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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Sounds like a good compromise to me. Please indicate your support for this request using the voting buttons in the top left corner of the discussion I added my vote, and the vote count is currently 1 btw Since we're using Macs, we can script our own process for deleting notes
  2. As your link indicates, MS Word has an outlining feature This works for me, since most of my complex documents are in Word format Evernote works well with Office documents as attachments to a note
  3. I think it makes sense to use the forum name to group posts in different classes And many times, a "help" post is simply that; not intended as feedback
  4. The web support page is for paid accounts and gives an option at the bottom to chat or submit a ticket. Non paying users can use twitter at Twitter @evernotehelps Reporting in the forums works. I'm moving your post to the Mac feedback forum. Also, you might want to post in the 6.11 discussion at
  5. Have you tried password control on your computer and iPad; both at the computer and Evernote levels Evernote on the iPad also offers Passcode security; I control this using my fingerprint
  6. Step 1: From the home screen, Click on All Notes to switch to the Notebook screen Step 2: Click on a notebook Step 3: Click on the tag icon
  7. This is a user discussion forum, and we're all users. Occasionally Evernote employees pop in, but they're clearly indicated
  8. You need to face the fact that you can't sort by tag. You need to find an alternative method to look at your data. For example: After retrieving your "Now" tasks, what refinement do you need to the search results
  9. On my Mac, Tags can be organized in a hierarchy, for example CPUC Project CPUC How To CPUC Filings CPUC Filings 1.01 CPUC Filings 2.01 I realize this isn't as visual as Stacks and Notebooks >>The only real thing I'd be missing would be the ability to make a new note by default with the tag I'm currently viewing. Unfortunately, there's no "default tag feature" Also, if you neglect to add a tag, you have "orphan notes" This doesn't happen with notebooks; there always has to be a notebook
  10. You are correct, Evernote could allow multiple notebooks for notes. It's do-able, but would be a major upgrade to the database and UI. User's can add their vote to this request. Voting buttons are in the top left corner of the discussion. The current vote is 2
  11. I don't know what this means. It can be called Tag or Notebook or Folder, it's all the same to me; just a way of organizing my data.
  12. There is a feedback forum for each platform; for example https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/224-windows-desktop-product-feedback/ You are posting in the Feature Request forum. I've moved the discussion to the General Discussions forum >>if you are a Basic subscriber, the only way to share your feedback is by posting in the Evernote Forums. You could also post in twitter at Twitter @evernotehelps >>Finding the so-called comparison chart was an annoying journey. This comparison chart might be clearer for you https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005157-Which-Evernote-product-is-right-for-me- or here
  13. You can set the background colour in tables This can be a simple one column table; I find it useful to have a second column on the right side; it makes better use of the emptywhitespace in a note
  14. If you log out, you need access to the internet servers to log in. My solution is to never log out
  15. Until the limit is lifted, I would store your files externally, and include a link in your note
  16. I'm an Apple Pencil user, but don't use the drawing tool in Evernote I tested this an can confirm there's something odd when doing a long press; holding the point on the screen With a short press, there's no problem with points or lines
  17. As others have pointed out; if you're using the default font, you only have to update your preferences If you are not using the default font, the exported xml code will show code like this <en-note><div><font style="font-size: 18px;" face="Arial">This note uses the Arial font</font></div></en-note> You can use the text editor to change this code to another font
  18. An exact phrase search would be "King Furniture" ; include the " More search details are here Evernote Search Grammar
  19. This is true; tag hierarchy has not been implemented in IOS And if Notebook hierarchy is implemented, likely the same; it will be a Win/Mac feature I think so too, from Day 1; although Evernote did implement Notebook Stacks If your workflow requires nested notebooks; you're looking at the wrong product
  20. The process is device specific - what device/platform do you use On my Mac, I can just right click where I want to insert a screenshot I also grab screenshots, saved to my desktop or Evernote Helper I can just drag them into a note
  21. My understanding is it's a method to control Spam; no restriction/censorship on valid user posts. The forum has been hit badly in the past As @csihilling said my approval process only applies to new members and is removed quickly
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