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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. For those who organize notes using notebooks, this is a hardship; they have to upset their organization, just to get offline access on mobile devices I support this request for tags specifying offline access Personally, I organize using tags My use of notebooks is to indicate; offline access / sharing / local (legacy)
  2. I maintain each record as separate notes The title is prefixed with the date (yyyy-mm-dd) and tagged as required
  3. My workflows are automated with integrated scripting (Applescript) on the Mac platform This feature was dropped with the v10 conversion An example is exporting receipt data to a spreadsheet for budget/expense reporting
  4. I don't think Legacy can be considered a viable product; it's sun has set 🙁 Loss of integrated scripting (Applescript) was my reason for converting from Evernote to Devonthink
  5. There's also export all notes in a notebook
  6. For me, the most important use is integrated scripting workflows via Applescript on the Mac platform
  7. Evernote Legacy was my Digital File Cabinet All my financial transactions were stored/organized as notes tagged as required. For budget/expense reporting, I export the data to a spreadsheet (Apple Numbers) YNAB is a great product, but I like the diy flexibility of a spreadsheet with integrated scripting (Applescript)
  8. I'm a tagger Historically, tags have been Evernotes primary organization tool with notebooks used to identify notes for sharing, offline, local (legacy), ... For me, the most important benefit is that multiple tags can be assigned to a note Notes are restricted to a single notebook assignment fwiw I don't use nested tags I reflect hierarchy in tag names for example: Budget Budget-Housing Budget-HousingRent Budget-HousingUtilites >I recent culled roughly 2,500 notes down to about 170 I have over 20,000 notes That number is well short of causing any issues, and "culling" is not a priority for me
  9. A final nail in the coffin 'E's not pinin'! 'E's passed on! This parrot is no more! He has ceased to be! 'E's expired and gone to meet 'is maker! 'E's a stiff! Bereft of life, 'e rests in peace! If you hadn't nailed 'im to the perch 'e'd be pushing up the daisies! 'Is metabolic processes are now 'istory! 'E's off the twig! 'E's kicked the bucket, 'e's shuffled off 'is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisible!! THIS IS AN EX-PARROT!! (Monty Python)
  10. I've always stored financial transaction data (income/expense) along side my other personal data I even use monthly transaction files from the bank to ensure every transaction is included >So the user setup the "Finantial Labels" following his finantial accounting labels I use tags; Budget-aaaaaaaa with something similar to your set of names >My difficulty is to sum-up after several months the amount of each expense class....hates very complicated applications such as spreadsheets I enjoy using spreadsheets for my budget/expense reports It gives me freedom from the restrictions imposed by dedicated financial apps Back when Evernote supported integrated scripting, I used an Applescript to export my financial data to a spreadsheet
  11. I'm a Mac user, using integrated scripting (Applescript) to automate my workflows Evernote's v10 product dropped support for Applescript, and is not acceptable for my use >I binned Legacy over a year ago Evernote's Legacy product still supports Applescript integration
  12. Where do you see that policy? I have this address for support https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action
  13. Applescript and Evernote Legacy Evernote Legacy can be installed along side Evernote v10
  14. Are you really paying 80BRL annually This is like 1/5 of what I was paying These are the prices I see currently; Canadian $, paid annually
  15. This is how I've always handled project/task management Also as a note, we're able to add tags (another user request) I assign a project-id tag to link tasks to a project >When I create a new task, Evernote should create a new note i do the reverse; first create the note then assign as a task
  16. Not sure if "vendor lock-in" is the correct term but we know data is lost on an export (notebook, note-id, reminders, tag hierarchy ...)
  17. I was a long time Evernote Legacy user There was no "wrenching it from my hand"; no "force on me" I continued using the Legacy product, and understand it's still functional today I did try out the "bright shiny" v10 product for no cost But decided it wasn't the tool I needed
  18. I don't have the details but Evernote Legacy API would be my guess (not available with the v10 product)
  19. Yes, note links are imported as well And more important, the links are converted to the new Devonthink notes
  20. "Note container" is my view of Evernote Legacy on my Mac where each note is represented by an OS folder holding . a note file (.enml format) . attachment files A small database (.sql) holds all the note metadata
  21. Evernote has not "abandoned users" Accounts are still supported; client software is still functional (Legacy and Version 10) >... 10 years worth of Evernote data locked into some odd XML format with no way out. The data formal is enml; basically html I had no problem exporting my data (using my Mac and the Legacy client software)
  22. The access and retrieval of specific data; text search also works For tasks, I used Evernote for simple goal/project/task management Identifying outstanding tasks and their due dates (GTD stuff) For receipts and financial transactions; budget and expense reporting >Also, I am wondering if your use of the word "classify" is synonymous with me using "qualify" Sure I think of qualify more as - be entitled to a particular benefit or privilege by fulfilling a necessary condition.
  23. I used Tags to classify notes I used Notebooks to identify notes as shared/offline/local (legacy) >And my GTD setup has Notes in one of three states - Action Pending, Action Completed, and Reference Material. I used the Reminder feature to identify tasks Reminders also have built-in due-date and completed status/date
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