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So every instance of Evernote I have is different. The desktop Mac (legacy version) is different than the web version of my notes, which is different than the iPad version of my notes, which is different than the iPhone version of my notes. The iPad version shows the notebooks still syncing, but they appear to be stuck. I have reinstalled, powered down my devices, etc. This is a deal breaker for me, since these notes are mission critical. I have to be able to trust sync and I can't lose a note. This has been the reason I have been with Evernote since 2008, leaving and taking my 2,300 notes is going to be painful. 

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I have the same issue. v10 folder structure doesn't match what v7 was (shows old folders that I deleted in the last 24-48 hours). The web interface shows the correct, most recent folder structure.

Also, in my attempts to make v10 (old folder structure) match what was in v7 and on the web (new folder structure), I cannot delete the old folders incorrectly appearing in v10. I get a message that the deletion failed.

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Yeah, I got a "we made a ticket for you" response. I thought I would try the new Beta to see if that fixed the problem. It's actually worse. I would create a note in the inbox and it would be disappear after about 30 seconds. Evernote has been a mission-critical app for me for 12 years because it just worked and I never once worried about it. I can't not trust it and still use it. 

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same story here.... when logging in via browser it shows my notebooks and notes properly. When I am log into my apps (both iPad and iPhone) with the same credentials it doesn't sync and shows my old structure and notebooks I've deleted 3 months ago! 

What to do?



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Still not fixed. I've tried Apple Notes and MS OneNote in the past and didn't care for either. I started using Notion instead. Definitely covers all the note management basics that Evernote does but also appears significantly more flexible and extensible. It's already insinuated itself into my work flow more deeply than Evernote.  

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I have Notion installed, and have imported my Evernote database to it.  But I'm trying to run the two in parallel until I'm confident in Notion before severing the Evernote umbilical cord. My Mac EN is v7.14 - not upgrading what works - but my iOS versions upgraded automatically, and are screwed as per the previous posters on this thread.

However, Notion does NOT support local or offline notebooks, and I frequently do NOT have an Internet connection, so absolutely need to have those notes stored locally on my devices (all of which have loads of space on them).

Also, no email forwarding into Notion, no OCR (I store a lot of PDFs of scientific papers), and several other missing features.  On the plus side, the Notion team seem fairly keen to fill in those gaps at some stage, as they are very aware of the grumblings about Evernote's "upgrades" and the potential for a whole new population of Notion users, but who expect Evernote features.

The other 'problem' I have with Notion is that they have two different searches, one in a search box above the list of notes - but which only searches note titles.  The other, called Quick Find, is on the side menu and will search note contents.  These need to be combined like Evernote's search, or maybe swapped around so that the intuitive search box - above the list of notes - is the one that searches within note contents.

It's not a seamless transition, for sure, and it will take some time before I have the confidence to say good bye to Evernote, having been a Premium user almost from the beginning.



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@NightStalkerThought about DEVONthink yet ?

Installs locally, can be server based. Mac and iOS only. Mail interface, OCR, web clipper.

Or (dark horse ...) Apple notes, which syncs through iCloud (or other cloud services), but runs offline as well.

OwlOCR is nice on the Mac, for pdf and images. Must be run on files, does not execute automatically like EN OCR. PDF can be made searchable, and exported as such.

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I moved everything over to Apple Notes. I exported my notebooks individually, then imported individually. Seems to have worked seamlessly. I did this with a little over 2,000 notes. There are things from Evernote that I will miss, but I just have to have a system that works. BTW, the ticket I put in over ten days ago has not been responded to (premium member here). I can't imagine what it's like working tech support for Evernote right now. 

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I have no words to properly express the amount of utter frustration this update has caused. I've been a premium member is 2013. My entire professional and personal life is documented on Evernote. I have 26,000 notes. 

The efficiency and streamlined workflows I've built up over the past few years are disrupted by how slowly the system sync's. Worse, I have notes that are rolled back WHILE I am editing them. It must be because of the limited bandwidth I have to work with. But that's why I stuck with Evernote for so long. It had such a strong OFFLINE component that I never had to worry about my data. 

Well. I'm just frustrated and sad. I'll hang on for a bit using the Legacy version. But that's only half my workflow. So I'm going to try to restore my phone from a backup and see if I can get it to work. But that's just to help me ease out of this stupid mess. Sigh. 


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On 10/27/2020 at 11:57 AM, PinkElephant said:

@NightStalkerThought about DEVONthink yet ?

Installs locally, can be server based. Mac and iOS only. Mail interface, OCR, web clipper.

Or (dark horse ...) Apple notes, which syncs through iCloud (or other cloud services), but runs offline as well.

OwlOCR is nice on the Mac, for pdf and images. Must be run on files, does not execute automatically like EN OCR. PDF can be made searchable, and exported as such.

Thanks for the suggestions - appreciated.

I'm currently trying DevonThink, Apple Notes, and Notion.  But today I came across one I'd not heard of, and it looks very promising. It's called Notejoy.

It does do offline notes on the Mac and Windows, but not yet on mobile devices (I need them there too) - but that is coming.  Of the ones I'm trying, so far, Notejoy is looking the most appealing.






