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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Don't agree with being superior, but I do make use of note links; my notes are heavily cross-referenced And the note links can be a method of simulating the text collapse requested in this discussion (think Table of Contents)
  2. The user vote count is Evernote has not indicated any interest in implementing "Link from inside a note to saved searches"
  3. You're really limited if you restrict yourself to the Evernote editor and format. I encourage all users to make use of the attachment feature.
  4. For outlines and other word processing features, I use MS Word, and add the document as an attachment to a note; Evernote works well with office/iwork documents
  5. The notebook grid view was dropped in the v6.12 Mac upgrade. I think it was dropped a while back in the Windows platform. afaik, the other platforms always had a simple notebook list view I recall the Mac notebook grid view showed a grid of notebooks, along with large icons of a generic notebook. The icons were not customizable, although that was requested in a different discussion I only have 6 notebooks but I actually prefer the list view To indicate your support for this request, please use the voting buttons in the top left corner of the discussion
  6. The Evernote Feature Requests forum is used for general cross-platform requests. This request is specific to the Mac, and is correctly posted in the Mac feedback forum You can indicate your support for the request using the voting buttons in the top left corner of the discussion
  7. I added my vote to this request (voting buttoms in the top left corner of the discussion) While I'm sure Evernote "take security seriously", there are limited development resources. The work must be prioritzed
  8. The support staff have confirmed it's a bug in the current Mac version, and that a fix will be delivered
  9. My comment on relevancy referred to the year, 2017, 2018 >>because you haven't printed anything in over 8 years That is incorrect. Just yesterday I picked up some photographs from the printshop I also print documents, not so much Evernote notes
  10. We're closer to year 2018; not really relevant I'm definitely used to seeing margin adjustment in word processing applications I don't consider Evernote to be a replacement for a dedicated Word Processing application
  11. My method of changing a notebook name is Access the Notebook Page Right-click the Notebook Select Rename Notebook Documentation at Organize-with-notebooks >>I mean, the Notebook Settings option is right there and greyed out for some reason! I'm not seeing that. Can you post a screenshot My Evernote version is 6.13.1 >>Over time, the Mac desktop version of Evernote has become more and more obtuse and dysfunctional. I'm not aware this rename process has changed over time. It's the method I use. It seems quite functionable to me; not sure why you see it as obtuse (annoyingly insensitive or slow to understand) There does seem to be a lack of functions in the sidebar notebook list I don't show the notebook list in the sidebar. I only have 6 notebooks, but I prefer a minimal desktop
  12. I don't have access to the priority list for the development work. My notes tend to be short, so an internal TOC is not my priority Users can indicate their support for a future request using the voting buttons in the top left corner of the discussion If I needed it, I'd make use of scripting and the search feature I also break my notes into sub-notes and make use of the note-linking feature
  13. Here's a screenshot from my ipad of a super wide table I created the note on my Mac I can scroll to the right to see the rest of table The margins aren't bad compared to your screenshot
  14. I've seen no indication that Evernote is interested in a format painter feature It's more common to see this feature in Word Processing apps
  15. You're switching the topic - it would be better to start a new discussion In the past, Evernote did make a commitment to these features; they purchased the Penultimate product. This was when Evernote was Venture Capital funded. These days, I don't believe there are the resources ($) to finance another product purchase; or support this development within Evernote GoodNotes is a good product; I also use Notability. I don't have a problem using these external products and storing the documents in Evernote
  16. The master copy of your data is stored on the Evernote server and can be accessed via the web platform (www.evernote.com) Are you having an issue with a specific device?
  17. Yes, it's easy to switch to a different version I can obtain the app version I need from my backups. The application can also be obtained from Evernote. Each release has a post with a link to the application; for example the v6.13 release post is linked below My installation process is Completely remove Evernote; app, database, ... The app AppCleaner is recommended for this Install the Evernote app and the database will be rebuilt from the servers. Warning: The rebuild does not include Local Notebooks or unsync'd notes
  18. Evernote does not charge for any of the software versions. >>I would have had they clearly communicated what the upgrade included. I agree; it should have been clearly stated
  19. Personally, I would just delay implementing the software upgrade; or downgrade to a previous version I'm not being forced to use this version
  20. How do design changes become "lack of respect" Does this also mean the other many design changes also "show lack of respect" Lack of notification? We had to ask about the missing option to find out it was a design change
  21. I need word processing features; I need spreadsheet features; I need calendar features; I need coffee My approach is to use the best tools for the job. for reference, Evernote is completely useless for making coffee. I "adapted" to a coffeemaker
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