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Multi-Language Spell Checking without changing operating system language



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I've found a work-around! (for windows) I hope it will help you to!

First off all, I discovered that when I set the 'Windows Display Language' to my native language (Dutch) that then Evernote seem to support spelling check for 2 languages.
That is both errors detection as well as suggestions. Both languages may be used in the same note/line while the check still works.

However, when I switch the 'Windows Display Language' to English, which is my personal preference, then Evernote only support the English spell check.
And as far as I know Evernote does not give any setting to enable/add a second language.
Gladly I've found a work-around to get a second language working (next to English) while the 'Windows Display Language' is English.
Namely I noticed that Evernote uses the bdic-fileformat as dictionary files. This type of dictionary files are also used by other programs like Chrome and Microsoft Teams.
While searching my PC's HDD for bdic-files I found two bdic-files in my native language:

  • %AppData%\Roaming\Microsoft\Teams\Dictionaries\nl-NL-3-0.bdic
  • %AppData%\Local\CEF\User Data\Dictionaries\nl-NL-3-0.bdic    (CEF stands for Chromium Embedded Framework but I'm not sure if I've got this folder because I installed Chrome)

You can use this bdic-file in your language (e.g. "nl-NL-3-0.bdic") as follows:

  1. Quit Evernote (via tray icon in the taskbar)
  2. Go to: %AppData%\Roaming\Evernote\Dictionaries
  3. Here i found 2 different language files, "en-GB-oxendict-9-0.bdic" and "en-GB-9-0.bdic"
  4. I chose to rename and replace "en-GB-oxendict-9-0.bdic". I.e. renamed this file so Evernote wont find it and I have a backup (e.g. to "en-GB-oxendict-9-0.bdic.BACKUP")
  5. Then copy the bdic-dictionary-file of your native language (e.g. nl-NL-3-0.bdic) to this folder and rename it to "en-GB-oxendict-9-0.bdic"
  6. Now Evernote works for me in Dutch and in English (for both languages spelling check and suggestions) with "Windows Display Language" set to English
  7. Restart Evernote

I use Evernote version 10.38.3.

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Same problem here...  I regularly write in English, Dutch and French. And I mean, daily! So please fix this problem because the only work-around I now have is to write my notes in Word (with multi language spelling control! ) and then copy it to Evernote. But I then have to adjust the layout again in Evernote, which is super annoying because Evernote is supposed to help us gain time.  As somebody else also already said in another comment here; if this doesn't get solved I will move to OneNote! 

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I have the same problem you all, my version is the last 10.3.7, the darkmode is very attractive but the spell check is very annoying, I have notes in English and Portuguese, and some French and Polish vocabulary lists, all words have some red underline...
So I can't use the windows version anymore, I think it's an easy fix for them.
Now I use the web version, is not that great, but has no spell check.

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It is really sad that Evernote stil doesn't support multilanguage support! I really mis this feature. It starts bothering me more and more. A lot of people used it and want to use it again. Does Evernote even plan to reintroduce multi language support? I mean it's common functionality that is available in many apps (e.g. chrome or Word of OneNote)

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The spell check is still broken (german user). Nearly everything marked red, no option to turn off or to learn words into the dictionary. No idea, what the product manager is talking about when quoting this as a resolved issue. I cannot understand why Evernote is not capable of handling spell checking in a professional and paid (!) product. Cannot remember another software product with problems on this.

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I have the same problem, as I use both Polish and English for my notes. Also, due to the fact, that the ability to change shortcuts seems to be missing (or is hidden in some remote part of the GUI), I'm unable to easily write some letters unique to Polish alphabet (like "ś", for instance).

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New evernote installed itself in the system language (Japanese). I don't want that. I want English as the UI language.  Have uninstalled Evernote and am using the legacy version. If not resolved, I will abandon Evernote and switch to something else. Have been a user for nearly 10 years and have 10,000+ notes. Not a decision I make lightly.

