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Saved search as a link in a note?



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9 hours ago, robertvandijk said:

People have been requesting this since 2012. Seems like a no brainer to me. Evernote is soooo slooow in bringing us some real progress. Starting to make me feel ready to move to something new... Shame to you Evernote!

Moved to the feedback forum to be better addressed as a feature request. 

Please indicate your support by using the voting buttons in the upper left corner.Screen Shot 2016-06-22 at 9.34.15 PM.png

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On 6/22/2016 at 2:49 PM, DTLow said:

Moved to the feedback forum to be better addressed as a feature request. 

Please indicate your support by using the voting buttons in the upper left corner.Screen Shot 2016-06-22 at 9.34.15 PM.png

Totally agree, SOOOO frustrating that this has been requested as far back as 2012 and still nothing done about it.

As a professional coach who has been using Evernote personally for over 5 years and who recommends it to about 50 clients a year, I'd say I have some significant contribution to the user base. While I love the product, I'm seriously considering looking at some other products out there and steering my clients in the same direction.

Evernote really has to get on the ball with this feature request which I can say (as a Developer) could be implemented relatively painlessly. 

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This can absolutely be done already.   There is a bit of setup but it is worth it if the link will be used repeatedly.

Step 1: make a shortcut in Windows to the desired search using ENscript.   For example, to search for notes tagged as "bookmark" make a windows shortcut with the target

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Evernote\Evernote\ENScript.exe" showNotes /q tag:bookmarks


whenever you run this shortcut, evernote will display just the notes that match the search.  (You probably want to make sure in your EN options that "Open note links from other applications in a new window" is unchecked



Step 2: Get the full windows path that points to the shortcut.   Go to it in file explorer, then Ctrl-Shift-RightClick and "copy as path"



Step 3: Use the path obtained in step 2 to create an Evernote link out to the file system

the syntax is "file:///pathFromStep2"

highlight whatever you want to be the link in your EN Note.  use Ctrl-K to insert link


notice that you have to take out the quotation marks that windows puts in 

That does it!  Not that bad and it will really allow you to organize!

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Hi.  As you've found,  it's not currently possible to share saved searches.  However if your notes won't be changed after you do a search,  you could share a Table of Contents note created from the search results.  Your share-ee will be able to use the listed links to go directly to the notes as necessary.  Alternatively you could just save the search text as you quoted it above,  and get your share-ee to copy and paste that into the search box...

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Yeah!!! It's a missing feature! 

Believe me or not but as my Evernote database is growing and the shortcut panel is getting cluttered, I'm making some "Master Notes" to link to secondary contents. Table of content just doesn't make it.

Since "Saved Search" and "Tag Shortcut" is all ready in the interface, why not give us that possibility :).
Would be yet another "hidden gem feature" that doesn't really add any complexities to the UI.

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17 minutes ago, ZeFish said:

shortcut panel is getting cluttered, I'm making some "Master Notes" to link to secondary contents.

Likewise, I have too many "hot notes" to list under Shortcuts.  

Instead, I have a tag !Hot Notes which is in my shortcuts.

Its simple to add or remove notes from this list just by applying or removing the tag

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2 hours ago, mhussar said:

Evernote really has to get on the ball with this feature request which I can say (as a Developer) could be implemented relatively painlessly. 

Not to dispute you estimating skills for development, perhaps you could add your vote to the request and encourage others
Voting buttons are in the top left corner of the discussion and the current count is Screen Shot 2017-01-20 at 10.07.02 AM.png

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I get periodic messages to show someone has posted in here, and I remember posting something myself a long time ago, but can't see my post.  I just get what looks like the original post of Feb 7 2016 from KLAHRO and 7 replies, not including mine. Also I don't understand the post about being moved to the feedback forum (sounds good!) - do we now have two conversations?  Is that where my post is?  There's no link to the moved post, do I now have to trawl through to find it?   I am of course perfectly capable of doing this, but it doesn't seem very efficient.  Perhaps we are now in the feedback forum and the old thread is languishing somewhere else, along with my post.  I thought the whole board constitutes feedback.  What is it otherwise?

