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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. It's not a bad idea if it meets your requirements However, I prefer to store/organize my files in a Digital File Cabinet service for integrated extended features Make sure you implement data backups; you're losing the Evernote protection
  2. With Evernote Legacy on my Mac, I use a script (Applescript) to assist with tag assignment First level is one or more !Type-******** tags This drives further tag assignment; for example !Tag-Receipt notes require ?Vendor-****, and !Budget-**** tags The script generates suggestion dropdown lists, using the database tag list
  3. Confirmed - the spreadsheet is stored (embedded) in the Evernote database as a note file attachment Editing with the native app requires a download from the database This is done automatically in Windows/Mac
  4. Actually enml format based on html (https://dev.evernote.com/doc/articles/enml.php) The local database in Evernote Legacy (Mac) actually presents a content.enml for every note I have trouble working with the .enex format because attachment files are embedded, (instead of separate files in native format)
  5. I'm more concerned with storage and organization for my notes/documents/files I like the concept of using a digital file cabinet As to "note taking", I agree there's no shortage of note editors available I've found Evernote's integrated editor to be the best at wysiwyg editing for html based notes (my preferred note format)
  6. That's my approach (new app) btw; enex file import not required for migration; both products use the same cloud database
  7. As a long time Evernote Legacy (old and good) user, I experienced that day more than a year ago (Actually Evernote Legacy is still functional, but it's clearly "shutting down") So, I made my decision as to where "to migrate to something else" It's up to you to evaluate the alternatives, and make a selection Evernote Version 10 is one of alternatives; possibly requiring the least "time and energy" for migration
  8. I think the best export "for posterity" is html format using the Legacy product html format is a close match to Evernote's native enml format Attachments are also included in the export; in their native format The notes are read-able by any browser app >I need to move my thousands of notes to some new application. .enex format is the de-facto standard for moving data to a new application >with notebook and tag info preserved Notebook information is not preserved unless there's separate exports for each notebook Tag information is preserved, but is imbedded in the data contents
  9. Can you add details about "that ugly Devonthink" I'm a satisfied user, primarily because of the scripting integration (Applescript) fwiw Devonthink is Apple platform only, has no cloud service; no web access. Our data is stored locally, on our devices
  10. When I forward a message, the forward header lines are stripped (to me, from me) but the original header lines are retained
  11. Evernote is a cloud service; your notes are stored in the cloud on Evernote servers Your notes are not "gone" With a web browser (any device); access Evernote at www.evernote.com using the correct userid/password
  12. I do a weekly export of all my notes I had it automated in Evernote Legacy with scripting (Applescript on my Mac) No automation in Evernote v10, and can only export by notebook My purpose is to backup my note data; incremental in native format .enex or database backups have limited use in restoring specific notes fwiw Evernote Note History gives access to Evernote's automatic incremental backup data
  13. I understand Devonthink for storage/organization How does Apple Notes fit in? For handwriting support, I use the Notability app; with the documents stored in Devonthink
  14. DTLow


    You might need a different identifier, for example _home My understanding is that special characters (except underscore) are excluded from the search indexing
  15. Search grammar is documented at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828-How-to-use-Evernote-s-advanced-search-syntax "date" is not a valid term created:20210101 returns all notes created on or after 20210101 you need to add -created:20220101 to exclude this year's entries My process is to include the year in the tagnames; example Tax2021, Tax2022
  16. What "note taking" problems are you having? imho Evernote's note editor is a solid feature that works well I'm actually more concerned with note storage and organization
  17. I use a daily note as a combination planner/journal/dashboard It's created each morning from a template, and I insert entries after reviewing my calendars and task list One section of the note is used for habits Example Habits Make Bed: x Shower: x Brush Teeth: xx Exercise Walk: xx Group: x I also use a spreadsheet for tracking; 2 pages long, 30 years wide It could include habits As to a repeating reminder; I use Apple Reminders on a Mac and iPad
  18. My vote is for a parent-child hierarchy (unlimited levels)
  19. Are you asking about text encryption in a note? I provided a link to the Evernote documentation
  20. I reflect hierarchy in the tag name For example !Budget, !Budget-Housing, !Budget-HousingRent
  21. Please post a screenshot of your Preferences menu Here's the screenshot from my Mac
  22. Confirmed, encryption is done by the external editor I edited my post to make that clear
  23. Evernote does not support note encryption There is only a feature for text encryption My solution to the list of passwords is to use an external editor - I use Apple Pages Edit: The external editor does it's own encryption and the document is saved in Evernote as a note file attachment
  24. I think it's unreasonable to expect Evernote to backup data "completely disconnected from the "Evernote infrastructure" Note that Evernote uses external server services (Google Cloud), and no longer maintain their own data centres I am confident the data is backed up Regardless, I still maintain personal backups in in a simple folder/file structure For an Evernote user, this would be export in html format >>I have 71 notebooks (1111 notes). I also use tags, but my prime organization method is through the hierarchy (sometimes I wish I had more levels). Tag methodology is Evernote's primary organization method I basically have single notebook, with tags as my primary organization method Hierarchy (unlimited levels) is supported with Tags
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