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2 minutes ago, Pokke said:

I find it amazing that they do not even acknowledge this topic? Not a single reply by the dev's. 

Hi. This is a -mainly- user-supported Forum and if you check every one of the thousands of threads here,  you'll find that developers have never commented on work in progress.  Some of us users try to give what support we can,  but you can imagine it's been a little busy around here recently!

On the main point of this thread - the launch version of EN10 in all operating systems was a stripped-down shell intended to volume test the new backroom systems for bugs that would not / could not have been found in normal beta tests of maybe a few thousand users.  Evernote runs 250M accounts (probably a little less after the last few weeks...) so normal levels of system traffic could not be tested without just going ahead and doing it.

The 'legacy' app will run alongside the new version and is available for all systems apart from iOS (that's an Apple restriction).  It should have exactly the same features you've always used - including multi-language support.  Evernote will continue to support both for the meantime until the new app is more on a level with the old.  At that point support will end,  and we don't know when that will be.

The best tactic (I'd suggest) is to use the new app where you can,  but when you (if you're a subscriber) find missing or broken features,  submit a support ticket so that Evernote have a picture of what developments are still needed and what priority to apply.

Where you need features that haven't yet been restored,  use the legacy app.

If you prefer to avoid all the fuss you could uninstall both new and legacy versions of Evernote and go back to the last public releases,  disabling updates for the moment.  You probably have at least 6 months of continued activity before things are likely to change.

The new app is getting better - 10.0 at launch is now up to 10.4 and will continue to add bug fixes and features across all operating systems.

I'm dug in on the old Windows version at 6.25.1,  and while I've looked around and have inspected suggestions from other threads,  there is so far nothing which compares with Evernote for my level of use.  Your case may be different - search for 'Evernote Alternatives' online if you want to spend some time trying out other options. 

I reserve the right to say "I told you so..."

Useful links:

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Everything was fine since the option to disable "Check spelling when typing" was added, but now the problem is back. My spelling is being checked when I open a note in a new window, even though I have the option disabled. (Screenshot attached.)

I would apprecciate if this can be fixed.

Thank you!

Screenshot 2021-03-18 132114.png

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Can't believe it has been more than a year since this post has been written and there was 0 communication from Evernote.

I was about to upgrade my plan from free to personal, but that's a big nope for me, to be honest!

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  • Evernote Expert
5 minutes ago, Vincent Verbaeys said:

Please fix this!

These forums are primarily user-to-user. None of us can fix anything. I suggest you make your very valid point in a tech support ticket direct to Evernote if you want to be certain you are heard.

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The sad truth is that this multi-language-functionallity was previously supported by Evernote. Unfortunately they discarded this functionality with the o-so-great 'update' (10.x). I just don't understand why Evernote discards such fundamental functionality for a text-based application. It's not even a big ask, Evernote just should support this.

I also have notes in my native language as well as English (which this day is very very common). Unfortunately I now find my self quite often closing all windows-application > switching windows system language > Log out and log back in just to prevent some big red-underlined mess while reading/adjusting notes. To be honest this way of working is starting to annoy me more and more.

I just hope that EVERYBODY VOTES THIS POST UP so its gathers more attention!

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Seems you just need to use the powers of your operating system.

Spell checking in my native German and English works on my Mac and on iOS. No idea about Windows, maybe one of the guys using it can help out.

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  • Evernote Expert

Good detective work. It is possible that this will break when you get an update. Certainly if you need to reinstall. So keep copies of everything ready to restore you fix.

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A reinstall does a reinstall, and usually removes everything that was installed first to have the desired effect. That’s basic, every app does it.

Any workarounds employed need to be employed again. There is no magic trick how an installer could detect „oh, there was a workaround before everything was removed“, and employ it again.

If you had a workaround, install it again after the original app is installed,

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I have three minor adjustments that I employ for Evernote plus three or four Import Folders.  I have all this documented in a note with a config file attached.  If I might need to do everything afresh it is all documented.

Also worth noting that if I rebuild my Evernote data for any reason some of those things such as Import Folders and settings for the Sidebar also need to be reset.