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9000+ notes, user since 2013.

I lost all my notetaking from a 2 hour webinar this week -- I was using my iPad and a keyboard. And that's when I realized there was syncing issues: the iPad never sync'd to the desktop/iPhone (even when I clicked the green checkmark). And later,  when I opened the desktop version, it must have overwritten the iPad which said it sync'd but didn't. So everything disappeared. It was strange on the iPad -- I was going back and forth between two notes when I was notetaking, and it was taking forever to load each note -- like it was stuck; there's major glitches.

Since then I've had multiple sync issues between apps -- Evernote creating multiple copies of notes because of sync problems. Anything done on the iPhone has a 50/50 chance of creating a non-sync'd conflict and therefore duplicate notes. It's a mess. 

And 10 days to get a customer service response. They removed the chat feature sometime yesterday too. So they are in crisis mode.

The desktop version was already a cache/RAM issue that they did not resolve for years, which has got to also complicate the sync issues -- as the desktop version has to be restarted often to get it to function properly. 

This has been such a good program. But cannot be sustained this way if they do not do a VERY QUICK resolution. Meanwhile, I will be checking out https://beebom.com/evernote-alternatives/ Main concern is going through the hassle to go to a new platform that does not have a long track record -- I need the staying power of a company because my notes are really important.

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Update: I feel that some of these sync'ing issues are between now-incompatible desktop version and iOS. I really like my desktop version and don't like working in the Cloud version. However, I suspect that the new sync'ing mechanisms with the iOS version compete with the desktop's old way of sync'ing, which is every few seconds or so. And this could create duplicate notes and conflicts.

The Cloud version functions the same as the updated app, which is that you have to click Done or the green checkmark, and then it syncs -- thereby creating no duplicates and telling the system which is the most updated (all in theory).

I'm going to switch to only using the Cloud version with my iOS versions to see if that helps to clear up the syncing issues.

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I continue to have issues. Finally heard from tech support who asked for my logs. The web version matches the legacy version. The desktop and iOS versions do not sync and when you try to create a new note Evernote immediately deletes it. Weird behavior. 

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10.2 is the latest release for Mac and Windows. iOS is currently (2020-10-30) on 10.1, released yesterday night.

From my first tests I can recommend the download: Significant bug-squeezing plus a few nice features, no new hiccups. See release notes for more details.

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I've been having the same issue - Evernote on my mac and online are up to date but my mobile version (all up to date) are showing folder structures from a few months ago. I also don't see my actual recent notes on the mobile app unless I manually search for them and then they suddenly appear. 

- Deleting and reinstalling the app hasn't worked

- Following the troubleshooting guide (e.g. deleting trash notes etc) hasn't worked

- Restarting computer and mobile hasn't worked

- Have ensured Evernote installed on no more than 2 devices - no resolution

Based on the conversation thread here it seems this is problem being experienced by quite a few other users, both premium and basic. Like many others, I've found Evernote to be a crucial tool. Would love to continue using, but will need to move if I can't rely on notes to be synced between devices. 

It's unfortunate Evernote don't seem to be monitoring / responding to this thread much, the suggestion so far to update to the latest version hasn't worked. 

Would ideally like to continue with Evernote, but will be forced to switch to Notion or Apple Notes if no resolution in sight.

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The only response I received on this issue from tech support came after my ticket had been open two weeks. They said to make sure I was signed in with the right email address and to send my logs along. That was five days ago. I can't depend on software that doesn't work and you can't get tech support for. Frustrating to see what was my most trusted and used software go down like this. I gladly paid the premium subscription, but now wish I hadn't paid for the year, which doesn't end until May. 

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I have largely resolved all sync issues by doing the following:

- updated app on all my iOS devices

- no longer use desktop version - only use Cloud/Web version on my desktop 

- updated my Web/Cloud version to newest version - it looks and functions the same as desktop but has all the cool stuff like extra colors when highlighting- sync is super fast and immediate 

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I am having similar issues. I made huge changes to my notebook and tagging structure recently in Evernote for Mac, prior to upgrading to the new version. Updated versions for iOS refuse to recognize the tag/notebook changes despite logging out/in, deleting/re-installing the app, rebooting the devices etc. The web version was the only one keeping up with the changes I was making on the Mac. Tonight I took the advice further up this thread to upgrade my Mac to the new version and lo and behold, now THAT is somehow reflecting the old structure. So the only workable version of Evernote I have is the web version - my Mac, iPad and iPhone are somehow stuck in a time warp. This is super frustrating - please provide some advice or a fix! Thanks!

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Notes that I make on my android device and desktop legacy version are not syncing with the ios app. This is a serious bug as the notes do appear on the web version. I uninstalled and redownloaded and still the issue is present. Also note, that notes I make on ios device do sync to other devices, but vice versa is not working. Please help me troubleshoot.

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Same issue here. iOS 10.1

Started a new note. Started the audio recorder. Did the lesson. Stopped the audio recorder and locked my phone. I went back to the note I stopped the recording on after the lesson and the note is now empty.

