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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. In Scannable, you can reload "Recents" and try re-sending to Evernote; there's also an email option I'm wondering if the 38 documents would exceed your account limits.
  2. There are two versions of the software App Store; Apple controls the updates Direct Download; User controls the updates. I see this on my direct download version and in Preferences
  3. And my work-around solution is: use a script to retrieve the saved search parameters from the database It's a step up from storing the search parameters in the note content An example is, I can add the name "GTD-Projects" to the note, and the script retrieves "tag:Type-Projects -tag:Archive"
  4. Back to link to saved searches; the search parameters are stored in the database, accessed by shortcut name. This qualifies as a shortcut link in a note if we can script the access part This is do-able using Applescript (Mac)
  5. There is no rename option in the Sidebar, that's understood; I know we can get past this The Rename Notebook option is in the Notebook Page; select View > Notebooks or double-click on the notebook icon in the sidebar I reported this and posted screenshots (on November 24)
  6. My opinion is; your data is secure with your account password. The tech people can not break into your account Adding another password (PIN) does not increase/decrease this security * You might want to make sure your device is secure, for example - disk encryption
  7. Evernote provides these forums for all users to report bugs and give feedback There is enhansed support available for paid accounts
  8. Evernote has seriously built an organization method based on Tags methodology Not sure about the "shape" of information but tags allow me to retrieve data when I need it Also, I can use an unlimited heirarchy to organize tags on my Mac
  9. I think @athena is referring to me. I prefer to reference user-id instead of the user-class assigned by Evernote based on # of posts I'm guessing the reason is that Evernote is assigning development resources where there is the most user interest. I see the vote count is up to 7 ("all these complaints") but I think there needs to be more interest to attract Evernote's attention. Voting buttons are at the top left corner of the discussion
  10. I do create a specific tag for each project, and yes, it leads to an increasing tag count My method of archiving tags is to prefix with an x. The tags are still on the list, but sort to the bottom. I have 30 active "Project -" tags and over 700 "xProject -" tags
  11. Evernote has two sections where you can pin notes; Reminders and Shortcuts For the other sections, I work with the existing sort features; title, create date, modification date I adjust these fields so the notes are always sorted to the top of the list
  12. I'm not an Alexa user but I saw this a while back
  13. If you're on a Mac, you should learn about the AppleScript utility. The scripting layer is built into the Evernote app I'm also checking out Workflow for iPads, but it's not as fully featured.
  14. I know of no services offering the full feature set of Evernote There are many apps available; what features are important to you? >>the very important content I was looking for was not backed anytime after I had written the info. Evernote's Note History backup runs frequently but I don't know the schedule I have personal backups; daily but I could switch the frequency
  15. Note that you can create Shortcuts to saved searches. It makes access a little easier. There are also feature request for links to Shortcut entries As a work-around, you could store the search parameters in your note and copy/paste them into the search box Using a script would make this easier
  16. I'm thinking that as well; Evernote's using a basic level of HTML (documentation at https://dev.evernote.com/doc/articles/enml.php) There is a "make plain text" command on my Mac which strips out the HTML I've found the only way to ensure a web site displays 100% is to copy as an image. I can store the .html file as an attachment for opening in a browser, or just use the url
  17. Since we're working on a Mac, the note has a content.enml file stored in the database folder I use a text editor to view/edit the file I use a script to open the folder containing this file, documented here If you make changes, make sure you update the note with a dummy change within Evernote (like adding a space). This registers the updated note for upload to the server
  18. Quoting from the dialog box Evernote must index all notes, which may take some time You can view the progress in the Activity Log
  19. It's do-able using scripting on the Mac platform, and database access on the Mac/Win platforms
  20. Selective sync is already an iPhone option Actually be default, note data is not stored on the mobile devices. We have to enable notebooks for Offline download If your notebook is not Offline enabled, the data will be dropped and retrieved from the internet when needed
  21. You might want to reconsider using Evernote as an archive tool. Large note sizes don't work that well, particularly on the mobile platforms.
  22. I see merging PDFs as a third party function, but I think there's better products than Preview for example Mac Automator has a combine pdf function or http://www.pdfmergermac.com/
  23. This would be my solution; perhaps tie the notes using a Tag Actually, if you do this, the table of contents note might not be required
  24. Maybe not standard for notes, but Table-of-Contents is a standard word processing feature My solution is to use Word/Pages with the document as a note attachment. This gives me access to many wp features, including ToC
  25. It gets worse when you try using mouse features on your tablet Evernote has a Common Editor project, but there's never going to be complete feature parity between platforms
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