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About Sylvio

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  1. I may be one of the few that don't really utilize Tasks. As I understand it: Tasks live inside of notes. Notes already have the ability to insert checkboxes. What does the Tasks module do that chekboxes in notes cannot do? That being said: I like this thread and hope to gain some insight on different possibilities. What I currently do is organize my tasks in a Calendar table and fill it in daily.
  2. This. It's probably one of my favorite little perks from Evernote because I often search for something and am surprised to discover that I have either written about it or clipped related articles from the web. Given that I have hundreds of notes, I will invariably forget that certain notes exist. There will come a time where I use Evernote as my little search engine over Google for many things.
  3. I wish you the best of luck finding a solution - really. I don't disagree that Evernote has added a lot of new functionality over the years. It may seem as though their primary focus was lost, but it's not. Companies must evolve to stay afloat, and unfortunately, that may come at the cost of users who abandon the product because it no longer suits their needs. That is fine. Some go, but more will always come. I personally enjoy the eye-candy and updates; and even if it's not as fast as I would like it to be, I still stick to EN because it works best for me, and still remains to be the most useful application for my workflow. Are there other products? Sure. Enjoy them. Evernote does not force its users to stay. Also, if it were run by Micro$oft, I would have faced data loss in the first 5 hours of them running it. 😜
  4. Thank you all for your input. For anyone who remains curious about habit tracking in Evernote, I've curated a pre-made template and tweaked it to suit daily task management. It is very simple, but it works for me. Thanks for the inspiration @Boot17. What I end up doing for daily reminders is every night I just set it up to remind me the next day, since I require myself to add what I have done to the calendar, aside from the pre-filled items.
  5. Thanks! Right, I know Google has plenty of results, but I was only really looking for Evernote-exclusive inspiration from its users. I'll look into those templates; I'm sure they're useful. I appreciate your reply. Habit-tracking apps are fine, but since I pay for Evernote I kind of wanted it to be inside of EN instead. Never really liked most apps of such sort.
  6. What are some useful ways to track daily habits using Evernote? Can I make a Task repeat daily at a specified time? (Recurring Tasks). Are there any useful note templates you've used that help you? I'd love some ideas. As for the Evernote subscription I'm under: Personal.
  7. I don't believe you can organize your notes in a random order. Only by date created, updated, and by title. Interesting idea, though.
  8. I believe it's only for one year. To find out for sure (if you already paid), you can go into your Account Settings > Billing. Next to Billing History, you'll see such text: "Next billing date on January 7, 2023 for 76.2" Obviously, for you, that number and date will be different. Hopefully that answers your question. My promotional price was only for one year (50% off Personal) but it wasn't a student discount. I would guess it would be the same for students.
  9. Hi Linda, I hope you've gotten your question resolved at this point. From my understanding, you probably will need to wait until March or upgrade for instant access; it's just how their policies for free accounts work; there is a limit for not only how many devices you can use - and unsync - for free.
  10. Il est peu probable que la version gratuite d'Evernote ait quelque chose à voir avec le problème que vous rencontrez. Il se peut que Netvibes ne déclenche pas correctement les requêtes. Je vous recommande de contacter l'équipe de support de Netvibes. Vous pouvez également essayer de contacter Evernote, mais je pense que le support est destiné aux membres payants. Tente ta chance? https://evernote.com/contact J'espère que cela va fonctionner. Désolé si ce n'est pas correct dans votre langue - j'ai utilisé Google Translate.
  11. Leider ist dies eine automatische Aktion im Editor – Sie können sie nicht deaktivieren. Eine einzelne Rücktaste entfernt das Aufzählungszeichen und kehrt zurück -
  12. This is not possible; you cannot bulk un-share items unless those items were a collection of notes shared via a Notebook. I'm afraid you'll have to manually un-share each item. You do pose an interesting scenario; a quick way to find all of your shares can be helpful. Should you want to request such feature that allows you to quickly un-share all items shared, go here.
  13. Hi, there. Welcome aboard, I hope you enjoy Evernote as much as I do. Evernote and its feature-set is extensive, so I don't think any one person can help you utilize all of it. To start, perhaps narrow down the kind of note-taker you are and what you hope to accomplish with the app. Perhaps that will help others help you.
  14. You can simply use Grammarly. It's a browser extension that helps with such issues. I hadn't realized that Evernote didn't have auto-correct, but in all fairness, it always seemed to be work for me even without Grammarly. Guess it's a Chromebook-specific thing.
  15. What @gazumped said is correct. Unfortunately, this happens. I do my best to avoid using the Android application and do serious edits via Evernote Web, which doesn't have this issue (in my experience). You're welcome to open a support ticket, but since they are aware of this issue, all we can do is hope for the best through each update.
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