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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. You can use the copy link feature This link opens in your account which is password protected Screenshot is from my Mac after right-clicking on a note in the note list panel There's also an option for a public link under the share menu No password required to access
  2. First off, stop spamming the forum - your activity has been reported to admin and your duplicate posts have been removed I'm not seeing sync problems with Evernote (Legacy or Version 10) If the Version 10 product is not working for you, you can use the Legacy product
  3. The keyboard shortcuts are documented at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313358-Keyboard-shortcuts-in-Evernote-for-Mac
  4. That's more of a support ticket item Please let ius know what they say
  5. DM means Direct Message If you click on Nick's image, you'll see his home page with an mail icon for sending a DM
  6. I moved your post to the request forum, and added my vote I opened notes without the time stamp being updated >>I keep my notes organized by the date they are updated I prefix the note title with the subject date For example: 2020-11-30 Journal [2020.335 Monday]
  7. Likewise; Top-List is my preferred view I moved your post to the requests forum and added my vote
  8. Caught me 🙂 Just a wild guess - I have no insider knowledge I just know that Legacy is ok for the immediate future, and will continue to function after Evernote turns off sync Also when/if Legacy sunsets, I'm prepared to move my data elsewhere. No panic, wailing, gnashing of teeth
  9. I use the Legacy product, and export feature with the HTML option I'm using a Mac; on Windows I think there's two options - individual note files or single combined file
  10. Best practice is instead of move , install the app on the new device As per @gazumped, the data will download when you log in edit; merged your posts and moved to the windows forum
  11. There is only one note The note can be viewed in a notebook > stack > All Notes Deleting the note means it's gone
  12. This script works tell application "Notes" set folderNames to name of folders of account "On My Mac" repeat with thisfolderName in folderNames set theNotes to notes of folder thisfolderName of account "On My Mac" tell account "On My Mac" tell folder thisfolderName repeat with j from 1 to (count theNotes) set theNote to note j set myTitle to get the name of note j set myText to get the body of note j set myCreateDate to the creation date of note j set myModDate to the modification date of note j tell application "Evernote" set myNote to create note with text myTitle title myTitle notebook "Imported --Notes" set the HTML content of myNote to myText set the creation date of myNote to myCreateDate set the modification date of myNote to myModDate -- BUG FIX end tell end repeat end tell end tell end repeat end tell
  13. I'm an Evernote Legacy user. Here's a sample Applescript tell application "Evernote" set fileBackup to "/Users/DTLow/Desktop/test" << replace with your filename set fileBackup to POSIX path of fileBackup set theNotes to get selection export theNotes to fileBackup format HTML end tell
  14. You might be happier with the Legacy product - download at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  15. I'm still running Evernote Legacy Waiting for scripting to be implemented in Version 10; it was promised for Macs
  16. You should definitely consider protecting your password Don't use your Evernote password at other services. The hackers probably picked it up at a less secure site I flagged your post for admin to forward to security
  17. I run a full backup weekly; about 70 minutes for 14k notes at 13GB I have it scripted to run automatically overnight
  18. V10.2 added a Filter Notes option but it's buried in the search results page It's not available until we run a search
  19. Evernote has an integrated note editor, with the notes maintained in enml/html format For word processing, I use a dedicated editor (Apple Pages); the documents are stored as note attachments For spreadsheets, I use Apple Numbers, again stored as note attachments My choice for markdown editor is Typora, again stored as note attachments
  20. Your switch from Legacy to Version 10 involved receiving updates. How"s that working out for you? Evernote Legacy is still very much "alive"; I'll hold off on the product burial for the immediate feature
  21. Why is this "simply a bad idea" I'm a long time Evernote Legacy user At it's core, Evernote is a generic note/document/file storage and organization tool I use the integrated editor is useful for basic notes, and dedicated tools for extended features (documents stored in Evernote as attachments) The Evernote editor is not a text editor, but text files can be stored as attachments I archive emails in Evernote from various services. Do you have a recommendation for a better tool?
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