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I think that this will be connected to the issue of app preferences in general, essentially none of which are now configurable.

V. 10.1.4 has been released, which is supposed to address language-related spelling issues:


Edited by Dave-in-Decatur
New information
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40 minutes ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

I think that this will be connected to the issue of app preferences in general, essentially none of which are now configurable.

V. 10.1.4 has been released, which is supposed to address language-related spelling issues:


I already have this version and it does NOT solve the spellcheck problem. Text in a different language than the language of the OS is still highlighted as incorrect. Maybe it has never occurred to Evernote producers that some people speak and work in multiple languages. How difficult can it be for a software that is not freeware to include a "turn spellcheck off" function (if they are not able to implement a spellcheck in multiple languages like 99% of professional software products are able to do)?

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I'm not sure to which extend this thread is followed by the developers of Evernote, but the lack of multi-language support/multiple language spell checking is not solved at all. What we are asking is that in the settings, we can select which language is the prefered language for spell checking. For many people in multi-language environments, the Windows system language is not relevant.

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On 10/19/2020 at 10:40 AM, onno.roosenschoon@wur.nl said:

I'm not sure to which extend this thread is followed by the developers of Evernote, but the lack of multi-language support/multiple language spell checking is not solved at all. What we are asking is that in the settings, we can select which language is the prefered language for spell checking. For many people in multi-language environments, the Windows system language is not relevant.

I would extend this.

Not only spell-checking, but also language setting.
The product should look like:
1. Choose, what language you want your app to be installed in + have the option to change it in the app.
2. Choose what languages you want the spellchecking to be at -> it's normal to use more languages at the same time in one space. The enigne could see, if the language of the note, for example, is one of the selected for the spellcheck, and check for that language. 

I wonder, how this can still be a topic nowadays. Big fail, Evernote.

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Still no solution to the spellcheck problem. It is so annoying. Evernote made a wise choice to change the data format so that the OneNote importer does not work anymore. I would have left Endnote and switched to OneNote by now.

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I find it amazing that they do not even acknowledge this topic? Not a single reply by the dev's. 
If anyone knows of a good alternative (if and when the legacy version would be cut) let me know!

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4 minutes ago, gazumped said:

Hi. This is a -mainly- user-supported Forum and if you check every one of the thousands of threads here,  you'll find that developers have never commented on work in progress.  Some of us users try to give what support we can,  but you can imagine it's been a little busy around here recently!

Right! Thanks for all the info Gazumped. Got it.

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Same problem here with Windows version 10.4. Every word in Spanish is highlighted, so all my notes are unreadable (I still like to have Windows and UI in English).

In the "coming soon" section this isn't even addressed...


 In the meantime I'm going back to 6.25. I don't think I'll bother upgrading to 10.4 again.

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1 hour ago, jcdoming said:

In the "coming soon" section this isn't even addressed...


I noticed this as well. Very disappointing to say the least. I will probably also roll back to the legacy version but only to export all my notes to OneNote (which is another thing that is not possible with Endnote 10.x).

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For me there is a workaround.

I have Evernote on iPhone, and iPad.

I compose the note with reminder and tags on the iPad, there the spell check/prediction works.

Then I save it and it shows perfectly on the desktop app.

I'll be the first to admit that it's a far from ideal solution.

Also, to design a successor for the perfectly reliable older edition, which clearly does not work with Windows 10 Language settings., is nothing less than shoddy workmanship.

I hope this helps FBZ

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On 11/23/2020 at 8:24 PM, charlie57 said:

For me there is a workaround.

I hope this helps FBZ

Thanks, mate. I switched the language of my Windows to English, which is an easier workaround for me. It is however completely ridiculous that a commercial software for which I pay forces me to do this. I wait until Evernote repairs the export option and then I will move all my notes to OneNote and cancel my Evernote subscription.

