, if you're here for a good purpose, my apologies, but please respond in the thread.
  20. I find that this works even if I choose "View as Single Page." In fact, it seems to highlight the search results better that way. In any case, the main thing is that it will not search PDFs displayed as attachments only.
  21. Thanks, Jon/t, I hadn't figured this out yet either. Very useful (a development from Ctrl+Q in older Evernote versions, which was a more detailed global search). I like that it searches notebook titles as well as note titles. I find, though, that it's a very basic string search. Typing "inner" brings up a list of note titles that includes "inner life," "beginners," and "dinners." Still very useful, and may reveal forgotten connections.
  22. Hi, @dornote, and welcome to the forums. Are you using Evernote 10? On Windows, Mac, Android, Web version...? Previously Evernote would create a Conflicting Changes notebook and deposit the conflicting note there. These days, at least in the Web version, it will pop up a notice that a duplicate copy has been found and offer to take you to it. I haven't experienced this in the v. 10 Windows desktop app, so I can't speak to that. But, to be clear, do you mean simply duplicate notes, or notes that have been edited on more than one device and end up with different versions of their content?
  23. @PuddinHead, please be aware that these are mainly user-to-user forums, not direct feedback to Evernote. You would need to contact support to register your opinion with them. For the record, I agree that the auto-conversion is not desirable and results in a kind of formatting that not everyone wants to use. I will say that your use is kind of the inverse of the usual way of doing a checklist; but I will also say, so what, this is something where Evernote should be more flexible. (See the previous elephantine exchange about who should be flexible, EN or the users. )
  24. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Not according to this Help & Learning article: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005347. But those aren't always rapidly updated to match new features.
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