This is not just feedback about the Windows Desktop product, btw.  The functionality we've suggested would cross all platforms otherwise there'd be no point.

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5 minutes ago, cmaryon said:

There's no link to the moved post, do I now have to trawl through to find it?

Try clicking on the drop down by your user name at the top right of this page.  Then click on Profile and See my activity and you should see your posts.

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7 minutes ago, csihilling said:

Try clicking on the drop down by your user name at the top right of this page.  Then click on Profile and See my activity and you should see your posts.

Thanks.  I had dipped in there to see "My posts" or something - I found it under Profile as you said (there isn't a See My Activity, but no matter).  

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16 minutes ago, cmaryon said:

I thought the whole board constitutes feedback.  What is it otherwise?

Many posts are asking for help, either for ways to use Evernote better, or with specific problems that they've encountered using Evernote. The feedback areas are set up for making suggestions about features to add to Evernote; see the quote at the head of the forum:


Our Product Feedback forums are places to suggest great ideas on improving Evernote. It could be a little idea or a very big idea. Like someone else's idea? Vote on the idea, or provide a comment of your own. One thing to remember: popularity does not mean implementation. Our forums are one component of the decisions we make, and while a bunch of ideas have merit, we need to be selective and always balancing priorities. 

Bug reports can be kinda in between, and people who can move posts around will sometimes move posts to whichever forum type seems appropriate (this power is based on post count., I believe). In addition, Evernote employee moderators can merge similar requests into a single topic, to try to keep things consolidated. This topic here is clearly a feature request; as it does seem to be cross platform, it probably does belong in the global Evernote Feature Requests forum.

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I guess so jefito :)  After years in IT support and product development/management, anything a customer says constitutes feedback for me, for example if they need to ask for help, it means we haven't given them sufficient pointers in the first place.  Suggesting new features is only one form of feedback.

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8 minutes ago, cmaryon said:

anything a customer says constitutes feedback for me, for example if they need to ask for help, it means we haven't given them sufficient pointers in the first place.  Suggesting new features is only one form of feedback.

I think it makes sense to use the forum name to group posts in different classes

And many times, a "help" post is simply that; not intended as feedback

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Possibly, however the company should view it as such, requests for help are clear indicators of the company missing a need.  But I certainly agree that feature suggestions should be collected separately from other forms of feedback, without a doubt.  

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12 minutes ago, cmaryon said:

I guess so jefito :)  After years in IT support and product development/management, anything a customer says constitutes feedback for me, for example if they need to ask for help, it means we haven't given them sufficient pointers in the first place.  Suggesting new features is only one form of feedback.

All I know is that's the intent here (per the forum description), and it makes a certain amount of sense to me. And added into that is the understanding the Evernote staffers do read all posts, so sure, it's all feedback of a sort. But not all feedback is alike in kind. The kind of feedback intended for Feedback subforums is for product suggestions and improvements.

With respect to the idea that "if there's a problem, we must not have explained it well enough", I don't fully agree. Anyone experienced in software development understands deeply in their bones that no matter how clear your documentation is, people won't read it,  or no matter how clean and simple and helpful your UI is, some people's conceptual knowledge won't quite match up. Moreover, with a product that's to some degree open-ended, as Evernote is, there are many ways to use it (a good thing), but it can take time to understand the pluses and minuses of particular approaches. And since this is a community forum and not an official support forum, that's where we, as a community of Evernote users, can step in. 

All of that's not to say that if someone reports a problem using Evernote, that that can't serve as an implicit improvement request. But the feedback forums are intended for explicit improvement requests.