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41 minutes ago, FBZ said:

Thanks, mate. I switched the language of my Windows to English, which is an easier workaround for me. It is however completely ridiculous that a commercial software for which I pay forces me to do this. I wait until Evernote repairs the export option and then I will move all my notes to OneNote and cancel my Evernote subscription.

You can export at any given time via Evernote 6.25 - called Legacy now... one of the many reasons everybody should have a side installation of it to do regular backups of all content. In any case...we do not know where Evernote is going to.

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I will add that the old Evernote even allowed including other languages by copying two files into the right folder. This allowed me to add Catalan spell check into my Evernote.

By the way, my notes are in Catalan, Spanish, French and English. Multilingual support is a must. The multilingua support must be at the note level, as often one note has several languages

I guess I will switch back to the Legacy app.

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There are two temporary solutions:

1. To use the Legacy version of Evernote.

2. To use the web app, which is almost identical to the new Evernote 10 client, but allows to use the browsers spell checker. In my case I use the LanguageTool Chrome extension.

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Joining the conversation to add another voice to the urgency of this issue: my notes are multi-lingual, too (German, English, Italian) and the new Evernote for Windows Client thus unusable, because I will not turn off spell checking in Windows 10 to get rid of the red underlines.

Multi Lingual Spell Checking is in my humble opinion more important than any of your features in the making.

Best regards

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Still no solution with 10.6.9

They only added dictionary. There is no second language options. All my English notes marked with red line. This is the only reason that I don't renew my premium subscription.

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I was going to buy premium but no way. i often take notes in english and french, whatever comes to my mind at that moment or whatever the language of the source i'm talking about is in. I don't want to have to change my computer settings each time. for as many international and bilingual people there are in the world, it's rather sad that evernote can't figure out a way to make this seamless. is there zero language diversity among your team?

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On 2/6/2021 at 12:32 PM, Bolt said:

I was going to buy premium but no way. i often take notes in english and french, whatever comes to my mind at that moment or whatever the language of the source i'm talking about is in. I don't want to have to change my computer settings each time. for as many international and bilingual people there are in the world, it's rather sad that evernote can't figure out a way to make this seamless. is there zero language diversity among your team?

Hi. Update to the latest version. There's now an option to disable spell-check. Additional languages are planned and development continues...

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On 2/8/2021 at 11:26 PM, gazumped said:

Hi. Update to the latest version. There's now an option to disable spell-check. Additional languages are planned and development continues...

Where can I find the option to disable spell-check? I'm using the latest version (10.8.4) but I can't find it anywhere... I really need it 

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36 minutes ago, Kry said:

Where can I find the option to disable spell-check? I'm using the latest version (10.8.4) but I can't find it anywhere... I really need it 

You find this under Tools > Preferences > uncheck "check spelling while typing"

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Having the same problem !!! I write basically on a daily basis in three languages (French+Spanish+English) !!! When is it coming this feature ?? Should I cancel my premium subscription and try another tool?



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Since I found this issue I went back to Legacy version (where I was used to spell check in three different languages).

Today I woke up to find that my Legacy is only spell checking in English. WHY!? Why is so hard!?


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Same for Me, started  using EVERNOTE LONG time on MAC.

Now installed on PC, I find rather useless having note storing app not caring about languages!

Please fix this straight away, thanks!

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Obviously Evernote has its own priorities,  which it does not (usually) share.  Until this is available,  the options are Legacy (if that works for you) or - maybe - use a word processor that will do the spell check and copy/ paste the completed work into a note - or just attach the WP file. 

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If you really need it, use a word processor. If not,do you really (!) need it ?

Personally I doubt EN will open the app to accommodate this - producing a new layer of complexity with 3rd party dictionaries, algorithms and user extensions instead of simply applying what the OS does anyhow.

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Evernote in the past had this feature, and now it is gone. Please bring it back. There are many multi-lingual note takers around, and I enjoyed Evernote being aware of this (at least in the past EN did...)

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On 8/13/2021 at 5:50 PM, PinkElephant said:

If you really need it, use a word processor. If not,do you really (!) need it ?

