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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Can you post a screenshot Is this an existing or new note?
  2. The discussion was actually on the two device limit Why do you think it's hilarious for a company providing a service and charging for it. It's common in my world; in fact I personally earn income by charging for my services
  3. My intent was to notify users of An alternative to Solution to not having white background for notes A feature request discussion for dark theme I apologize for giving the impression I considered your post off topic
  4. The new release gives you options now for background colour Request for Dark Theme is a different discussion
  5. There are services that integrate Evernote with iCloud An example is https://evernote.cronofy.com for Reminder <> Calendar You can also look at Zapier and IFTTT
  6. My opinion is that Evernote believes there are more important projects for the developers, however if you really believed that Why are you interested in this product?
  7. That's a good point; my scripting solutions are Mac only. Note: an iCloud benefit is, a calendar entry on the Mac gets reflected in IOS I am excited about Workflow. It doesn't have the scope of AppleScript, however now that its owned by Apple we may see more integration >>I am familiar with AppleScript. Part of the idea was for people who aren't so familiar. I recommend every user become familiar with Applescript if you have a Mac. It gives you access to a whole new level of functionality in many applications
  8. On my Mac, I make use of AppleScript to achieve this integration. For example, to set the reminder date, I use a script. In addition to setting the date, it also adds an entry to the Calendar. The code isn't complicated tell application "Calendar" to tell calendar "Home" make new event at ..... end tell end tell Applescript allows almost unlimited customization and integration. It can be used with the Calendar, Mail, Reminders, Excel, ...
  9. Can you explain your requirements? I'm using Apple iCloud. There are various mainstream alternatives: Google Drive, Dropbox etc Evernote itself is a form of online storage
  10. I'm sure they factored that into their decision making process; it may even have been considered a plus. These "casual users" could be considered an expense to be cut back on And one might point out the contradiction in "casual user" and requiring multiple simultaneous devices
  11. I see various requests for plain-text, but be aware that if you're using the Evernote editor, you're storing your text in an html format file I use a text editor (Textastic) and store text files as note attachments
  12. My understanding is that Evernote set up these forums to receive feature requests, and they take note of the posts Its not their practice to respond to each request, or to comment on future development plans. I've learned to carry on without receiving a stock response to submissions. >>and the votes are now up to 22 as of the writing of this post. I wonder what it takes to get Evernote to consider it seriously I'm confident Evernote considers each feature request seriously. I don't need to know why priority is given to certain development work. It's Evernote's business/product. I can accept a No, or Not at this time. I have the option of switching to a different product; it's my choice to use Evernote
  13. Not sure what your specific requirements are for an Email to Evernote interface Evernote has implemented a generic solution, but since we're using Macs my solution was to script this function My solution is documented here. There's also an earlier post with a similar solution
  14. There's no question that there are alternate ways of thinking; I accept that Evernote has chosen to implement nested tags (Win/Mac); can you accept that? If not, you should be looking at a different product I also use an iPad (IOS). We don't get any nesting on that platform. My solution is to prefix my tagnames so they are grouped.
  15. You've tacked on to a feature request discussion for sort options. I find data searches work the same on each platform and I use the same search shortcuts More info on the search grammar can be viewed here Evernote Search Grammar
  16. In the latest IOS version, we can do searches at the Notebook level. There's also a tag picker list, so we just click on Income and Credit You might think about a different tag naming structure; for example tag:Income_Credit and tag:Income_Rebate Also, have you noticed the 250 Notebook limit. You might want to use tag:Client_1
  17. There's a story that if Henry Ford asked customers what they wanted, they would have said faster horses
  18. Don't let the facts get in the way of your ranting
  19. It's a good idea, or someone else could take over How much do you think users would be willing to pay for such a service.
  20. The IOS tag search feature (tag picker) is actually an improvement over the Mac desktop IOS is still missing the tag hierarchy
  21. This is a product produced by another company. It no longer exists.
  22. There's other requests asking for this. My solution is to switch to title sequence and manipulate the title; for example a prefix of - ensures the note appears at the top of any list
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