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  1. It is the simple click approach. Let`s say I have the main Evernote properly setup in a snap layout, clicking on a link will make the main evernote to move out of the snap. Really weird behavior. Similarly, opening from an external application using an internal link will cause the main evernote to be kick-out of the snap. It works well when using Powertoy "Fancyzones", but the behavior is broken with the official Windows solution.
  2. Yes, I am using it in "parallel" to "Snap Layout". The outcome of "FancyZones" on W11 leads to extra "lost" in the rendering, i.e. the windows have a gap between them, with the top and with the bottom. For sure the "Snap Layout" technology is coming from "FanzyZones", but contains an improved implementation.
  3. One of the annoying thing with Evernote on Windows 11 is the poor support for the feature "Snap layout". For those who are not familiar with it, here is a description: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/apps/desktop/modernize/apply-snap-layout-menu The snap layouts feature is fully based on a feature that used to be available with Windows 10 PowerToy and it used to work well over there. Meanwhile, the problem I am facing when my Evernote is set to execute inside of a snap layout is when I either click on a note link (the other note will open, but will kick out Evernote completely from the snap layout), or when I access Evernote from an "Internal link`. You can obtain the "Internal link" of a note by doing an ALT+CTRL+L and then using the link available in the clipboard elsewhere. I use such an approach intensively with my TODO app (Remember the Milk) for instance. I am posting here in case some other users with Windows 11 have experienced the same problem and have encountered a way to resolve the situation.
  4. Wow Thanks to everyone who looked at this situation to help me determine the root cause. I`ll wait for a future release to address that, now that I know it is not a "user error".
  5. As an Evernote Personal subscriber, since yesterday I now have access to the feature of exporting notes/notebooks as PDFs. The feature is described here: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/4403616330387-Export-notes-as-a-PDF#options Meanwhile, the procedure to "Export a full notebook" is not available to me, i.e. the three dots button is not providing the option "export as PDF". Am I the only one experiencing the problem? Version: 10.76.2-win-ddl-public (20240214093250) Editor: v176.53.0 Service: v1.92.0 © 2019 - 2024 Evernote Corporation. All rights reserved Update:The problem is fixed in Version 10.77.3
  6. I agree and I did that immediately after observing the missing note content situation. Waiting for them to contact me on that, I haven`t touched the impacted note, just did a copy of it and I only use the copy for the time beign.
  7. I faced a similar situation this morning. Before that, I faced a problem where I realized that on a given note, I lost 2 days of changes. This is a kind of "Journal log" note where I put daily information into it and at some point, the note was back in the state it was on last Sunday (i.e. 2 days ago). Even the note history is back at its state of Sunday. It was while investigating this situation that I faced a similar issue as you. I needed to have all the notes ordered by the last change date to see what notes changed since last Sunday. I clicked on some of those notes, and they instantly received a new change date, making them appear at the top of my list. I faced the same behavior on notes that were updated several days ago. That being said, I am now working on a different computer. Although the note that lost 2 days of work is in the same state on that computer, the other notes that received a new update date just by clicking on them haven`t received the updated information on that second environment. So I have faced a similar situation as you, but what I have observed didn`t make it to the web, it was only occurring locally.
  8. Oh you are right. I saw a notification that a 10.63.3 update took place during the day but it turned out that it was only my web connection that received it, and for this reason my main Evernote environment, on windows, was still experiencing the situation. I forced the upgrade by downloading the most recent version and the "Go To" section is back now on both Windows/Web. Very happy that it didn't disappear for too long. Thanks for taking time to respond to my message.
  9. Since the introduction of the AI search, that I haven't yet tried, the search providing a subset of the results based on title content only (i.e. before we hit enter/search) is no longer working. This kind of search represented over 80% of my used case and was fast and precise for my needs. Now I need to scan a long list of results before finding the note I need, a negative user experience for me. I hope the former functionality will be provided once again soon.
  10. The exact same thing just happen to me with the new version of EV Windows (impact web and Android too) and Luckyli I still had the legacy version installed on one of my PC where I was able to remove the formatting. One big annoyance with the recent version that allow you to change your encrypted note content (which is a huge + ) is the fact that when you decrypt a note to visualize the encrypted content it will change the note update date, as if you have changed the note. This shouldn`t be the case. I have notes that I haven`t changed for years and that reassure me when I see the old date. Now they get changes every time I decrypt them. Thanks @PinkElephant/ @agsteele
  11. Right. Now it seems to be working as expected, clicking elsewhere actually close the window. But earlier I faced twice a situation where this will never close itself regardless of what I was trying to do. I had to restart twice evernote. One thing I remember, is that it occured after Evernote tried to show me the new features. Normally it will go from Steps to Steps, but in the case of this new version, it show me something about the new tasks feature and I think there was something like "5 dots", meaning 5 things to show, but clicking on Next would expand the "Help Center" only. I`ll check if I face the problem again. I was trying the new tasks feature when I faced the problem.
  12. I have the following appearing on top of Evernote 10.15..6 that prevent me to access my menu: I can't remove it. I am under the impression that the "What new" coming with 10.15.6 failed to complete itself as I was able to click Next on the first entry presenting the new task, but after that it didn't go to the second step. Anyone have a suggestion to get rip of this window?
  13. I faced this problem for the first time while attempting to copy an image directly from another application (I can`t remember if it was outlook or JIRA). My second attempt was successful, which was to perform a "screenshot" of the image and paste it in Evernote. Just sharing in case it could help some until this get resolved officially.
  14. I faced the problem again this morning, like almost every monday. I have 10.7.6 installed. The workaround is very easy for me, just restart evenote. I normally don`t get the problem during the week.
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