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Everything posted by eric99

  1. here is an example of a possible "folder" tree. Please note that you can reuse the same subfolder name in the different subtrees. The tree is nicely visualized due to the alphabetical order. All you have to do is click the required folder and you switch to the proper context. If you create a new note, all tags of this context will be assigned to this new note :-)
  2. I just noticed that this works for saved searches as well. This may help people who like a folder hierarchy: you can save as many combined tag searches as you like and with one click you can switch to a specific "sub directory" where you can create notes all with the same tags as specified by the saved search!
  3. I just discovered a related evernote option that assigns all selected tags to a new note:
  4. You're right, the sort order might be culture dependent, below an explanation how it is done in C# for example: The sort order of strings depends on the culture you use. StringComparer.CurrentCulture sorts the following 1-character strings as follows on my machine: ' - ! " # $ % & ( ) * , . / : ; ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~ + < = > 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a A b B c C d D e E f F g G h H i I j J k K l L m M n N o O p P q Q r R s S t T u U v V w W x X y Y z Z StringComparer.Ordinal sorts the same strings as follows: ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~
  5. Well, if you can create an entirely new PDF file in these two apps, it's probably quit similar, but these are for Apple devices. I was looking for Android apps and finally found XODO which offers me zero-knowledge-encryption in a standard format. An encrypted pdf attachment in a note allows me to add extra unencrypted text / tags which is impossible if the notebook would be completely encrypted.
  6. Since I just discovered it, I use it only to create encrypted notes from scratch for evernote. Since their editor is so powerfull, I don't need the evernote editor for complex notes. I'm just saying that XODO may evolve to a serious competitor, but today, it already solves my most important issue: text and image compression into a standard format that will still be readable in a 100 years ;-) (without evernote). If you would like to use it as an evernote replacement, you may use regular folder organization in the native file system. I read that they have some search functionality inside the documents, but I don't think that it can replace all evernote features right now. edit: I think https://www.exportnote.com/ organizes the imported evernote notes in folders as well
  7. I Finally found XODO, a very nice editor for Android or IPhone, even better than the OneNote editor, AND completely platform neutral and portable because it saves to (encrypted) PDF! This way it offers zero knowledge encryption if required. Today I use it to create encrypted pdf notes for evernote, however this tool has much more potential since it can already sync nicely with dropbox, supports online collaboration and much more. XODO, in combination with dropbox, may become a real Evernote competitor if evernote refuses to provide better encryption! http://www.xodo.com/ "... With Xodo, you can edit, annotate, sign, and share PDFs on desktop, mobile, and web. Xodo makes working with PDFs quick and easy, so you can get things done. ..." Edit: There is a Web version as well, but I have the impression that the Android App is more mature: for instance on Android you can create a note / document from scratch which is important if used as a replacement for the Evernote editor. I just realized that you can easily import all your Evernote notes to XODO using https://www.exportnote.com/ and from then on, your notes are portable and zero-knowledge-encrypted if you like :-)
  8. Thanks, what I'm really looking for is not a convertor from "evernote notes" to PDF, but another editor app in which I can fully create a new note, similar to the evernote editor. The encrypted pdf output can then be shared via email to evernote as an attachment.
  9. How do you quickly create an encrypted pdf note on a mobile device? More specific, do you have a pdf editor app that can create a new note from scratch, add text and images and store it in an encrypted pdf that can be sent to evernote ?
  10. ExportNote exports any type of attachments, including PNG, JPEG, BMP, PDF, DOC, XLS, ZIP, WAV, MP3. If you can store it in Evernote, ExportNote can export it !
  11. That's good news that you have an open source app, thanks for that. I'm still wondering what happens with my encrypted notes when exporting a notebook to HTML format? If it stays encrypted, how can I decrypt it in my browser?
