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Everything posted by eric99

  1. I have the same problem, the number of files at the top is probably ok (10840), but the actual files list only shows about 50, I can't scroll further through the other 10800 files
  2. yes, it allows you to scan directly into an import folder if you want, although I don't use that myself (I add a meaningful title first and save it to the default folder, an evernote import folder). It is a very powerful tool with OCR, PDF encryption, PDF manipulations...)
  3. Can you multiselect files and drag these to your desktop?
  4. The table of contents links don't work in the exported html edit: They don't work in the exported pdf either
  5. If I remember correctly, EN told us that syntax highlighting will be supported in code blocks, maybe it's flexible enough for your use case?
  6. For those with technical curiosity, this provides the best explanation of what GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformers) is all about (by 3blue1Brown): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjZofJX0v4M edit: for the linguists among us, the most interesting part starts at 14:53
  7. hmm, even reading encrypted text changes the update time 🙄
  8. Unpatchable vulnerability discovered in Apple M1, M2 and M3 chips ! https://arstechnica.com/security/2024/03/hackers-can-extract-secret-encryption-keys-from-apples-mac-chips/ 😵‍💫
  9. Unfortunately, many developers these days perceive agile as a way to rush development without proper planning or testing, leading to buggy software.
  10. No, I don't see this on my windows client, I consistently receive the entire list regardless of the cursor position in the note
  11. No, I don't get that popup message on my windows client. What client and what version do you run?
  12. On my Windows client, I conducted a test with a note containing 198,000 words (1,160,364 characters). Anywhere in the text, scrolling was very responsive, comparable to that of a shorter note. However, it’s important to mention that initial loading such an extensive note took 16 seconds. edit: tested on a 8 year old pc upgraded to 16 GB ram and 1TB SSD
  13. Yes, I already sent it to that channel too.
  14. @Federico Simionato In the dark theme, the notebookname and title at the very top of the screen are almost unreadable now due to extremely low contrast. It appears that font color improvements made in the light theme are badly impacting the color in the dark theme. I hope the dark theme is not automatically derived from the light one...
  15. Maybe you emptied it yourself to get below the 50 notes treshold ? You can try to recover from your ENEX or html backups
  16. I can't reproduce this, I still have 15 notes in the latest windows version 10.76.2 ... Maybe your zoomlevel has been changed?
  17. yes, especially if the previous scheme was proven and well accepted by the community!
  18. "... Evernote's updated user interface includes a beautiful and simplified design, enhanced readability, and a rejuvenated visual identity with a modern color palette and vibrant patterns..." ??? https://evernote.com/blog/new-ui-2024
  19. I agree about the dark theme. When I use Evernote for extended periods of time, I find myself adjusting my monitor's contrast settings due to the pure black background. The side notes list also has a problem: the selected note is difficult to distinguish due to the extremely low contrast and also because there is no selection border. Additionally, the note list font looks blurry, which could be an anti-aliasing problem. Strangely enough, the note list font size has also been reduced, despite being one line of text in the table row. Although we can criticize the previous Evernote developers on several aspects, their GUI design was very ergonomic. It remains a mystery to me why current developers replaced the existing proven themes instead of simply adding two new ones (for whatever obscure marketing reason).
  20. For some users it's not about 'looking nice', it's about being able to use it or not
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