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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. My understanding is it's a method to control Spam; no restriction/censorship on valid user posts. The forum has been hit badly in the past As @csihilling said my approval process only applies to new members and is removed quickly
  2. How about Copy/Paste the contents to a new note
  3. Since we're working on Macs, you could script this with Applescript I used this to update the titles on 2000+ notes FindReplace.scpt tell application "Evernote" set theNotes to selection repeat with theNote in theNotes set theModdate to modification date of theNote set theTitle to title of theNote -- Replace " Bank - " with " " -- Prefix with "Banking " set theDelim to AppleScript's text item delimiters set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the " Bank - " set the item_list to every text item of theTitle set AppleScript's text item delimiters to " " set theTitle to "Banking " & item_list as string set title of theNote to theTitle set modification date of theNote to theModdate end repeat end tell
  4. Like this example for Insurance Documents Tag: Insurance vs Folder: House/Insurance + Boat/insurance + Car/Insurance Or is that Insurance/House .... (complex syntaxes?)
  5. Are you sure you want to use the Evernote note format for this material I'm thinking pdf format might be a better choice I use Pages as my editor, saved as a pdf I have better control of the word processing features, including Table of Contents (links)
  6. In Evernote, Tags and Notebooks are very different Tags can be organized into unlimited hierarchy. This isn't that important, but it might be a fix for a folder addiction The most important point is that multiple tags can be assigned to a note Notebooks are required to identify notes as Local/Synced, Shared, Offline
  7. It's actually two levels. Notebooks, and then a Stack of notebooks. That's what you're showing in your image I also find this sufficient. In fact, I have minimal notebooks and prefer to use Tags for organization
  8. ok - we can focus on the issue of the "save thisAttachment in thisFile" not working Also, this is overly complex, saving the entire set of attachments and then importing them The statement "set myAttachments to the attachments of thisNote" is sufficient When creating the Evernote Note, pass through the myAttachments list and work on each attachment individually
  9. I'm looking into this now It looks like the attachments are not being saved from Notes - the script just creates an empty file In Evernote, the empty file gets added as an attachment, hence "the box with question mark icon"
  10. I agree. I shouldn't have to go looking for these things. In IOS, "sync now" is located on the User screen
  11. I honestly don't see the Evernote editor as the tool for this. I need to type, hand write, draw etc. I use Notability on my iPad; when finished, I export as PDF to Evernote
  12. How about searching for tag:clip The "source" meta data is hidden, but I could look at it using Applescript, or DB Browser
  13. I'd agree with that. If the basic editor features are adequate, use the Evernote editor; otherwise switch to a dedicated app. Evernote works well with Office/iWork documents
  14. I'm a paying customer, and for me Evernote is a digital file product I use it to store and retrieve my documents I find the editor adequate for notes; for serious writing I use dedicated apps
  15. I have no problem with users submitting submitting featue requests. It's one of the purposes for these forums. I added my vote to this request I have a problem with users specifying the "core experience"; the users who demand that their feature MUST be implemented and then go on to state how simple it is to implement the feature
  16. Renaming tags is a completely different function, and supported in Evernote The tag is renamed using the tag page; the change is reflected in all notes
  17. What specific feature are you asking about? Native Evernote can set a reminder date via email, but has no option for time
  18. Not an Evernote feature. Personally, for any serious writing, I switch to a dedicated word processing app. I store the document as an attachment to a note - Evernote works well with Office/iWork files
  19. This has been requested as an "Archive" feature My solution is to apply a tag (!Archive) to notes I wish to exclude I then use -tag:!Archive in my searches
  20. I assume we'll get the same feature on Macs someday, but in the meantime I use a script (documented here)
  21. Not sure what the use case is - export is a tool for backup. We have no problem converting individual notes to PDF format (Mac platform)
  22. This request is more for notes than notebooks A workaround - move your notebook to a a stack named Archive I'd also prefix the notebook name with an "x" so it sorts to the bottom of the list
  23. To date, Evernote has not indicated any plans to implement find/replace on the Mac platform
  24. I learn best from existing scripts like the one posted above This reference might help https://www.macosxautomation.com/applescript/notes/index.html It describes scripting the Notes app, and the dictionaries in the script editor >>I just want to avoid exporting all notes, so trying to work out a way to do it with a selection or a folder. Still checking the Selection thing; I found this on Folder tell application "Notes" set myFolder to first folder whose name = "FolderA" set myNotes to notes of myFolder repeat with theNote in myNotes -- insert your code here end repeat end tell
  25. For me, the most important thing here is to retrieve my data. The solutions offered by Evernote work for me, and I'm happy I don't have to bother with "organization" when storing my data
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