Personally I doubt EN will open the app to accommodate this - producing a new layer of complexity with 3rd party dictionaries, algorithms and user extensions instead of simply applying what the OS does anyhow.

Nobody really (!) needs Evernote. Also, there's Evernote Web where multi-language support is afforded by any modern browser. Does it offer the same comfort as the Desktop version? No, but isn't comfort defined as something one doesn't really need?

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Currently no multilingual option. Either switching off (see above) or prepare for a pretty extensive training.

Would like myself to get that option to set several languages and import the matching dictionaries. It would do if EN uses what is already available in the OS.

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I am Welsh.  My first language is Welsh.  I use Welsh and English daily.  This is not a problem with Microsoft and Chrome based apps.  I am considering leaving Evernote as the inability to change language from note to note is infuriating.

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There is luckily no need to learn Welsh to make the same experience - I really admire people who engage in keeping such a heritage alive. Every other language combination will do, unfortunately.

No solution currently but to switch spellchecking off altogether - to motivate EN, use the feedback function build into the clients, or issue a support ticket.

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I posted this a year ago and there is still no improvement. Actually really sad, because it is not something Evernote didn't had. They just removed it with the new update and I still don't understand why.

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Whilst Evernote lacks a multi-language spellcheck feature, it should (as I understand it) follow the language settings on the device.  If you need to spell check in more than the device base language, the work-around is the same as for any specialised layout feature - just use an external word-processor set to the additional language and save the working file as an attachment to a note.

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23 hours ago, Damla said:

I posted this a year ago and there is still no improvement. Actually really sad, because it is not something Evernote didn't had. They just removed it with the new update and I still don't understand why.

?? Evernote has never (AFAIK) had a multi-language spell check.

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13 minutes ago, Damla said:

It did. Version was the last one before they made the big update.

Exactly, on windows you could choose how many languages you want and need for simultaneously checking in editor. I had this activated, too. After one year of EN 10 out,  I have little hope they will ever address this with EN10+.

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6 hours ago, Alxa said:

Exactly, on windows you could choose how many languages you want and need for simultaneously checking in editor. I had this activated, too. After one year of EN 10 out,  I have little hope they will ever address this with EN10+.

OK - I sit corrected;  never had the need for multi-language checking,  so wasn't aware it was a thing.  If you're missing the facility though I'd recommend submitting a support ticket to make sure Evernote is aware of the need.  Given everything they've done to the app over the last 12 months,  and what still remains to be done,  this may not be planned anytime soon,  if at all.  At 40-odd votes so far it's not one of the most pressing feature requests outstanding,  and most of the much bigger ones haven't been addressed yet...

Of course there is always my suggestion above - use any word processor that has the feature you need,  and add the file to your note as an attachment....

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On 12/1/2021 at 12:01 AM, gazumped said:

  At 40-odd votes so far it's not one of the most pressing feature requests outstanding,  and most of the much bigger ones haven't been addressed yet...

I'm not one of those "That's the last straw, I'm leaving Evernote" type of people, but I will say that I get kinda sad when I think about what the app used to be able to do a year and a half ago. This is one of those features that really matter to me, and it's a real pity that I likely will never see it again.

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On 1/24/2022 at 10:19 AM, EBergman said:

I'm not one of those "That's the last straw, I'm leaving Evernote" type of people, but I will say that I get kinda sad when I think about what the app used to be able to do a year and a half ago. This is one of those features that really matter to me, and it's a real pity that I likely will never see it again.

Between this and the constant popups for updates, I am really getting annoyed by Evernote. When was the last time that they actually improved the apps? Probably more than a decade, if you ask me.
I am switching all my monthly subscriptions to annual to save money and make them easier to manage. At this point, I don't think I will switch Evernote to annual. I might just cancel it instead, if I can find a good alternative. Preferably something new from a new company, since big or old companies seem to just get worse.

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Each single update has bugfixes. Every two or three features are added. You pay the devs with a subscription, and they work for us by improving the software.