  12. Not only cumbersome, but evernote printing is extremely buggy as well :-/
  13. Item 1 is solved if you store it as an attachment instead of plain text ( I prefer the view-as-attachment as well) For item 2, AES-256 is just the mathematical compression algorithm, there is much more involved when compressing a complex note with different attachments, and as far as I know, this is not documented and/or standardized. So, I would prefer not just any third-party format but a strong (defacto) standard file format. I want to be able to read it, without the need to write my own decompression program, in case something would happen with SafeRoom. Normally, these encrypted files are always accessed via SafeRoom, but it is extremely important to know that my data is accessable without SafeRoom and portable if needed. IMO, SafeRoom's success heavily depends on this feature...
  14. Excuse me, imo this isn't a new topic or highjack ; it is a suggestion to make Saferoom more attractive and robust. I really like Saferoom's full feature-set, except for the embedded encryption which has some blocking problems (at least for me) : accidental change of only a single character leads to complete note loss proprietary encryption format lock-in In order to solve these problems, Saferoom could adopt a standard encryption file format such as 7-zip or pdf, and leave the smooth Saferoom workflow exactly as it is. Btw: can you convert any (rich) note to pdf from within EvernoteForWindows ?
  15. Is there an option to encrypt the whole note in a standard encrypted pdf file format? I don't want lock-in by a proprietary encryption format.
  16. Clarification: although encrypted search technology already exists, you can not search inside an encrypted pdf file
  17. I just discovered a great free open source scanner PDF tool: NAPS2 https://www.naps2.com/ "...Scan with a single click. Easily scan with your chosen settings, or set up multiple profiles for different devices and configurations. Once you've finished scanning, you can save, email, or print with only a couple clicks. Save to PDF, TIFF, JPEG, PNG, or other file types ..." You can scan your documents and then save them as a searchable encrypted pdf file. You can also import already scanned documents and save or merge them back into pdf. This is a perfect fit in my evernote workflow!
  18. Today, evernote just saved me €99 : my dad's new phone is defect, and he lost his purchase receipt. Fortunately, I've put it in my Evernote, as I do for all my purchases as well. So, they went to the shop with the receipt printout and they agree to repair it or replace it for free :-) This way, I already saved a lot of money (LED lamps, clothing, shoes ...) . Evernote really pays itself back...
  19. I'm a premium user for 4 years now, but my monthly usage is only 1% of my capacity. Since I'm no power user, I consider to switch to the plus version, which is much closer to my profile...
  20. I just heard from my son that the new premium price is the same as his PS4 account :-;
  21. I live in Belgium and have still a premium price of €40
  22. +1 for me on this as well. In fact, in the Android version you do have to go into edit mode to edit your notes. I like this because I don't want to be thumbing through my notes and accidentally editing notes. The desktop version needs this because I too, like so many apparently, do accidentally delete attachments or notes. I don't like the idea at all that if I have any note selected and accidentally brush up against the delete button on my keyboard - BAM! There goes that note and if I don't notice it before I empty my trash, it's too late. It's the same with attachments. If you have an attached document and the cursor is located right after the document, if you accidentally brush up against the backspace key on your keyboard then your attachment has been deleted and it is not sitting in your trash at all! It's just gone. It's design choices like this that puzzle me about the Evernote design team and why they make certain design choices, to be honest. Just too easy to lose work in Evernote. Evernote NEEDS something like this. I fully agree: when double clicking an attachement, the cursor is always on the attachment, and to make it worse, the attachment icon gets selected as well (another bug, it may not be selected by just opening a file), so there is a very high risk that it may be deleted by accidently clicking the backspace or delete button ! Unfortunately, as far as I followed these discussions, I'm afraid that evernote will remove the edit button on all platforms, even on Android! I have the impression that evernote is not designed for serious work but more as some kind of toy or scratch block where data loss can be afforded...
  23. Instead of solving this problem, evernote just decided to aggraviate it by removing the edit button in the Android Beta ! I'm so disappointed that they still don't listen to their forum members... https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/90487-evernote-for-android-v75-beta/
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