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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Thank you for the details. It's quite clear as to your requirement. Evernote currently doesn't have a "synonym" feature, but I can see a work-around solution. The synonym relationship has to be stored somewhere. Evernote has a parent-child tag feature A separate list as per @gazump A method of applying the synonym tags Manual lookup, copy/paste as per @gazump Script; I can do this in Applescript on my Mac. It might be do-able with a keyboard scripting utility (AutoHotkey ...)
  2. This is a posted feature request, To indicate your support, use the voting buiitos at the top left corner of the discussion
  3. I suspect you're referring to the recent IOS release I agree with you, although the [][][] probably makes the Markdown people ? We need full table functionality, including adjusting column width
  4. No, I've found no generic cloud solution for an encrypted partition. It works so well at the device level, transparent and secure. Then I undo the security by uploading my data. Meanwhile, I'm committed to the Evernote service and my hope is that Evernote will implement this security. At the database level, not just the notebook level. Transparent encryption driven by my Evernote password. Until then, my solution is independent encryption of sensitive data
  5. You didn't indicate a platform/device. You're posting in the Evernote Business Public Beta - Spaces forum I'm able to add images, from my camera or library. The editor has limited editing features; I also use a dedicated photo editor app
  6. I don't see that menu on my iPad Also, I think you're annotating an image instead of pdf For pdf annotations, I use the annotation icon is at the top corner
  7. I'm not expecting much from the sketching tool, but I do see "pressure sensitive response" I use a dedicated drawing app (Procreate) for extended features
  8. Think about what happens if the Internet or Evernote goes dark. It could be just a temporary blip, or might last days You have no access to your notes I'm happy that Evernote stores the master version of my data on the servers; its safe and a good backup I also have full database copies on my Mac and iPad
  9. I think the best advice for note editing is to use the Win/Mac platforms; they have more feature than the other platforms I also get more features if I switch to a dedicated editor/format. I use Word/Pages and store the document as a note attachment
  10. Which is the point of @kmkonline's feature request post Please consider adding your support using the voting buttons in the upper left corner of the discussion
  11. Password for a note would be a new feature request. You should post it The purpose of my post was to suggest a solution for including SSN Number, Bank Acct # and diary in Evernote. You mentioned it was dangerous/impossible I also don't have the money to buy Office. I'm using Apple Pages, it came free with my Mac and iPad
  12. Agreed. Mac/Win handle attachments so well; IOS sucks so badly It's an Apple thing. It works better if I store the document in an iCloud folder and include a link in the note
  13. I didn't understand the original request, or your example. When I filter for "x", I only want to see "x" and nothing else Windows has a "child tag search" feature that might work for you
  14. You really should test this out yourself If you don't want to use your full data file, create a test account with a few notes
  15. Please provide more detail on the problem. I'm able to include links to external files, and it's the recommended solution for large or centrally stored files Are your software versions current?
  16. The client software has many features not included in the web version There are many features, for example import/export I would find it difficult to use only the web version The Windows version does not support Selective sync, but there is a demand sync feature that will reduce the disk space use
  17. You can implement background colour by incasing your text in a table It could be a one row and column table, but I find multiple columns useful
  18. You are correct - no password protection for notes, only text within a note We can use - Evernote's text encryption feature for items like SSN- number, bank account - an encrypted word document for a diary I prefer encrypted attachments. I'm not a fan of being locked in by Evernote's text encryption Warning: Encrypted text is not included in search indexing
  19. No, Evernote editor does not support syntax highlighting or markdown Yes, Evernote has a code block feature The images are from my Mac, direct download
  20. Evernote can handle file attachments of any format But, Macs only have inline view for JPG and PNG TIFF files shows as
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