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I don't dispute that sometimes the lack of understanding is from the user side.  I am not saying that a help request means the product isn't perfect.  It may be the documentation isn't clear enough, the product may be fine.  However even if both are as good as they can be, nevertheless I sincerely hope that the provider aggregates the help requests to identify if there's a gap they want to fill. It's all feedback.  That doesn't mean the product and associated services (guides etc) are weak, but it is feedback on how the customer uses the product - the very best feedback there is.

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No matter how active the Forums are,  we're only a small part of the overall feedback that Evernote receives.  They get support requests,  tweets,  responses to their blog posts,  and input on Facebook / LinkedIn / Google+,  as well as a lot of meet-ups at which Evernote staffers attend.  From time to time they'll send out surveys of various sorts plus there are separate Beta communities for some products.  Receiving customer feedback is not a problem - though parsing it into a logical development path might be a little more problematic.

One of the team did observe a while ago that some requests are easier than others - various demands for better text styles and layouts prompted a 4-year redevelopment of the editor module for all platforms forinstance. 

All development needs to filter into ongoing work to keep up with OS and browser changes plus general bug fixing,  QA and R&D.  Plus (I'd imagine) Evernote has a work schedule set out for the coming year so folks get time for little luxuries like sleep and holidays...

That old Chinese thing about "may you live in exciting times"?  I'd imagine that's business as usual at Evernote HQ.

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8 hours ago, zegor said:

Ok, sooo... when is this feature coming in?

Sorry - Evernote don't (usually) comment on whether they're actively considering or working on a feature,  or when any such features might be released.

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9 hours ago, zegor said:

Ok, sooo... when is this feature coming in?

No indication from Evernote on this feature

Personally, instead of a link, I just include the search arguments in the note      search: notebook:"home" tag:"invoice" tag:"paid"
This can be copied and pasted into the search box; scripting makes this even easier

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  1. I have a note with quite few saved searches that I don't use often enough to clutter up the shortcuts bar.  The searches are stored in a table in the note.  There is a shortcut to this note in the shortcut bar.  
  2. Using PhraseExpress I created a hotkey (Alt-RightMouse) that searches for whatever phrase I am hovering over (triple click to highlight, copy, find in evernote, paste).  
  3. So the process is -  click the shortcut, hover, hotkey.  

Depending upon the circumstances the triple click can be adjusted to meet the needs and create other hotkeys (double click for a single word for example).  FWIW.

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hi all

I would also like to add another usecase of this feature: i moved all my bookmarks to evernote, so that i can use my tag-system with them as well. since the number of my bookmarks is steadily gwowing, i lose control. perfect solution would be a note with clickable search strings to get my bookmarks orgnanized again.

therefore, thumbs up for this feature!


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On 10/10/2017 at 10:25 AM, andersini said:

i moved all my bookmarks to evernote

Hi.  Are we talking web page bookmarks?  If so,  there is no reason why the links should not be clickable from the note.  I have a number of collections of bookmarks (1 collection = 1 note) from which I can click direct to pages as necessary.  The collections get tags as appropriate.

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3 hours ago, cfjrb said:

Step 1: make a shortcut in Windows to the desired search using ENscript. 

For Mac users, use Applescript;  
          tell application "Evernote" to set query string of window 1 to "tag:bookmark"
I can also embed the script file as an note attachment 

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2 hours ago, cfjrb said:

That does it!  Not that bad and it will really allow you to organize!

Thanks for the idea.  It's a bit slower than I expected for a script engine, but this could potentially negate the need for ToC notes.  

The main challenge is probably not to lose track of the location of the shortcuts (I tend to reorganize folders once in a while, sometimes losing track of some of the affected links).

Will play around to see if this can replace my current system (mostly the need to update ToCs).

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1 hour ago, cfjrb said:

This can absolutely be done already.

That's why I hang around here - someone always has that one idea that you didn't think of that seems obvious in retrospect,  and there's one more tool in the drawer...