Much better getting them when ready than collecting and waiting for larger releases. With legacy we often waited for months, just to get very little when the release finally showed up.

If you don’t like to get improvements, it is up to you to move elsewhere.

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AFAIK EN has no own spell checking resources. They use what is on the host machine.

I don’t expect this multilingual spell check to be implemented, because they would probably need to install their own (purchased somewhere) spell checker instead. 

Sure anybody can ask for it - but it is IMHO not likely to show up.

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6 hours ago, Columbo said:

Hear hear! need multi language spell check now!

Then you're in the wrong software.  There are many work-arounds including working in a word processor which has this feature and attaching the WP files to a note,  but with 65 votes this will not be a feature that Evernote will prioritize.  Other feature requests with hundreds of votes have still not been implemented,  and this one does not seem important to many users...

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From what I read I think there is a deep misunderstanding of spell checking in EN. It usually reads „add the ability to check more than one language ….“.

The misunderstanding is that this implies that EN does check on one language already. This is WRONG. EN is currently not checking on ANY language at all. Zero. Nada. Because there is NO spell checker build into EN at all.

You only have a switch in the app settings (desktop) that allows to „enable spell check“ or to disable it.

When you enable it, EN will in the background call the spell checker of the OS on which you are working, and will allow it to spell check. That is all.

There can be no second language enabled, because there is no build in module for the checking or any app specific first language dictionary. Everything happens on the OS only.

The likelihood of EN 1) adding it’s own (licensed from 3rd party) spell checker to the app and 2) enable this spell checker for a multi-language ability is from my experience close to zero. You can ask for anything, but I doubt it will be done.

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13 hours ago, gazumped said:

Then you're in the wrong software.  There are many work-arounds including working in a word processor which has this feature and attaching the WP files to a note,  but with 65 votes this will not be a feature that Evernote will prioritize.  Other feature requests with hundreds of votes have still not been implemented,  and this one does not seem important to many users...

Obviously, cant say I'm enjoying Evernote particularly much these days, new codebase version is a clusterfuck.

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12 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

The likelihood of EN 1) adding it’s own (licensed from 3rd party) spell checker to the app and 2) enable this spell checker for a multi-language ability is from my experience close to zero. You can ask for anything, but I doubt it will be done.

Unfortunately you are probably right. As sad it is, to me it reflects the ignorance of all multi-language users around the world, customers that used EN for classes, multi-language projects, and so on. EN legacy has multi-language support (only know for windows) and a lot of international FOS projects implement it as well. For all multi-languaged users of EN this is strongly disappointing and a step back in a connecting world.

Well, like CEO describes the big picture: EN -> accomplish anything <- well, here we are Small.

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25 minutes ago, Columbo said:

new codebase version is a clusterfuck.

I 'hid out' with my old pre-Legacy public issue 6.25.1 for about a year - had no choice to upgrade on my old Samsung Android phone and tablet;  then I got a new desktop and Win 11 and added Evernote 10 to both Linux and Windows devices.  EN10 seems fine to me for daily driving - there are tasks I still revert to Legacy for (especially ongoing backups of my notes),  but normal activities seem fine now,  and things are still getting better.

If you're hitting particular roadblocks,  it would be good to feed those back to Support because they can't think of everything,  and maybe tweaking some other part of Evernote's feature set would benefit us all.  I know some people are far too busy to 'get involved' with Support in that way,  but until Support runs ESP 2.0 they can't intuitively know what everyone wants,  unless we tell them.  Hence this forum.

7 minutes ago, Alxa said:

it reflects the ignorance of all multi-language users around the world, customers that used EN for classes, multi-language projects, and so on. EN legacy has multi-language support (only know for windows) and a lot of international FOS projects implement it as well. 

You seem to be dialled into statistics to which the rest of us don't have access - care to share your sources?  If they can be verified I'm sure Evernote would be interested: but while it's all too easy to say "90% of users demand this" the sad little total at the top of the page suggests otherwise...

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