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About PietroA

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  1. Hi, same with me, writing business letters in several languages... I just add this so this thread gets longer and perhaps gets more priority with the developers... Pietro
  2. Hi Camila, to me, your copy/paste text about understanding our feelings does the contrary of what you might intend, because the alt+s issue is not simply a bug, it is preventing us from using the software at all because we cannot use our *keyboards* any more for any Windows application. We cannot write in our language any more also in all other softwares that are installed on our PC, not just Evernote. Instead of copy/paste a kind and understanding message to us, please raise some level of alarm to the programming team. Regards, Pietro
  3. I find it a pity that they don’t understand Windows better, but I’m glad that Evernote changed. I think they do a very good job in modernising their software, and I don’t expect that they can incorporate every single old feature in that process at once. For a good story, see: https://www.engadget.com/evernote-cross-platform-note-taking-app-redesign-interview-130026972.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZWNvc2lhLm9yZy8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAJmK7KNwtC2R5GOuyQM-6-TAOF7kVpOFm6Hi3Ek-I8zwQuV8GtRD72zbHo2UBOOFPWeJV5_pt2O_qP6eGjGOZ7EoE2ZPZ2h1_B5XH9FmqOWG5tfLHaWYjB7zGqEdnh2O0t5LsheDjyxAHMMveT78YawxQTonDirIl4pdSFduarnS I keep working with the web version until the issue with alt+s is solved in the desktop version.
  4. I got a suggestion to you users: press the ‘Send feedback’ in the menu and beg them there to switch off alt + s on the Windows desktop app. The developers obviously do not see us here in the discussion forum. If many of us do so, they may notice.
  5. Evernote programers, please switch off alt+s on Windows desktop, it is so easy to do. Only few people will miss it, but all people writing Slavonic languages or using the US international keyboard can start using the desktop app again. Please...
  6. When I export, say, a web page to Evernote on my iPhone and I need to choose a different notebook than proposed, the arrow I need to press to go back to the saving page is too small (indicated here in red): I often need to press about three times to hit it. What about making this active area, indicated in red, much wider? This would be handy...
  7. Hi, right_Alt+s is not only a problem for Slavonic languages, it is also a problem for the US_international keyboard: I and many (bi- and multilingual) users use this keyboard becasue one can write in many different languages without switching the keyboard, e.g. to write à, ü, ç and... the German ß, which is right_Alt+s. I cannot use the windows version of Evernote anymore because I also need to write letters in German and there are so many ß... SOLUTION until the Evernote team solves the issue: I simply use the web version. A suggestion to the evernote team: I can understand that you like to keep options to a minimum to have an easy & lean GUI. I think you are doing very well with his and I am a very happy user of Evernote. However, I find that your "Options" tab is too small. It is respectful practice for Windows programmers to give users the freedom in 'Options' to change the shortcuts, becasue shortcuts can interfere with other programs. Please respect this, too, this is very basic.
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