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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Where is the file stored? Macs have a "home" folder concept for each user. A user would not have permission to open files in the home folder of another user You can mess around with setting permissions, but better to use a shared folder The image shows uses info in finder to show permissions
  2. Evernote has a text encryption feature, AES 128 Personally, I encrypt my sensitive data independent of Evernote. I use encrypted attachments; pdfs, office/iwork documents, ... >>TOP PRIORITY - 2: Advanced rich-text editing features. I find the Evernote editor adequate for basic notes For serious work, I use dedicated editor apps; Word/Pages for word processing, Excel for spreadsheets, Notability on my iPad, coffeemaker ...
  3. There are many requests posted in the forums. From your point of view, where should Evernote focus their limited resources What would be your number one priority.
  4. Every time I reach for the mouse on my iPad I also miss the keyboard shortcuts; partially solved with an external keyboard
  5. I'm actually not looking for "improvements of substance". I need Evernote to continue processing my data. The hardware and OS software is constantly evolving, so I need Evernote to adjust their software to keep pace. Since this is a cloud based service, I need Evernote to provide the server side functions. Previously this was Evernote data centers; switched to a service provider in 2016 Evernote is no longer venture funded. Not an "improvement of substance", but it's the reality of continuing to process our data >>I belatedly found Dave544's post starting December 15, 2016, entitled: "It was a good five years"... which specifically discusses EN's Secuity Policy and User privacy compromises. Yes, that was quite the tempest in a teapot; a "chicken little" scene. *** Spoiler Alert *** The sky didn't fall The panic seems to have subsided, although I'm not seeing any security changes edit: The default was changed to opt out for the Machine Learning Project
  6. I agree that some users want this feature - the current vote count is For me, the bottom line is Evernote has not indicated an interest in implementing this feature
  7. You're welcome to indicate your support for this request using the voting buttons at the top left corner of the discussion The current vote count is Evernote has not indicated an interest in this feature. imho you'd should be looking at third party solutions I use scripting on Mac to integrate reminders with Apple Calendar
  8. You can indicate your support for this request using the voting buttons in the top corner >>I write for a living. I'm thinking "notes" is not the best editor/format for serious writing >>It's a core feature of any writing app I've ever used For me. word count is not too important in my notes, but I know I its available in word processing documents. I use Word/Pages, and store the documents as attachments to the note
  9. Correct, this function is not supported in Evernote; which is the reason for this feature request You can indicate your support using the voting buttons in the upper left corner of the discussion My notes tend to be brief but I was able to implement "anchors" in a word processing document attachment to a note
  10. I have success with "Print to PDF" formatting the note as pages
  11. Personal accounts have a limit of 250 notebooks; 10,000 notebooks for a business https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005297-The-difference-between-business-notebooks-and-personal-notebooks
  12. Whatever works for you is fine My preference is to stick with the Evernote service and archive my notes using the solutions presented in this discussion. I'm not prepared to give up the features of this service
  13. Selective sync is a feature on the mobile platforms (IOS/Android) How-to-set-up-offline-notebooks-on-mobile-devices For the Win platform, there is a Demand Sync option The web platform is internet access; there is no downloaded data On my iPad, the default is "Do not download notes" I can select "all" or specific notebooks to download
  14. Evernote is a cloud service; data is retrieved from the servers via the internet What issues were you having. I'm counting on going to at least 40k
  15. I'm not sure myself about storing files locally on an iPad I know Dropbox has a "star" feature. Using the IOS Files app, I can copy files to the "on my iPad" section
  16. I've never felt constrained to the Evernote editor. I use the best editor for the job The Evernote editor is adequate for basic notes. I use Word/Pages for word processing, Excel/Numbers for spreadsheets, Notability on my iPad, ...I store the documents as file attachments to notes
  17. I would use a cloud drive for transferring files. My solution is iCloud on Apple; theres also Gdrive and Dropbox. Depending on the devices, a flash drive could be used
  18. Yes, linking to files/folders is possible; and recommended for larger files The first step is to copy the pathname for the file In Finder, rignt click on the file/folder Hold down the option key Click on copy pathname In the note, select the text for the link, Right-Click Select Link > Add Paste the copied pathname Prefix with file:// Click OK
  19. An option is to adjust the dates or prefix the titles so they automatically sort to the top
  20. Evernote doesn't give us release dates, but I keep an eye on the other platforms as an indication of what's coming
  21. Agreed. Mind-mapping is not applicable for a large percentage of my notes In the above examples (project - subprojects), I do include forms of TOC/mindmaping in my project notes
  22. Have you looked at the Demand Sync feature on the Windows platform; it reduces the disk space used on the device
  23. Yes, my Mac might choke at 300GB. We are fortunate with the Mac database that it's not centralized in one file; each note has its own folder I'm guessing you're storing some large file attachments. If you're interested in continuing with Evernote, you might think about storing these files externally and just including a file link in the notes
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