Is there anyway of recovering the audio on the iphone locally?

This has never been an issue in the past. NEVER. How the hell does a company do this?!?! Its classic modern company negligence. Iterate as you go? No. It stuffs users. It stuffs users who have been using a product for years with success. If you are going to use premium paying users as guinea pigs, you should offer them the option or compensation for lost time when you stuff up. I mad. I'm really really mad.

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  • Level 5*

I'm also experiencing sync issues; my iPad is not in sync with the web and Mac    
Strangely, some selective note updates are syncing

My only solution is to delete the Evernote app/data and reinstall

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Finally heard from tech support who said he had put in a fix. Had some directions to follow for my Mac and iOS versions to make sure they got the fix. Worked for about 48 hours, now the sync is off again. That's the end of the line for me. 

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  • 1 month later...

Terry, I feel your pain.  I'm well over 21,000 notes and there are a LOT of people with many more than me, which is a lot to migrate to another product.  However, I'm continuously angry and disappointed at the incredibly bad things Evernote is doing with the the products.  I have run into MANY removed features that I used all the time that stopped my normal work process I have used for a decade, right in its tracks.  In addition, the performance is now absolutely HORRiBLE.  I get the "swirling circle" constantly on most things I do instead of the previous instant response.

Now on top of all these issues, I'm having sync issues, even ON THE SAME DEVICE.  I started a note inside the Evernote (Mac) main window and then popped opened the note as a separate window on my desktop so I can have several notes open at the same time, like I do 90% of the time.  Now I have TWO VERSIONS of the note in the same app because the one in the version in the main window is different than then one in the separate window.  OMG, what kind of architecture decisions were made to allow  sync conflicts within the same app on the same device?  

The decision to release new apps before the features were implemented, was an extremely bad one, but this is just one bad decision in a long line of bad decisions.  Just like we see in this thread, people are leaving Evernote at a stampede pace, never to return because of these flawed decisions.

That said, i will say that I respect Ian Small for his open communication about what they are attempting to do.  He's pretty honest about some of the flawed decisions and explains why they made them.  It almost makes me want to try to ride it out for another month or two, but I'm really on the fence.  This is difficult for me because I'm not only a power user for over 10 years, but I'm an ex-Evernoter.   Even worse, my Mother is 93 years old and has also been a power user of Evernote for 10 years.  Now her memory is really starting to deteriorate and Evernote is literally her lifeline.  Like Phil Libin used to say, "Evernote is your memory".  It literally IS her memory and it is the ONE thing she uses every single day on her Mac and iPhone 11, so she does not forget everything.  All the damage they have done to the Mac and iOS apps have been catastrophic to her.  It is frustration for us, but desperation for her.

I really hope Evernote makes it, but I'm not sure they deserve to the way they are treating their premium user customer base who have been paying the bills for the past decade.  Wake up Evernote, or die.

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8 minutes ago, RichW said:

I really hope Evernote makes it, but I'm not sure they deserve to the way they are treating their premium user customer base who have been paying the bills for the past decade.  Wake up Evernote, or die.

You can alleviate the pain and go back to the previous version until/if EN sorts all this out.  The view from the sidelines is frustrating but not as frustrating as being in the game at the moment.  Other than IOS if you have updated there.  Fortunately I did not update on my iPad.  My iPhone is lost for a bit....

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I'm having issues too. Since the new version of Evernote, the app on my iphone and Mac are not syncing. They're even creating new versions of edited notes. I too am inclined to cancel but would want a full refund as the annual subscription has only just come out of my account. Seems pretty fundamental for all notes and devices to sync, given this is an organisational tool.


Any help available? And yes, I've restarted the apps, computer, iphone etc etc etc.

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  • 2 months later...

It is 9 March and I am still having the same issues others are complaining of - failed syncing, iPhone app running at a snails pace, MacOS spinning beach balls. And EN's dumb idea to limit my exports to 50 notes so I can't even back up my 1500 notes in the face of all this stuff going wrong - new notes disappearing forever because of the sync issues. Fortunately someone on this forum put me on to the Legacy desktop app so I can backup my notes that way.

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You can export a full notebook, independent of its size from v10. The 50 notes only apply to individually selected notes. Because the notebook information is lost on export (all clients) one should anyhow export each notebook into a separate file, and name it accordingly.

About the rest: No such issues on my Mac and i-devices. Tried support yet ?

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  • 1 month later...

Hello, Evernote for Mac 10.12 finally started (at least) but is syncing only one way from server to mac client, it does not work the opposite way so its quite frustrating to create note on mac and never see it on iphone. Does anybody else have similar issue?


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18 hours ago, Tomas09823 said:

Hello, Evernote for Mac 10.12 finally started (at least) but is syncing only one way from server to mac client, it does not work the opposite way so its quite frustrating to create note on mac and never see it on iphone. Does anybody else have similar issue?


Android not picking up my Mac added notes without a full Android app close and restart - really annoying

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Syncs are <device1>...>...<server>...>...<device2> so best check is to sign into Evernote.com to view the server copy - see whether the server is receiving from one or the other.

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