There are dozens of different ways to hang a system together, and I'm not sure I need this one yet - but 11/10 for figuring it out! 

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On 9/17/2019 at 2:17 PM, cfjrb said:

That does it!  Not that bad and it will really allow you to organize!

While playing around with this I ran into a small glitch:  How to indicate sort order.  More of a problem for Reminders, todos, & complex searches, ok for simpler things.

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3 hours ago, Don Dz said:

While playing around with this I ran into a small glitch:  How to indicate sort order.

Yeah, you've never been able to specify sort order using the search language.

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12 hours ago, nspirov said:

while I can't deny the ingenuity of this solution, it can only be used on one chosen platform. I am actively using EN on Mac and Android and sometimes on Windows...

To be sure it a workaround for the missing feature and not a real solution. But as I am a 90% Windows user, I love this workaround and wished I had thought of it-very handy.

Thanks @cfjrb for the workaround. It is added to my Evernote workflow on Windows.

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On 9/17/2019 at 9:08 PM, jefito said:

Yeah, you've never been able to specify sort order using the search language.

I found a way around the problem, though it is probably more complicated than what most people would want to be bothered with. 

Tags & notebooks have their own saved sort at least.

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On 9/17/2019 at 2:17 PM, cfjrb said:

This can absolutely be done already.   There is a bit of setup but it is worth it if the link will be used repeatedly.

Step 1: make a shortcut in Windows to the desired search using ENscript.   For example, to search for notes tagged as "bookmark" make a windows shortcut with the target

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Evernote\Evernote\ENScript.exe" showNotes /q tag:bookmarks


whenever you run this shortcut, evernote will display just the notes that match the search.  (You probably want to make sure in your EN options that "Open note links from other applications in a new window" is unchecked



Step 2: Get the full windows path that points to the shortcut.   Go to it in file explorer, then Ctrl-Shift-RightClick and "copy as path"



Step 3: Use the path obtained in step 2 to create an Evernote link out to the file system

the syntax is "file:///pathFromStep2"

highlight whatever you want to be the link in your EN Note.  use Ctrl-K to insert link


notice that you have to take out the quotation marks that windows puts in 

That does it!  Not that bad and it will really allow you to organize!

Brilliant!  However, I only got it to work when I added quotation marks around the search terms after showNotes /q:

eg:  "C:\Program Files (x86)\Evernote\Evernote\ENScript.exe" showNotes /q "stack:FilmNotebooks any:intitle:CWC intitle:DISC tag:tiff201*"

I created these sorts of shortcuts on my android tablet by running the saved search and then selecting "Add to homescreen".

Anyone know what the link to that shortcut would look like? (Obviously I can't right-click and select filepath on Android). I'd love to create a two column table: links to saved search in Windows and links in Android.

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On 9/17/2019 at 3:59 PM, Don Dz said:

The main challenge is probably not to lose track of the location of the shortcuts (I tend to reorganize folders once in a while, sometimes losing track of some of the affected links).

Will play around to see if this can replace my current system (mostly the need to update ToCs).

My way around this is to create a C:/toolbars folder where I have some folders for things like work and web and Evernote that I keep on the bottom toolbar. That way all my computers can use it because they all have a C drive. I keep a bkup on the NAS and copy it on all my computers.

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Great solution to something that has been bugging me for a while. As an alternative to the hyperlink I found I could just drag the shortcut from my desktop into a note -  double clicking it then ran the search.

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I used the script method from @DTLow but had problems with making the script a note attachment. Also, I use Evernote mobile a lot and this will not work for that. 

I ended up with his initial suggestion to simply place the search string in the note :) An extra step than I would want to, but works like a charm. Thanks, mate.

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Completely support this idea. Would be most useful to organise my 12K+ notes for work. The saved search feature in the panel gets overwhelmed very rapidly. Unlike the internal link, it would survive moving notes across sync / not sync folders, importing notes, changing computers, etc. Definitely support this request.

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